
Acheron in Tensura

Rain poured down, mingling with the blood that soaked the ground. Death and loss surrounded a girl clutching a long katana. Her black hair framed two long red horns protruding from her head—she was an Oni, a rare evolution of the ogre species. She stared at the monster that had destroyed everything—her friends, her family, her home. It resembled a dragon but was something else entirely, its form shifting between liquid and solid blackness. Disclaimer: I do not own any anime or the characters in them.

Apandora · Anime und Comics
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23 Chs

18. Why do we cook bacon and bake cookies?

The palace gardens, usually a haven of peace, were a whirlwind of laughter and chaos today. Milim, her energy boundless and infectious, raced around, playfully terrorizing the guards who chased her with bemused expressions. Despite their best efforts to keep up, they couldn't help but smile at her antics.

From a distance, Luminous observed, her brow furrowed with suspicion. Milim seemed too happy, almost unnaturally so, considering the recent turmoil they had all faced. Something wasn't right, and Luminous knew she had to address it, but she decided to wait until Milim had tired herself out.

Eventually, Milim, having exhausted her interest in the games, skipped over to Luminous, her face glowing with joy. "Hey, Auntie Luminous! Hey, Auntie Acheron!"

Luminous turned, surprised to see Acheron standing behind her. "How did you get here?" she asked, a mix of curiosity and confusion in her voice.

Acheron merely pointed at Gunther, who was standing a short distance away, keeping a watchful eye on Milim. "I see," Luminous said, understanding Acheron's quiet presence.

Luminous then focused her attention on Milim. "Milim, about that little rampage you went on..."

Milim tilted her head, her expression innocent and confused. "What rampage?"

Luminous's suspicion deepened. "You don't remember? You caused quite a bit of trouble recently."

Milim's confusion only grew. "I remember you and Auntie Acheron, but... rampage?" She seemed genuinely puzzled.

Luminous's heart sank. Something was definitely wrong. "Milim, what about your parents?"

Milim's eyes lit up with a childlike clarity. "Parents? Aren't you and Auntie Acheron my parents?"

Luminous felt a chill run down her spine. "Milim, what about Lucia and Veldenava?"

Milim's smile faltered, her eyes clouding with uncertainty. "Lucia and Veldenava? I don't... I don't remember them."

Luminous exchanged a worried glance with Acheron. Milim had forgotten her own parents. This was more serious than she had initially thought.

Acheron stepped forward, her expression serious. "Milim, try to think carefully. Do you remember anything about your life before you met us?"

Milim's brow furrowed as she tried to recall. "I remember some things... but it's all fuzzy. I just know that I love you both very much."

Luminous felt a pang of guilt and sadness. Milim's happiness, her joy, was genuine, but it was built on a foundation of forgotten memories. She needed to find a way to help Milim remember without causing her pain.

"Milim," Luminous said gently, "we need to help you remember. It's important."

Milim looked up at her with wide, trusting eyes. "Okay, Auntie Luminous. I'll try."

Luminous turned to Acheron. "We need to figure out what's happened to her memories. This can't be a coincidence."

Acheron nodded, her expression determined. "We'll get to the bottom of this."

As they stood in the garden, a sense of urgency settled over them. Milim's forgotten memories were a mystery they needed to solve, not just for her sake, but for all their sakes. And as they faced this new challenge, they knew that their bond would be their greatest strength.


After some time, Milim, her boundless energy temporarily spent, returned to the garden to continue her playful antics with the guards. Luminous and Acheron retreated to a quiet corner of the palace to discuss their next steps.

Acheron was the first to break the silence. "You think we should try to make her remember, but I'm not so sure that's the right approach."

Luminous looked at her in surprise. "But she's forgotten her own parents. That's not something we can ignore."

Acheron shook her head. "I understand your concern, but memories have a way of resurfacing when the time is right. Forcing them could do more harm than good."

"But she needs to know who she really is," Luminous insisted, her voice tinged with urgency. "It's not right for her to live in ignorance."

Acheron sighed, her expression softening. "Milim is happy now. She feels loved and secure. If we push her to remember, it could cause her distress. Memories tied to trauma can be particularly delicate."

Luminous looked conflicted. "So, what do you suggest? We just let her be until her memories come back on their own?"

"Yes," Acheron replied firmly. "She will remember when she is ready. Until then, we support her in any way possible."

Luminous considered Acheron's words, her initial resistance wavering. "You really think that's best?"

"I do," Acheron said softly. "Sometimes, the best way to help someone heal is to give them the space to do it at their own pace."

Luminous nodded slowly, seeing the wisdom in Acheron's approach. "Alright. We'll wait. But we need to be vigilant. If she shows any signs of distress or confusion, we step in."

"Agreed," Acheron said, her eyes meeting Luminous's with a reassuring gaze.


"My leeeeg."


Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of Milim's laughter ringing through the palace halls. They turned to see her running towards them, her face alight with joy.

"Hey, Auntie Luminous! Auntie Acheron!" Milim called out, her voice filled with exuberance.

Luminous smiled, her heart lifting at the sight of Milim's happiness. She exchanged a glance with Acheron, and for the first time in days, she felt a sense of calm. They would handle this together, just as they had faced every other challenge. And with time, they hoped that Milim's memories would return, bringing with them the pieces of her past that she had lost.

As Milim reached them, she threw her arms around both women in a warm, enthusiastic hug. "I love you both so much," she declared, her voice muffled against their shoulders.

"We love you too, Milim," Luminous said softly, her eyes meeting Acheron's over Milim's head. "Always."

(End of a chapter)