
Acheron in Tensura

Rain poured down, mingling with the blood that soaked the ground. Death and loss surrounded a girl clutching a long katana. Her black hair framed two long red horns protruding from her head—she was an Oni, a rare evolution of the ogre species. She stared at the monster that had destroyed everything—her friends, her family, her home. It resembled a dragon but was something else entirely, its form shifting between liquid and solid blackness. Disclaimer: I do not own any anime or the characters in them.

Apandora · Anime und Comics
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23 Chs

15. Good Morning

The daily duels between Luminous and Acheron had become a ritual. Each morning, they met in the training grounds, exchanging blows and techniques. With every passing day, Acheron absorbed invaluable tips on magic from Luminous, while Luminous honed her sword skills under Acheron's meticulous guidance. These intense yet enlightening training sessions deepened their bond, blending mutual respect.

One morning, as always, Luminous lounged on her sofa, savoring the tranquility before the day's activities. She twirled a lock of her silver hair absently, her mind drifting back to the previous night's thoughts. A knock on her door disrupted her reverie, irritating her. "Come in," she allowed.

Acheron burst through the doors, her presence commanding and yet somehow out of place in the cozy room. Luminous perked up at the sight of her. "So, how did you even get here?" she asked, half amused.

Acheron glanced behind her, and Luminous followed her gaze to see Gunther standing there, ever the diligent butler. He bowed politely before walking away, leaving Acheron alone in the room with Luminous.

Acheron took a seat on the chair opposite Luminous, who suddenly had an idea. "Acheron, sit next to me," Luminous ordered, patting the spot beside her.

Acheron looked confused but complied, moving to sit next to Luminous on the sofa. To her surprise, she soon felt something on her thighs. She looked down to find Luminous resting her head on her lap, which shocked her.

"You are not allowed to leave. We will do this every morning," Luminous said, her tone more commanding than affectionate, though the firmness of her hand on Acheron's waist was gentle.

Acheron stopped resisting and stayed still, uncertain of how to react. Then, Luminous spoke again, this time with a genuine request. "Can you caress my hair a little? They're a bit messy from sleeping."

Acheron hesitated but then began to gently run her fingers through Luminous's hair, feeling the silken strands slip through her fingers. The act felt intimate, a quiet moment shared between the two.

As the silence settled over them, Luminous asked, "Do you have feelings, Acheron?"

Acheron paused, her fingers stilling in Luminous's hair. "Yes, I have feelings. But they are constantly suppressed by my Ultimate Skill."

Luminous shifted slightly, looking up at Acheron. "So, you feel, but you can't express them?"

Acheron nodded. "It's difficult. The skill keeps me focused, but it also makes it hard to connect with those feelings."

Luminous sighed softly. "We'll work on that. Together."

Acheron continued to caress Luminous's hair, a tentative step towards expressing the feelings she had long kept buried. For the first time, she felt a flicker of something warm and unguarded. 


The following days saw a subtle change in their interactions. Their training sessions were still intense, but there were more moments of quiet conversation. Luminous took every opportunity to initiate physical contact, whether it was a reassuring hand on Acheron's shoulder or a brief touch as she corrected her stance.

One afternoon, after a particularly grueling duel, they sat side by side on the training ground, catching their breath. Luminous glanced at Acheron, noting the way the sunlight caught the edges of her hair, turning it into a halo of gold.

"Acheron," Luminous began, "Do you ever think about… the future?"

Acheron looked at her, a slight frown creasing her brow. "The future?"

"Yes," Luminous said softly. "What you want out of life, beyond duty and combat."

Acheron was silent for a long moment, her gaze distant. "I haven't given it much thought," she admitted. "My life has always been about duty, about survival and recently protection of Milim."

Luminous reached out, her hand covering Acheron's. "And what about what you want?"

Acheron looked down at their joined hands, her expression softening. "I'm not sure. But lately… I've been thinking about it more."

Luminous smiled, a warmth spreading through her chest. "That's a start."


In the mornings, their routine of Luminous lying on Acheron's lap continued. It became a cherished ritual for both of them, a time of quiet intimacy that contrasted with the intensity of their training sessions.

One morning, as Acheron ran her fingers through Luminous's hair, Luminous looked up at her. "Do you remember what Milim said about marriage?"

Acheron's fingers paused for a moment before resuming their gentle caress. "Yes. It was… unexpected."

Luminous laughed softly. "It was. But it got me thinking."

"About marriage?" Acheron asked, her voice careful.

"Yes," Luminous admitted. "About us. I truly like you, Acheron. More than I ever thought possible. But I need to know if you feel the same way."

Acheron looked puzzled, her brow furrowing. "What is marriage?"

Luminous blinked, momentarily taken aback. "You don't know what marriage is?"

Acheron shook her head. "No. I've heard the term, but I don't understand it fully."

Luminous sighed softly, shifting to sit up and face Acheron directly. "Marriage is a bond between two people who love each other. It's a commitment to share your lives, to support and care for each other."

Acheron considered this, her expression thoughtful. "So it's a partnership based on affection and support?"

"Yes," Luminous replied, her heart beating faster. "It's more than just a partnership. It's about being with someone who makes you happy, who you want to spend your life with."

Acheron's eyes softened as she looked at Luminous. "I see. And you're asking if I want that with you?"

Luminous nodded, feeling a mixture of hope and anxiety. "Yes. I care about you deeply, Acheron. I want to know if you could see us together like that."

Acheron was silent for a long moment, her gaze steady and unwavering. "I care about you too, Luminous. More than anyone else. But expressing those feelings… it's difficult for me."

Luminous reached out, cupping Acheron's cheek. "We'll figure it out together," she said softly. "One step at a time."

Acheron leaned into the touch, her eyes closing briefly. "Yes."


Their sparring sessions continued, each one a blend of physical exertion and emotional connection. Luminous found herself looking forward to these moments, not just for the training but for the chance to be close to Acheron.

One evening, as they walked back to the palace after a particularly exhausting duel, Luminous took Acheron's hand in hers. Acheron looked at her, surprise flickering in her eyes.

"Just this once," Luminous said with a smile.

Acheron squeezed her hand gently, a rare smile appearing on her lips. "Alright. Just this once."

They walked in comfortable silence, the warmth of their joined hands a silent promise of more to come.

Back in her chambers, Luminous sat pondering. "It is working, it is slow but it is." With a determined smile, she began planning her next move, hopeful for the future they could build together.

(End of chapter)