
Accidental Transmigration to Another world

*Thaaaaaaaannnnnng* Such a metallic clanging sound was heard the moment Mino collided into the lamp post, smack dab. The violent collision was enough to leave a dent in the post while Mino was sent sprawling backwards. "Ah shit... this is not gonna end well..." A splitting pain in the forehead greeted him. He realised he was bleeding profusely. "Damn... I need help... and quick...." As he was lying down, helpless, a person came forward. Before Mino lost consciousness, he heard a few words accompanied by a warm gentle feel on his forehead. "[Light Conjuration] Heal".... Mino didn't know who saved him or how he was saved, but he knew one thing. The one who healed him definitely didn't belong to earth. And there were more people like him present. Just after that incident, more bizarre happenings started to pop up. All of them had one thing in common. The events were caused by them. Just who are they? And for what reason are they here? Apparently, all of them were not united. Mino got himself and his friends caught up in their enmity, and in an attempt to save his and his friends' lives, got themselves transmigrated to another world. Thus began their journey in the alternate world, to find out a way to home, and the truth of those strange people.

BlazedSigma · Fantasie
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62 Chs

Heading Over to the hideout

The same place where Mino met his accident a few hours ago. The sun was overhead now, shining with all its might, bathing the surroundings in its dazzling light.

A white figured person was standing by the alley, the same one who healed Mino.

That person had an average height, about 5'7'', with golden blonde hair and blue eyes. The cloak that person was wearing hid a rather well built body. They appeared to be very relaxed, standing in a cool manner, arms crossed, leaning their upper body against the wall.

"As expected, conjuring here is possible. It appears that the location doesn't matter much. But sensing the flow of Mana really damn hard..." While spewing out a bunch of abstract words to nobody in particular, the person straightened themselves and started heading deeper into the alleyway.

The alleyways were interconnected in a very complex manner, just like some sort of box maze. Navigating through them was almost impossible, otherwise they would've served as very handy shortcuts. 'Almost' has been used because some people could use it. And this person was one in the 'can use' category.

"I have to go to the hideout quickly. Who knows when the hunters might come...I have a pretty ominous feeling."

The figure smiled, satisfied. They had reached the correct place! It was the entrance to the sewers!

There was a lid, which was lifted up by the figure without much effort. Then the figure lowered themselves into the gunk hole.

"God... such a place. Goddammit! This is a secret base in which even the members would be reluctant to enter."

Using the metallic ladder generally used by the cleaners, they started climbing inside.

As the person walked down the dark path, their footsteps made *splash* *splash* sounds.

Apparently the floor was pooled with a small amount of water. Well, that's natural since that place was a sewer.

"Bleurgh... I can't stand this damned place. I feel like I will throw up my last week's lunch. Yuck... this fucking place will kill me before those bastards do. Maybe I will drop dead the next time I come to this shitty place."

While muttering a continuous string of curses, the person continued their journey through this claustrophobic place. After what seemed like an eternity of walking, the person found himself in front of a door.


Like an overjoyed alchemist who discovered the philosopher's stone, that person started laughing like a maniac.

However that person's joy was short-lived. Due to the loud laughter, the person couldn't hear the relatively soft whisper.

[Dark Conjuration] "<Severed Marionette>"


The person jerked their head towards the direction of the voice. But it was already too late.

A silvery dark veil covered the person. The person had tried to dodge it by jumping back, but their speed not enough.

Their body collapsed on the ground with a loud thud, like a puppet whose strings were cut off. The spell really lived up to its name.

"Hm...I didn't expect it to be this effective. Perhaps I really overdid it. Let's see who this person is. Hmmm...w...wait WHAT!?"

The calm and composed melodious voice suddenly turned into one of panic as the newcomer turned over the fainted person.

Actually fainted was not the right term to use.

By that time,the person had already gained consciousness. They looked at the figure by their side and their eyes widened.

"Why the hell did you attack me Barnie. And...wh...what was that spell just now?!"

The girl who was addressed as Barnie let out a soft giggle as she explained,

"Actually I thought some trash has discovered our hideout. Or else why would they shout like dogs. Since trash stinks if left for long, I decided to dispose of it immediately. But it seems Barn was the one shouting like a dog haha."

Barnie giggled childishly once again while insulting her brother without even batting an eyelid.

Meanwhile her brother Barn's face was red with anger.

However he awkwardly cleared his throat *ahem* as he tried to control his anger. His patience and stable temper were his plus points,hence he was able to digest these rather direct abrasive comments without lashing out a single time.

"Just explain me what the hell was that move."

"OH that! Haha I knew you would ask me, knew it!! I knew you would beg your little sister for the explanation."

Barn's eyebrow twitched, his lips curved downwards for a moment, but was immediately sent back to its initial position as he sighed a request.

"ugh...Please continue...."

"Yesh! That is one of the most recent spells I have learnt. One of the crème de la crème of debuff series. Its called <Severed Marionette>. It basically disconnects your consciousness from your body rendering you unable to control it. Also you will be exempt from feeling any pain in that instant."

A detailed explanation arrived from the smiling girl.

"Okay enough bullshit. Now let's go inside the hideout. I have an ace up my sleeve too, y'know. You will be surprised to see it I bet!"

Barn grinned while speaking the last sentence. Barnie took the bait, hook, line and sinker.

"What did you say! Show me right now! Your ace! Show!"

She started demanding to be shown the spell in an excited manner.

"Heh! Never!" laughed Barn as he flicked her sister on the forehead.

"Owww! Meanie!" Barnie pouted before spinning on her heel and walking away.

Barn chuckled to himself as he looked at her sister.

Light blonde hair reaching upto her back,skin as white as alabaster and a height really tall for a girl, near about 5'9''.

A graceful figure with a modest bust. And to top it all off, a round face with equally round eyes,muddy brown in colour.

Her smiley face resplendent of bright sunshine was cute enough to steal everyone's eyes.

"Okay. Fine,that's enough teasing. Now, back to business."

After muttering that to himself, he once again raised his voice and asked his sister who was hurrying away,

"Hey w...wait! Tell me why I was asked to come here!"

Barnie abruptly came to a halt. Finding her behaviour strange, Barn advanced in her direction.

When she turned her face, an uneasy look could be seen. She appeared to be hesitating, then she opened her cherry coloured lips.

"Leader called you here because you violated rules and used a conjuration. Yeah, you are in deep shit."

Hearing those words carrying a ominous undertone, Barn couldn't help but shiver a bit.

He muttered, "Wh...what's wrong....?"

Barnie didn't say anything. She silently muttered in front of the door "Dancing Sonar".

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