
Accension after reincarmation towards peak of godhood fanfic(reposted)

i reposted this and also im the original author of this. also i dont own any characters or anything other than the ones i invented and the things i invented, unless someone already invented it before i did that is.

Dark_Magma · Anime und Comics
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47 Chs


In just about a split second, mc already found out what he would say to diffuse this situation.

"So first of all, the reason why i hide my cultivation is that... i do it for fun. I like to see others think that i am only a typical weakling they can pick up on. Also, i can not only hide my cultivation rank but i can also seal it to that level and do the same for my body. For example i did that at my ex-clan. I pretended to be a cripple so that i could not attract too much attention."

Jasmine kept silent and stared at Yun Che for a while before replying with a hint of uncertainty.

"...Is that so. Then, what about your strange powers? How did you get them? Were you born with them? And are you hidding your cultivation or is this your maximum?"

His powers were a bit too strange for her or anyone as a matter of fact. Just the fact that he cant seem to be killed is something to be worried about, well if she could then she would try to seal him and see if he could die if old age but she could nit right now. He might even be a devil who infiltrated the divine region as a mortal going against death is the same as going against the heavens themselves which is heresy.

She had no doubt that he could be a devil who infiltrated and the fact he could play as a cripple was adding credit to this theory. Her face got a hint of disgust again thinking of the fact he was a masochist, which he ckearly noticed this time as it confused him, but he decided to put this up for latter as he answered her questions.

" I dont think you will believe me but i have reincarnated in your world. These powers are hmmm something i was able to copy from other... uhhhh beings i guess... no from inhabitants from another world. So in a way i was kinda born with them in your world i guess. Also this is my maximum power."

"What do you mean reincarnated?"

"Well i was living in a world which after years of war found peace but in my time there was some disease which came and affected it. Unfortunately, some bored beings were bored and decided to...harvest? yeah harvest my soul by killing me, who was an ordinary mortal and then reincarnate me with those powers for their entertainment."

She had a face that screamed that she didnt believe him right now. She would certainly think he was crazy right now if she didnt see those crazy powers he had. The silence was maintained for a while until mc asked a question that bothered him.

"Say, why so you look at me with a bit of disgust?"

"... Are you sure you want me to tell you?"

"Yeah tell me."

"Are you REALLY REALLY SURE you want me to tell you?"

"Tell me already!"

"Thats because you are a masochists who smiles in pleasure when getting pain!"

Yun Che paused for a bit while she blushed a bit. He kept looking at her and asked why she believed so.

"Isnt that what happened when you were in pain. You did those...weird noises while your porfound veins were getting destroyed."

"wait wait wait.... i wasnt in any pain at all. i was actually in pleasure...wait no i mean... DONT LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT!!!"


Although it was a whisper, he clearly heard her.

"Look my profound veins cannot be destroyed and so they devoured the inheritance and gave it to me without being destroyed. Thats why i was in pleasure. I AINT A MASOCHIST GIRL!!!"

She thought for a while and realised that it was true.

"Alright i will believe you for now. So what do we do now. I noticed that you already had the purple crystals. So are we gonna look for the rest of the materials needed for my body."

Being in the pearl she naturally sensed the crystals energy earlier and was happy that he had the profound strength neccessary for recreating her body earlier.

"Nah i like to enjoy myself. Besides its clearly obvious you need some relaxing too."

She wanted to disagree but he was the one who moved the body so she just agreed and decided to relax as what he said was true. So, she simply returned to the pearl to sleep as she didnt have any orher choice tham to believe him.

768 words. short chapter today. Anywayafter he gets to cang yue i guess i will speed things up. i dont wanna do like 200 chapters on atg and then do the same for other worlds lol

Thats all, there wasnt much of a message to write for that chapter.

Enjoy the chapter!!!

Dark_Magmacreators' thoughts