
Accel Academia (BNHA)

Just writing this to improve my writing skills. Please give it a read and tell me your thoughts and advises or some techniques to improve my writing! Remember; Protect Eri-chan Cover's not mine. Credits here: https://www.pinterest.cl/pin/773211829761242888/

Accel00 · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs


I've done everything to protect her, the only thing left to do is this. To atone for that sin I've done, and for the justice I promised to her… for her daughter, Yumi.

"Now, I'll tell you the truth I promised. The man that's coming for you kills men without a blink of an eye. A piece of garbage." I struggle to talked to Her on the transceiver due to various fatal wounds I have.

"He is the one that killed Yumi… Your daughter Yumi. So, don't hesitate. And pull the trigger!" I shouted through the radio transceiver as loud as I can as the elevator come to stop to where She was.

As the elevator door open, I can see her as she turned around to me in alarm with her, terrified while desperately holding the shotgun. But still, I can still see the determination in her eyes, to get justice for her daughter.

To kill the monster that took her only beloved daughter away from her. I couldn't help but smile as I finally saw Her pointing her shotgun at me.

"Yaa!" I charged and screamed bloody murder at her while pretending to reach out for a gun in my jacket. Then the shotgun she was holding finally cracked its thunderous shots.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

I couldn't even feel the pain as the bullets hit my body, all I knew was the feeling of liberation as the bullets keeps hitting my body while I was pushed all the way back into the elevator by the gunshots.

Only when I hit the floor did I gasp for those last precious breathes. My vision was blurring but I could see Chao quickly walking towards me, disposed of the shotgun She was barely holding in her arms while She shockingly stared my body riddled by holes. Chao stops in front of me as he looks down at my dying body.

The Family sent him to finish the job I was not able to do, to kill Her, and to kill me, who betrayed the Family by protecting her. I ended up killing even my former brothers except for Chao just to save her.

I could feel the anger and remorse Chao was feeling right now as he stood there. He furiously pointed his gun to her, I barely managed to grabbed his clothes hoping to stop him.

He briefly looked at me indifferently who was barely gripping the hem of his clothes. It seem he understood my plead as he turned to look back at Her before turning his gun away and pressing the elevator's button with it.

Before the elevator's door shut, I managed to see a glimpse of her face. I could see Yumi in Her, she really looks just like her mother, she would have grown as beautiful and kind as her mother is, but I took that future from her… I killed the girl, this woman's daughter. Before the door closed, I glimpse a tear trickling down her cheeks.

"*Cough* *Cough*" My vision is starts to darken more as blood spluttered from my mouth.

"… Are you still tired?" Chao asked, his voice sounded so indifferent but I know him, the hidden meaning behind those words.

I remembered telling Chao that certain reason why I betrayed the Family. I may have been really tired, I guess. Tired of all the shitty things I've done, and the unforgivable thing I've done to the girl and her mother, but…

"…*huff*…*huff*… I'm feeling better now."

In the end I could not bring myself to kill Chao, he's my brother in all but blood, the only reason why I didn't leave the Family before all this. As I slowly feel the cold embrace of death, I lifted my hand and reached out to Chao.

I barely felt my hand getting grasp, but I knew Chao held it tight. In my dying breathe I felt relieved that Chao still choose take that hand. The world turned full black, my heart has long before stopped beating, I could not even feel my body anymore. The last thing I could hear was Her voice from the radio transceiver.

"Gon…Can you hear me?... *bzzt*Are you there? *bzzt* Gon…" *rasps* *bzzt*

"…Gon." *bzzt*

"Answer me…" *rasps* *bzzt*

"…Say something." *rasps* *bzzt*

"…please…" *bzzt* *bzzt* … … …

........ ............. .............

I did believe in the afterlife but when I come to my senses, I didn't expect that hell would be as cold and empty the dark embrace of the abyss. I expected the flames of hell and the screaming of the millions and millions of tormented souls.

But then this random guy appeared and telling me about how I unfairly cheated my way to death. So, he is going to send me to this some other world to be a hero Yumi told I was. This some random guy playing god wants to screw my life all over again just so I can never have some peace.

All I could remember about the conversation was I was to be sent there to do anything I want with my life. And him giving me some power for me to do anything I want with it, whether I use it to be the hero as the kid wanted me to be, or some bad guy like the way I lived before I met her and her mother.

And now as I feel this pain I've never felt before while this guy mess around my soul while I could feel my body getting created from nothing. I could not help but curse out loud at him as my voice come out for the first time ever since I've met this guy.

Before I passed out, I could barely hear him say some parting words while sounding thrilled about something he'll be looking forward to.

"Well then, Gon. Good luck living your new life there, too bad you never watched this world back in your last life. See you in the next… 70 or later years, I hope?" Then there was nothing. ........ ............. .............

"Hey? Are you okay?" I could feel someone shaking my shoulders.

I opened my eyes and grabbed the person's hand really hard holding him in place while glaring daggers at him. The middle-aged man wearing a business attire dropped his suitcase as he falls on his knees while I put more pressure on his hand.

"Oww! Kid that hurts, I'm sorry! I won't bother you anymore! Release my hand it's going to break!" I noticed other people passing by looking at us and gathering quite a crown so I quickly released him.

The person I was holding and the people around us was speaking in Japanese, I'm glad I did quite a lot of job here in Japan with the Yakuza, so I needed to learn the language.

"I apologize. It was reflex." I released the man's arm, "Put some Ice on it later." I told the man briefly and started walking away. The people continued on their way when they saw me leave, thankfully the man didn't complain and chased after me or anything.

Focusing on my surroundings while walking, I could tell that this really was Japan. But the technology they have are a lot more advance than the one I know. I also saw the news on some huge LED display on the huge buildings that this was really Japan.

I got distracted on watching the news when I feel something different with my body like something was starting to cover my whole body. My mind got really weird also when I instantly understood what this thin field of something that was covering my body was like it was supposed to be there naturally.

'What the hell did that 'being' did to me. My mind is going overdrive like some super computer, no… more like a quantum computer running in full speed doing all these calculations in insane speeds.' I thought to myself while getting annoyed with that 'being' that brought me here.

Besides that, what's with all this never-ending information about different vectors getting into contact with this field covering my body. This field… calculates anything it comes into contact and blocks anything my mind deems harmful or not needed.

I tried doing something with it with my mind, I let go of the field that's covering my body willingly and noticed that the sunlight UV rays I didn't notice before are hitting my skin now. Wait, this can even redirect UV rays and I really can calculate the vector quantities of UV light to redirect it? What's with this ridiculous brain?

As I continue on pondering on the changes inside my brain and body, I notice my reflection on a glass door of a convenience store I was standing at. The first thing I noticed was the trimmed short platinum white hair and menacing red eyes that I have.

The more concerning thing now it my body have regressed to that of a high schooler kid. I have regressed to my 15 or 16-year-old self while wearing a long-sleeved white shirt and black pants.

"You got to be kidding me?!" I unconsciously said that aloud at the same time a skeleton like tall blonde man walked out of that store, but I didn't even bother with his own appearance as mine was more bizarre thing for now.

"Oh, I'm sorry young man. I do apologize with the grim state of my body." The man was surprised by my outburst, and bowed to me apologetically and smiling gloomily while scratching the back of his head.

"You're in the way!" I stepped beside the bowing stick man and continued looking at my body, checking through my sleeves and in my chest where I previously had tattoos. They were all gone and my whole body was as clean as a normal person.

After checking thoroughly, I noticed the stick old man that seemed offended and watching me puzzlingly from the side.

"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen someone checking himself in a mirror?" I scowled at him.

"Ah! Sorry for bothering you then. I'll ahh… be on my way." He bowed a bit with a smile and walked away.

I then started walking the other direction as I received quite a bit of glares from other people that saw my rough treatment with the skeleton guy.

'Now then. Let's get this weird 'powers' out of the way for now. My problem for now is my identity. That 'being' didn't say anything about my identity in this world. I'm not really fond of the police, but there's no other choice for now.' I thought to myself, as I asked some random passerby where the nearest police station is.

........ ............. .............

Turns out that 'being' really sent me here as no one, literally. I played the part of an amnesiac person that don't remember anything about myself in the precinct. Even with the impressive technology they now had in this world with them finding my fingerprint, pictures, blood type, and many more in their databases, they couldn't find my or any family in the whole Japan.

Their guess was me being a foreigner here in Japan and they started contacting with other countries embassy about a missing teenager. They said it will take a while for them to find some clues and had me stay in their guest quarters for now, they also said a bizarre thing about a hero going to be accompanying him starting tomorrow until they find his relatives.

I first thought they were treating me as a child when they said they'll send a hero to help me. And to my surprise, I saw some news about Heroes apprehending villains in some parts of the city, a news about some All Might hero going to a Hero School as a teacher as headlines on the TV in the police lobby.

I was literally standing there in shock about this unexpected discovery.

'Fuck? Now that I remember it. That 'being' said something about heroes and villains. I never thought he mean it literally.' I thought to myself as the news showed some battle scenes of this hero All Might fights with villains like it was shot straight out of a movie, and something about the upcoming new school year for the top Hero School of this country Opening in the next two weeks featuring the top Hero as their new faculty Hero Teacher.

'These changes quite a lot of things. Police, I can tolerate to some degree, I can always find a way out to escape with such mundane force. But with these so called 'Heroes' in the picture, and those ridiculous powers they've shown in the TV, I don't even know if mere bullets can put those Heroes down.' I change my plans on staying for a few days here as I excused myself to the officer in charge of watching me about me using the toilet.

Escaping the Police precinct was an easy affair, but I had to lay low for now for a few days. I decided to go through my 'common' ways on living the streets. Cities like these tends to be have its shadows hidden in the alleys. And finding my way to one of those underground parts of the city was like a walk in the park.

The good thing about these undergrounds is the easy way to gain money, and a great place to hide specially as a random teenager with no family. Some irritating eyes kept on watching my back but that's normal for my current circumstances, none of them were a serious threat anyway. When the night came, I stealthily followed some thugs I overheard talking about some underground pit fights.

'It would be great if I could easily go in there and grab some wins for some easy cash. But the problem is no one will be vouching for some random ki- ' I got distracted with my thoughts when I notice a little girl frantically running away from a guy chasing her.

"--Hey! Get that kid!" The guy chasing the blueish white-haired little girl ordered out loud to the thugs I'm following. He was wearing a casual suit with a face mask on his face.

One of the thugs quickly got hold of the little girl's right arm which was covered in bandages. In fact, all her limbs were covered with bandages, and in her terrified face was a single horn protruding.

"*huff* *huff* This damn kid *huff*, why did I have to watch over you?!" The man with the mask glared at the little girl while catching his breathe. "Anyway, thank you. I appreciate the help you guys."

"Ohh! Ha Ha. Don't mind it, I recognize you. You're from that Yakuza from this part, right?" The thug holding the little girl's arms asked.

"*huff* Yeah, I'll remember this favor." The masked guy clasped the shoulder of one of the thugs. "Come on kid, the boss aint done with you yet. Don't just go running off, you can't get away from us anyway." He reached out for the little girl who was not watching the man's reaching arms in fear.

"…No…" I could see the little girl whimpered out of sheer fear. "someone…please… help…" I barely heared her whispered cry, but those words snap something within me.

My body just moved on its own as I got out from where I'm hiding. I quickly charge behind them and hitting on of the thug's neck hard knocking the senses out of him. All attentions turned towards me as the thug goes down, then I get to the next one who just got his breathe knocked out of him with a quick elbow through the liver as I followed up with a knee to his head knocking the guy out.

The two left where the shocked thug holding the little girl and the guy that was chasing her before.

"S-stop!" The thug panicked and pulled out a knife and held it at the terrified little girl's neck.

"Put that knife away you bastard! That girl is important, you're gonna get both of us ki—" The guy chasing the girl before shouted at the thug. Seeing them distracted, I moved quickly to the masked guy that scolded the thug. I managed to grabbed his hand that was reaching out for a gun at his holster at the same time grabbing his face and smashing his head on the ground.

"Arrgggg!" Breaking the hand that reached out for the gun, the guy screamed out loud as I grabbed and smashed the gun at his temple putting him out cold. I stood up after checking the magazine of the gun and cocking it while looking at the now petrified thug left who was holding the terrified little girl as a hostage.

"Release the girl, and you'll still have a head after this." I told the last thug slowly and clearly while pointing the gun at the thug.

The little girl at this point was now shaking in fear and crying with her eyes tightly closed. That just made me more furious as the thug didn't registered my words and stared at the knocked-out bodies of his friends and the other man on the ground as his legs shook visibly.

"I said. Release. The. Girl." I pulled the hammer down as I stared bloody murder at the thug who basically collapsed backward and finally releasing the little girl who passed out right after when the knife almost got her neck.

I barely managed to catch the girl in my arms as I unconsciously moved at insane speed not possible on human terms when I just thought and wanted to catch the little girl as fast as I can. Only when I confirmed that I have the little girl securely in my arms did I realized what just happened.

I looked behind me and saw five meters from me was a small crater formed from where I was before, and the knocked-out bodies of the other thugs blown away in disarray.

"Waa! Stop there, monster! Don't kill me!!!" As the thug madly ran for his life, I hesitated to shoot him as I have the little girl passed out in my arms and the possibility of gathering unwanted attention.

Instead I gently put the girl down for a bit and put the gun in my pants as I chased the thug who kept collapsing and scrambling to run away. I came back while dragging the knocked-out thug, I removed his jacket and thrown him towards the other thugs.

The bandaged little girl was still passed out where I left her, covering her with the jacket I got from the thug. I carried her gently as I walked back towards the knocked-out thugs, grabbing the cash from each wallet and a pocket knife from one of the thugs.

'Tsk. First day here in this ridiculous world and I'm already doing these dirty works. It's all just the same as the previous world.' I thought helplessly as I stared at the knockout thugs gathered together.

After cleaning the mess, I made my way through a red district part of the city where I entered a decent looking bar that didn't bother asking questions about my age and the little girl I'm carrying. Inside I made use of the money I rummaged at those from before for some food I had ever since coming to this world.

.............. ...................... ......................

The little girl was still fast sleep even after I finished eating, then a fancy looking guy in a decent suit wearing a round spectacles made his way through our table.

"Aren't you two pretty young to be around these parts? Huh, kid?" The stranger smiled confidently even with a missing front tooth.

He then reached out for his pocket in his vest with his hand which earned my attention as I got the pocket knife in my hand at the ready, he tried raised his arms in surrender. "My bad, just trying to reach out for a smoke."

"I don't appreciate you smoking with a kid in here." I still stared indifferently at him as he shrugged in agreement. He rested his arms on the table while resting his chin on his hands it while staring at me then the little girl.

"Just a little curious about a kid and the Shie Hassaikai little girl doing in a place like this." The confident smug on his face tells me he's not fooling around and knows something about the little girl.

I look at my surroundings to see if an ambush is already in waiting while this guy is distracting me. "Don't worry, I have no dealings with the Yakuza. I own this place; we can talk here without any worries." So, the nest I've poked was a famed Yakuza's, and this guy knows about this Shie Hassaikai.

"What do you want?" I already have the pistol under the table pointed at him, and I could tell he already knows as he raised his eyebrows in interest.

"Hahaha. Interesting! I'm pretty sure I should've known someone like you if they're as good as you, but this really is the first time I've seen such young man like you around these parts. I'm just really curious, that's all." The man took it all while laughing at the face of threat in front of him, but I could tell the honesty with his words.

There are liars who only lie when there's a reason to, and there are liars who also lie without a reason. I could tell this man was the former, lying to me won't gain him anything except a bullet through his crouch.

"The food was good. Thanks for the meal." As I deemed the man not worthy to gained more attention to myself, I decided to just leave now before I do anything out here in the open.

"Wait." He stood up along with me when I carried the little girl gently up as I turned to leave.

"As a first meeting courtesy, I'll be keeping this little information a secret even to those Yakuza, take this as well." Taking out a card from his suit pocket he showed me a black and gold broker business card with a Giran engraved on the name. "Just come by if you need to."

Taking the card silently I gave him a quick nod as I got out of the establishment. Thankfully most of the establishment here are illegal that finding a hotel to stay in is easy enough thanks with the little girl and me almost looking like siblings with our hair being both white, making us look like run away children.

Yooo! This is my take on writing from a First Person PoV.... BTW the first scene was from an awesome movie(No Tears for the Dead), you guy's should watch it. Anyway, please give me corrections or suggestion if for my writing style or grammar corrections.... in fact, just anything to improve my story writing. Thanks!

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