
Academy of Hogwarts in the Marvel Multiverse

Deng Lido obtained the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry system in the Marvel World, not only can extract all the magic, architecture, and animals in the "Harry Potter" movie , characters, and other magical elements in movies and games can also be extracted. So Deng Lido opened up Hogwarts, a magic school with hundreds of thousands of students, in his own parallel world.

Poison_Rage · Filme
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153 Chs

Chapter 135

  Again, in battle, Dunlidore's favorite spells are the spells of "Diablo" and "Torchlight", because of their strong destructive power and high damage.

  At this moment, under the attention of all the students and residents on the scene, under the attention of large forces such as S.H.I.E.L.D. and the London government, Dunlidore slowly floated down from more than ten floors.

  This is a big event, and obviously it doesn't attract the attention and attention of the whole world, it would be incredible. In the original book, the members of the Avengers are also paid attention to by the whole world, but it is not normal for Dunledo and Hogwarts to make such a big noise and remain unknown.

  For one or two cursed fighters with Deng Lido's current strength, there is no need to worry at all, but now there are dozens of cursed fighters, Deng Lido can't head-to-head and can only fight with a kite.

  At this moment, ordinary people may not feel anything, but some students who have learned magic and Thor, they feel the strangeness of the air around them, and feel that the magical energy around them is constantly gathering towards Dunlidore.

  This made them feel unbelievable, what kind of spell was used by Dunlidore, which would gradually suck up the magical energy of hundreds of meters around him.

  Dunledore is using Torchlight's Tide of Frost, which is an ice spell. However, although it is more spectacular, it may be difficult to cause fatal damage to a god and demon with extremely high defense power like the cursed warrior.

  But this kind of spell can be cast on a large area, and the damage is only effective on people who are in direct contact with it, so there is no need to worry about causing fatal damage to ordinary people in the building.

  The magical energy gathered around Deng Lido, and at this moment, a huge burst of energy erupted in Deng Lido's hands.

  The air around Dunlidore froze instantly, and a blast of extremely cold energy shot out from his hands, and this energy radiated into the air.

  The entire street was covered with a layer of frost, and the suet road surface was instantly covered with dense icicles. The highest of these icicles was knee-high, and the lowest reached ankles.

  The hundreds of meters of the road were covered with light blue grass, and dozens of cursed warriors were surrounded by the light blue grassland.

  Even the walls of the surrounding buildings were covered with frost, making ordinary citizens hiding in the buildings feel an extremely cold air.

  "This is summer!"

  "This is too incredible!"

  Deng Lido was a little tired. Although the spells extracted by the system can be directly upgraded to the highest level, it also requires Deng Lido's own brainpower to drive these spells. Although it only consumes a small part, Deng Lido will still be able to fight for a long time. tired.

  Dumbledore would sleep for a day and a night when this battle was over, and when he woke up he could think about the dairy and the national celebration.

  These cursed warriors were so insane, they smashed the ice picks and rushed directly to Dunlidore.

  The Frost Tide has the ability to slow down the enemy's effect, and Dunlidore did not expect that the spell extracted in the game would still have this effect in reality.

  With a wave of Dunlidore, more than a dozen demon lords from "The Elder Scrolls" appeared on the streets of London. These demon lords wore fiery red armor, their bodies were burning with raging flames, and they held a flaming two-handed giant sword in their hands. .

  Regardless of the Frost Tide or the Demon Lord, they are all formed by the convergence of magical energy. When the magical energy disappears, the spell effect will also disappear.

  Therefore, the tide of frost does not need to melt gradually at all, but gradually disappears after more than ten seconds.

  The demon lords raised their two-handed giant swords and charged towards the cursed warriors. Although these demon lords were powerful, there was a gap in the number of demon lords compared with the cursed warriors. In addition, with Deng Lido's ability to summon more than a dozen demon lords at a time, they could only Hold firm for ten seconds.

  The demon lords have no thoughts, no self-awareness, they only know one thing, and that is to destroy the enemies of the master Dumbledore who summoned them from the plane of hell to this world.


  The first confrontation between the cursed warrior and the demon lord, the demon lord's blade collided with the cursed warrior's fist,

The powerful force caused the surrounding air to visibly fluctuate violently.  The citizens of London couldn't believe that this was the world they were familiar with. They could only hide in the buildings like mice.

  Is this still the world? Is this hell or heaven?

  This is the question mark in the hearts of countless citizens. Looking at the familiar streets, familiar buildings, and familiar technologies, what belongs to this world should be a war with guns as the main field.

  But now the abyssal devils, alien dark elves, magic, and energy weapons make the citizens of London feel very strange.

  The frost tide and the demon lord, although they couldn't stop the team of a dozen cursed warriors, at least they caused damage to them.

  Dunlidore opened an invisible magic portal behind him. Outside the portal is a magical world with abundant magic power. The surrounding magical energy has not yet fully recovered. Dunlidore needs enough magic to activate the next magic with all his strength. energy.

  It is a wise choice to rely on the portal to absorb energy in the magical world with abundant magic energy. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

  Floating about one meter above the ground, Deng Lido burst out with powerful light all over his body. In an instant, he no longer had the color of his body. At this time, Deng Lido only had the shape of a human being, without any human characteristics.

  He was filled with magical energy all over his body, as if he was made of magical energy.

  He has completely transformed from a human being into an archon in "Diablo"!

  A beam of energy hit a cursed warrior directly. Although the beam of energy was only as thick as an adult's leg, it was extremely penetrating. This cursed warrior wanted to rely on his super defense power to rush directly in front of Dunlidore who was constantly retreating with the energy beam.

  That's right, Deng Lido used the kite style to fight, radiating rays while retreating. Deng Lido's speed was extremely fast, and it was difficult to get close even at the speed of the cursed warrior.

  one second, two seconds,

  In less than five seconds, the cursed warrior's chest was pierced by an energy beam. The energy beam not only harassed his body, but he had no signs of life in the blink of an eye.

  This lets ordinary Londoners know that these horned giants are not invincible, and they can also die.

  When several cursed warriors were about to hit Dunlidore, Dunlidore's figure suddenly disappeared and reappeared a hundred meters away.

  How could Dunlidore have the teleportation spell so that these cursed warriors could easily hit him!

  Relying on flexible positioning, Deng Lido retreated while fighting. Once the cursed warrior got closer and closer to him, Deng Lido used teleportation to distance himself from the cursed warrior.

  This is the so-called guerrilla warfare.

  At this moment, everyone saw the hope of victory, and believed that if it continued to develop, it would only be a matter of time before Dunledore wiped out these cursed warriors!