
Absolute Power Sucks Absolutely

A self insert going by the name Dues Ex is dropped in the Young Justice universe. Gifted with reality warping power limited only by range and his imagination. Within his 100 m radius Dues can make anything happen just by willing it. He can create anything, destroy anything, bend space-time and simulate any superpower imaginable but he has no way of increasing or circumventing.

UnknownSI · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

Despite their many successes, the Young Justice team still faced challenges. There were times when Dues's powers alone were not enough to defeat their enemies, and they had to rely on their teamwork and resourcefulness to come out on top.

One such challenge came in the form of a powerful villain named Dr. Destiny. He was a brilliant scientist with the ability to manipulate reality itself, and he was determined to take over the world.

Dues and the Young Justice team knew they had to stop him, but they also knew that they couldn't do it alone. They reached out to other heroes from around the world, forming a coalition to take down Dr. Destiny and his army of minions.

The final battle was intense and destructive, with Dues and the other heroes using all of their powers to take down Dr. Destiny and his forces. In the end, they emerged victorious, and the world was safe once again.

As they celebrated their victory, Dues couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to be a part of such an incredible team. He knew that as long as they stood together, they could accomplish anything.