
Absolute Power Sucks Absolutely

A self insert going by the name Dues Ex is dropped in the Young Justice universe. Gifted with reality warping power limited only by range and his imagination. Within his 100 m radius Dues can make anything happen just by willing it. He can create anything, destroy anything, bend space-time and simulate any superpower imaginable but he has no way of increasing or circumventing.

UnknownSI · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

Over the next few months, Dues and the Young Justice team took on all kinds of dangerous missions, using Dues's reality warping powers to help them every step of the way.

They faced off against alien invasions, defeated superpowered criminals, and even travelled through time to prevent disasters from occurring. Dues's powers proved to be incredibly versatile and helpful, allowing them to overcome any obstacle they encountered.

As they worked together, the Young Justice team grew closer, bonding over their shared experiences and challenges. Dues was grateful to be a part of such an incredible team, and he knew that they were all like family to him.

One day, while they were on a mission to stop a group of smugglers, the Young Justice team was ambushed by a group of heavily armed mercenaries. The team was outnumbered and outgunned, and things looked grim.

But Dues was not about to give up. Using his reality warping powers, he created a massive explosion that took out the mercenaries and their weapons, giving the Young Justice team the upper hand.

Together, they were able to defeat the smugglers and stop their illegal operation. As they stood victorious, Dues knew that he had found his true calling as a hero, fighting alongside his friends and protecting the world.