
Absolute Power Sucks Absolutely

A self insert going by the name Dues Ex is dropped in the Young Justice universe. Gifted with reality warping power limited only by range and his imagination. Within his 100 m radius Dues can make anything happen just by willing it. He can create anything, destroy anything, bend space-time and simulate any superpower imaginable but he has no way of increasing or circumventing.

UnknownSI · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

Together, Dues and the Young Justice team set out to fight crime and protect the world. Dues used his reality warping powers to create all kinds of incredible weapons and gadgets to help them on their missions.

Their first mission took them to a remote island where a group of villains were plotting to take over the world. Dues used his powers to create a fleet of futuristic vehicles and a team of highly advanced robots to help them in the fight.

The villains were no match for Dues and the Young Justice team, and they were quickly defeated. As they stood victorious over their enemies, Dues couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to join such an amazing team.