
Abandoned Together (TodoBaku)

When Shoto Todoroki effectively gets disowned by Endeavor after accidentally letting something about his sexuality slip, he feels incredibly isolated at school. When he comes clean about why he was disowned, message spreads across school like wildfire causing Shoto to get bullied- up until a less than friendly classmate reaches out.

Sento_Writes_Stuff · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 8

After Shoto had collected his things from the reclaim desk, he left the station and aimlessly wandered from there.

Where would he stay? As far as he was aware, he could not stay in the dorms for the next two weeks. So where?

He decided to ask the group chat.

Shogun: Does anybody have a place for me to stay?

Sleepy Cat: Oh, right, you don't have anywhere to stay than the dorms.

Sleepy Cat: As much as I would love to let you freeload at Hizashi and I's, I am legally not allowed to.

Hh: I don't have the space.

Requiem of Darkness: My tarot cards tell a tale in which it would not be in my best interests to allow you shelter. My deepest apologies, I wish you luck in your search.

Shogun: …?

Requiem of Darkness: You will find an irreplaceable treasure during your stay, however, that treasure cannot be found in my dwelling.

Shogun: So… that's a no. Anybody else?

Built on Memories: My wonderful and amazing parents don't allow me to have friends over since I'm bisexual. They also think I would lie about my friend's sexualities in order to sneak them in. So, can't, sorry.

Hero Fan 0: You're all lazy-ass friends. I don't think my old hag would mind, but there's one problem.

Shogun: And that problem is…?

Hero Fan 0: Just be prepared to say you're a Chinese exchange student or something. If we're lucky, we won't have to lie. But she's a fucking witch.

Shogun: But I have a Japanese name and face… I mean, I can speak Mandarin but I don't think that will convince her.

Hero Fan 0: We'll see.

Shoto met Bakugou outside of Bakugou's house. It was large, with a modern design. It was very different from Shoto's house based on its outward appearance, as Shoto's house was larger and traditionally oriental in architecture.

"Are you just gonna sit there and stare, Icy-Hot? Or are you gonna come in inside?" Bakugou barked, not looking at Shoto as he waved his hand signaling for him to follow.

As Bakugou opened the door, Shoto felt impending anxiety.

"Old Hag, he's here!" Bakugou yelled toward the kitchen.

Quickly after, a gorgeous woman who looked a lot like his fiery classmate, scurried out of the kitchen to meet them.

"Hi, I'm Mitsuki Bakugou, Katsuki's mom." She smiled, putting her hand out for him to shake, which he hesitantly took.

She turned to face Bakugou, "Katsuki, why don't you introduce him?"

Bakugou growled lightly, "Old Hag, this is Icy-Hot. Icy-Hot, this is Old Hag."

In the blink of an eye, Mrs. Bakugou smacked her lookalike over the head angrily, "Katsuki! Be respectful! Use his name!" She yelled.

"You Hag! Hit me again and I'll kill you!" Katsuki yelled back.

"Oh, shush!" She scorned him, hitting him over the head once more.

Shoto couldn't help but chuckle softly at their interaction. While he was off-put that Bakugou suffered what appeared to be minor physical abuse, he also found himself jealous of the affection they shared.

Bakugou looked over at Shoto's chuckling form briefly before quickly turning away. Shoto assumed he was mad, so he halted his laughter.

"I'm Shoto Todoroki, an exchange student." He did his best to use the lie Bakugou came up with.

Mrs. Bakugou raised an eyebrow at this, "Where from?"

Shoto could feel himself sweating slightly beneath his shirt collar, "China, ma'am."

She turned to face Katsuki, "Do you really think I'm this stupid, Katsuki?" she asked, placing her hands on her hips, "He has the face of a Japanese model, not a Chinese one. He also has a Japanese name."

Katsuki groaned, "Yeah, yeah, he's just a friend from school."

Mrs. Bakugou scowled, "Stop lying, I know you don't have friends."

Shoto pondered what to do next, before he intertwined his fingers with Bakugou's, "We're sorry for lying. I'm actually his boyfriend."

He felt Bakugou's grip around his hand tighten out of surprise. Mrs. Bakugou looked both shocked and unconvinced. She sighed.

"Fine, I can't tell if this is another lie or not but I don't care. If he needs to stay that badly, he can stay." She waved her hand dismissively, "But, if you're telling the truth, try to keep the noise down, alright?" she smirked.

"Oh my God! Mom!" Bakugou hissed in embarrassment.

She smiled, "Aw, you called me mom!" turning to Shoto, she patted him on the head, "Shoto, if you need anything, just ask. And if my stupid brat breaks your heart, let me know so I can beat his ass." and with that, she retreated back to the kitchen.

Before Shoto knew it, he was being dragged upstairs by Bakugou.