
A World Where Women Are the Rulers

Chase Norris was just your normal troublemaker in life given that he acted nothing more than a delinquent throughout his high school life up to the very end it was coming. No one ever believed he would do anything good with his life after finishing high school given Chase was going to have a long criminal record in his adult life. There were a few who believed him to do much more in life than others think given that Chase has a chance to be something else to the world than that. Yet it does not matter about the future for this person when our friend gets struck by lightning and mysteriously gets brought into another world unharmed. A world completely different from his own on earth starting with how it is like a fantasy book or game filled with monsters that are dangerous and can kill a person if attacked by creatures. Yet that is not the only thing that was shocking to Chase where it turns out the women of this world are like the top rulers and the man are treated as lowly slaves. Had no clue how coming to this world came to work. Chase has to think first is to stay alive in it given being a male is like having a target on his back meaning journaling in this world is going to be very tough for him. Patreon link - https://www.patreon.com/Mattfuncool Books: Awoken in a world of monsters & Reincarnation: Road to rebuild a lost home Discord link: https://discord.gg/xa5jQF37B it has 30 days

mattfuncool · Fantasie
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205 Chs

Ch 6: Getting into a fist fight

Chase got that the situation wasn't looking too good and he needed to act fast if wanting to keep his life alive longer. So, he grabs Allyson's body carrying it into his arms and when having the girl their Chase starts to run away from the enemies coming after them.

"God, why am I in this situation? I know I am not a good person, but come on, I don't deserve this much pain and trouble."

He says running at full speed carrying Allyson which was much more difficult to do at this time, but Chase pushes his body given that what keeps him from giving up is the will on wanting to live.

The female enemies are on him, but not close enough to catch them. This isn't going to be like this for long and Chase can feel it as his body is not going to keep on running forever.

"Alright you got to wake up, I can't carry you forever like this," he says, but got no response.

Allyson was still in her knockout state, and it seemed she was going to get back up anytime soon. Chase had no other choice than to think of an idea fast and one did come to him, but it wasn't a plan he likes that much.

Speeding up to run faster, getting further ahead until those running after him couldn't see what he was going to do next.

Seeking out a tree that was big and able to hide a body from being seen by anyone Chase eventually found one fast placing Allyson's body against it carefully where it couldn't be discovered by anyone if they pass by the tree and making sure that doesn't happen, he had to be the one that draws the attention of the enemies that been after them.

That is the reason Chase was very happy about the idea of having to leave the girl somewhere and be a distraction. The reason for him doing this was no clue and there was no time to try to understand it.

"You own me," he said to her and went back to running right on time to where the enemy was catching up.

This time it was only him they were going after not realizing that the girl he was carrying was no longer there.

Only for a little longer did it go on until finally one of the females was able to grab a hold of Chase slamming into him as they both hit the ground.

"Fucking finally got him and wait for a minute he not carrying that girl with him anymore."

As the person who caught Chase said all this, of course, he wasn't going to go down without a fight. Uses the chance to throw an elbow hitting the female right in the face making her get off him, so he can get back up to stand on his two legs.

When standing again Chase faced the three remaining females who were well off wearing armor and holding weapons in their hands. Chances at the time didn't look to be in his favor, but he didn't care and still fired up to fight with his fist to be his weapon of use.

Watching Chase take a fighting stance the females laugh at him thinking how foolish he is being to take them on this way.

"Look at this guy, does he believe in fighting us like this? Is a great idea."

"I think this male is an idiot who has no idea of the situation that is going on here."

"I don't care, I want to pay back for him hitting me in the face."

The third one speaking made her way toward Chase in a pissed-off mood seeking to hurt him badly and the weapon in her hand was a sword.

"Hey, don't kill him, you hear me, it's a male. After all, we can use him, so put your weapon down and just use a fist."

One of the others said and she listened, stabbing the sword into the ground while walking towards him. Glad that his opponent isn't going to use a weapon fighting on the equal ground yet for how long that will be lasting.

So, wasting no time she throws a fist his way that was dodged quickly from Chase's experience of fighting another in a fight. At that moment he threw his punch in an uppercut way hitting this female again and sending her back a few steps.

"Fucking hell, you got me in the face again, I am going to beat the shit out of you badly."

Doing that has caused her anger to increase more and that is what he wants to have this person blinded by the rage losing focus in the fight. Chase thought that at first until that changed the other way around when this female charged at him looking as if she was going to do the same thing again.

Unexpectedly it was a fake-out where a punch looked to be in him, and he was ready to block it yet never came and instead aimed to hit right into his stomach with the power behind that first causing a reaction movement out.

Chase placed both hands on his stomach making the mistake that was made when another attack came striking directly into the face. Now is the one to have to take a few steps back and spit out some blood.

"Shit that was a rookie move for me to make, I can't allow that to happen again. I have to do this right." he thought.

Regaining himself to be back into his position this time a guard was brought up.

"Watching this right now isn't it weird that this male looks to be having some skill in fighting?"

"What are you talking about didn't you see how to strike at him twice like that there is no way he knows what to do."

"I saw that yet look at him not worried or scared, just ready to keep going in this fight."

The two talked as the fight was going on where their comrade went on to being the one to attack first sending a kick that was going for the bones of his ribs. Blocking the leg as at a good timing where the same leg had to be brought back, but that not going to be all again a punch sent, and Chase blocked that as well fast taking the chance in to hold onto.

Locking his arm around the female kept her at a good hitting distance which was taken for its use. Chase had begun to send punches one after the other for a short period to not no longer be of use, so what he did next had his opponent's arm in a hold by the arm.

Chase's Strength made it possible to break the arm, bringing the female to cry out in pain loudly and letting her go with now an arm was broken making the fight much harder for that person.

The two other females saw that the fight had no more reason to keep on as it is because of their comrade now with one of her arms broken.

"Alright that is enough male, you did your damage, now suddenly stop or we will kill you."

One of them comes forward with their sword in hand pointing at him and saying this.

"Hey, come on, that's quite unfair, how about you fight me as your friend did."

"Not happening male, I am not going to fall for it, so don't waste my time picking what you are going to do."

Chase starts to think about coming now to face another of them using a weapon that must not be taken lightly.

Shockingly, they hear a cry of someone being attacked as both look to see it was the other female stabbed with a small knife that entered her neck spilling blood out from it along with her mouth as well.

"Well, aren't I glad to see you again really I am."