
the village by the waterfall

Waterfalls, natures curtains and veils, the ever flowing walls that hide the worlds secrets.

Henu, a large man with messy black hair and abnormally green eyes, sat before one such waterfall.

As he sat by the river that ran down from the waterfall he listened to it.

The sound of the rushing water felt so safe and nostalgic to Henu, he cast his mind back to a time when he was a young boy spending his days splashing and jumping in the river.

500 Years later. I was born, Henu, who was my ancestor was idolized for being the first of our town's men to slay a Giant. Our small town of Veifall resided beyond the northern most mountains and was regarded as the most isolated town in the country.

All I knew about my great great grandfather Henu is two storys, the first story I was told of Henu was his love of his waterfall by the village, and the second story I was told was of his victorious fight against a mighty mountain giant.

The town was safe since that day. Then it showed up. It ransacked the town and killed our cattle, all my mother could do at the time was cradled me in her arms and hide.

Despite the time that had passed since that day it still roamed the province, now I was a 15 year old boy I had chosen to enlist into the hunting squad to kill that monster.