
A huge mistake

I woke for the hunter test at 5 to the far to familiar feeling of my skull creating contact with the wooden floorboards on the floor of my cabin, my discomfort was quickly expelled however as I recalled that it was finally the day of the test.

Gliding across the floor I rolled into the closet and threw on my equipment. The black Charboar hide armor set that was provided by Hugo, the village leather worker fitted nicely wich was a novelty as I was a bit smaller than most hunters my age. My hair was dawned with a blue Icarusbird feather I had found in a chest outside the town, to my initial shock it increased my speed whenever I wore it.

I ran out of my cabin and past the farms till I reached the town, all the townsfolk were hard at work and I planned on working hard today as well.

"Good morning Jolt."

bellowed Ferdchip The town's lumberjack.


I yelled back at the man.

I arrived at the camp that the test would take place at later that day, from what I had heard the test will mostly involve hunting down a monster in the woods. The other participants where far taller than me and I decided to keep my distance from them although I was confident in my speed I wasn't confident in my endurance at all.

"yo goblin don't get stepped on in the exam ok." came a voice from the crowd, the remark was met with laughter from the crowd as I positioned my body to attack another voice cut through the laughter.

"Welcome, to the hunters test, this trial will take place over two days, in that time you must hunt and kill your allocated monster those who successfully complete the task will be regarded hunters and will gain the right to leave the town and adventure."

For a moment after hearing this the crowd was silent then the loud man spoke again.

"What are we gonna hunt?"

he yelled at the test administrator, who I could now see was a tall woman in a wizards uniform.

"What you hunt will be different for each of you."

She replied in a cold tone.

The crowd was visually confused by the statement and looked at each other for answers. Eager to begin I spoke up

"So what decides what we hunt then?"

The womans expression morphed into an evil grimace as she said in a ghostly howl

"I do."