Waking up Wulfric made his way to the library to pick out a few books that the kids would need to start their schooling, it wasn't anything too hard just about dark creatures and how to harvest their parts along with books on Witcher potions, and blacksmithing. They wouldn't be required to be proficient in blacksmithing as I planned to teach it as an elective for students who were interested in learning the craft. I was so excited to finally be able to teach some students that I completely forgot the biggest job of a Witcher, which was to hunt monsters.
I have been so preoccupied with the kids that I never set up anyway for people to request help with exterminating dark creatures, I never really had to think about looking for monsters to hunt before traveling to the future, dark creatures and wizards alike were not exactly hard to find one thousand years ago. Returning from my thoughts I checked the time and realized the kids should be getting ready to show up to class in the next twenty to thirty minutes and resigned myself to at least go to Diagon alley later today to look at shops for sale or at least put out an advertisement in the daily prophet. After gathering a few books for both Katrina and Stephen I made my way to the first classroom on the right side of the stairs and waited behind the desk.
Hearing the two chattering while making their way to the classroom I waited while watching them come through the door and sit at the closest table to my desk. Standing up, I started with the ingredients for the potion that makes a Witcher. The first thing needed is the brain of an acromantula followed by the spine of a redcap, the tail hair of a Thestral, the kidney of a troll, the blood of a vampire and the saliva of a werewolf. Those by themselves do absolutely nothing besides make a liquid potent enough to kill a dragon, but with the flower I found in that cave abode all those years ago, it did exactly what the name implied.
The blood and saliva alone should turn you into a monster but something the flower does interferes with the very nature of the ingredients themselves and, well, creates a miracle, or in this case a Witcher. With enhanced strength, vitality and heightened senses while not superhuman I can still run at about sixty miles an hour and easily flip a car. Not to mention the large increase in durability to magic and physical blows. Add the enhancement spells I know to the mix with the known signs, swordplay and wand magic I could give the best a run for their money.
After going over the dark creature part of the lesson for about an hour, I spent the same time on the other topics, spending about four hours going over topics followed by a more in-depth workout in the first-floor training area. This is how I planned to spend the next two months before their trial preparing them as much as I can. Calling it a day, I sent them on their way and prepared to head into the city.
Now knowing the location, I apparated directly into the designated spot inside of Gringotts and left through the exit. Appearing in the alley, I made my way down the road looking for any empty storefront I could conduct my hunting business from. Not having any luck with just walking around I realized that I might have to go to the ministry to purchase a plot of land and build a store, not wanting to walk into the ministry with me not having an identity in today's world I decided I might need to get a lawyer to deal with all the problems I might have to deal with.
With my trip to Diagon alley pretty much wasted, I returned to Hogwarts to write up a letter to the daily prophet to ask what I would need to take out an ad in the paper. Finishing it up and putting it in an envelope I made my way to the owlery in Hogwarts while casting a disillusionment charm on myself to avoid the students that were currently in school. Completing that, I made my way back to the tower watching the children go about their business in what seemed a joyful mood.
With the war being over I'm sure the spirits of the magical community was at an all-time high with a lot of the stress and worry being washed away with news of Voldemort's death. Returning to my office I made sure to plan out the rest of Katrinas and Stephens lessons until it was time for their trial.
(two months later)
It was finally time for the twins to set out on their trial, the students of Hogwarts have all left for the summer and I got to know the teachers that heard about me from Dumbledore, I have to say Flitwick was my favorite the amount of knowledge about modern dueling he had was astounding, but getting to compare our different fighting styles was eye opening he was very quick and precise with his casting but with the raw power of my signs and my ability to deflect spells with not just my wand but also my sword made the make shift spar really enjoyable. The modern-day spells he used were very well practiced but I should expect nothing less from a former duelist.
The spells taught and used today were effective, but they lacked in power, and it was with this realization that I came to an understanding how one man, no matter how powerful was able to effectively bring the British magical community to it knees. From what I can tell he was strong, of that I have no doubt, but if here were to face just one of the other founders or the first group of teachers at Hogwarts his reign would have ended prematurely.
Returning from my thoughts, I walked down to the first floor after donning my Witcher gear and with Stella right on my heel as I planned to wait for the twins to come down for their trip to the forbidden forest. I knew they would struggle to kill a dark creature, but I had faith they could do it. With the huge population of acromantula in the forest I knew if they didn't get overwhelmed, they would succeed. I did, however, plan to follow them stealthily and make sure nothing went wrong, I was all for them proving themselves, but I had no plans of letting something happen to them and if they failed, well, we could try again tomorrow. It wouldn't sit well on my conscience to be the cause of them getting hurt.