
A while away: two sides to a coin

A While Away: Two Sides to a Coin shows the story of three merging with the three, Yemi, Yomi, Kunle, Ayooni, Anike and Asake, six people who tell the story of the dead and find themselves in a fix when they stumbled upon a corpse from the 18th century that hasn't decayed, The King of Utaka and a portal to a mirror world from theirs. Stuck in an unknown yet familiar world. they must find the truth as to why the corpse had a bitter memory and unravel the mystery of the land that was plagued before they can go back to their world. But with love, envy, jealousy, greed, and murder circling them, will they give in to what they are subjected to or will they scale through their ordeal and fight for what is right? thank you.

Aabimisha · Fantasie
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35 Chs

Chapter Twenty Eight: Meet The Teacher

Aiden, sat at a single chair a cup of tea in his hand chatting with someone in a black and white hooded overall. That isn't surprising at all, Anike muttered under her breath. He finally uses his head after he thinks you are in danger the man said making Aiden chuckle.

Welcome to my humble abode Daughter, the key and their paths (Benvenguda dins mon umil ostal Filha, la clau e los camins) he greeted them in Occitan. Greetings to The Teacher of wise Ayooni felt the words flow out of her. Come on in he said. Yemi sauntered to his father with a pointed look. You knew the answers and you didn't say a word. I am sorry son, The Teacher has an uncanny way of making you keep quiet even if you want to talk and perhaps the test was yours to pass not mine.

Yemi nodded and sat on the chair a maid placed by the table for them. The building isn't too big but looks like a very wealthy man's house. It looked like a cottage but had been built like an English man side hall. This village and foreign buildings. Anike watched as The Teacher did a round of compound building back the barrier that was brought down. 

I don't like him she whispered for only Asani and Ayooni to hear but Teacher heard her. I think he can hear you Asani said. I don't care if he did Anike said making her sisters smile. He has the dark around him Ayooni said finally raising her voice this time so the others could hear them.

Yemi, Yomi and Kunle turned to them in question. They were listening to the girls' conversation earlier. Are you sure? they asked. Yes, we are Asani said. I am sorry Uncle Aiden Ayooni said politely. I know you want us to be well groomed but I can't accept him as my teacher. But... Aiden stuttered, he is the best shot we have in the whole of the land. I know Ayooni said. But I can't accept the one my sisters rejected and I for one do not feel the connection of a student with him.

Aiden turned to Yemi and the rest what do you guys say? We know you mean well but if they don't agree to it we can't either. Aiden looked straight at his son who seemed too quiet since they got here. Ignoring them, Yemi turned to The Teacher and asked why.

The Teacher sat with them now, an evident smile on his face. The hooded clothing he had on didn't allow them to see his face but they could deduce his reaction. He stared at Aiden for a while. Aiden stood up from his seat, I will be at the entrance waiting.

After Aiden left, he removed his hoodie and faced them with his real appearance. Simon? They all echoed. Simon smiled at them. You will call me The Teacher as all do he said sternly. You look exactly like your mother yet different and you, he pointed to Yemi, you took after him way too much it hurts my pride.

Why? Yemi asked again not humouring him, they trusted you and he still does. For some reason unknown Yemi has been able to harness more of his powers since they entered Utaka. He could see more clearly, could feel more clearly. When he got here he saw one of the souls that had attacked them looking like Wura, he didn't think much about it until he heard the girls speaking.

If The Teacher wanted he would have continued to mask his appearance but his showing himself meant he wanted to finish it. He was the first one to know who I am too, The teacher said. I met her first, he continued. On the day she was born, I met her.

I was working by the forest going to my lair when I saw Seraphine giving birth in a cave. You are like me, Yemi said. Yes, I am. I have been waiting for who completes me for years but she never came. The person who would rule alongside me. I had a premonition that she would be born on the day of chaos so I caused one myself. I made the villagers start the stampede on purpose. 

You see, people in this village are so gullible, a word here and there, whispers does a lot of thing you know. And alas, as I expected she was given birth to. But before I could mark her they mated her with a boy barely 10 and unaware of the immense power he held. Then another prophecy came stating the one who barely knows who he is will be the end of me.

How dare the gods play with my fate as they please, I am the master of me. I am almost godlike. Seraphine gave birth to twins. The one and her duplicate. A joke to my intelligence. I had decided to take both and groom them myself but Seraphine protected her with her life. 

And I ended up with the other. Mira has immense powers too, why not rule alongside her? Oh, please Simon rolled his eyes up. He turned to Ayooni, you are capable of more than just seeing the future or the past. A raise of your finger can turn this world on its knees and beyond. I can see the light in you stronger than your mother's. I watched over her till she was ripe and when she caught a first glimpse of who she was she gave herself to him like a piece of meat.

And now you have given yourself to him too. But no worries I will have you anyway. His words make Ayooni sick. What else did you do Yemi asked. Oh! you took his annoying traits too. He looked at Ayooni with a lust-filled eye making her cringe. Your sisters have grown stronger too and your brothers. The previous ones were so weak it made me want to kill them.

When Yemi stood. Simon laughed cynically. Our fight isn't today and I won't take your precious father today but I will eventually. And I will make her mine just as I made Wura mine. You need to see the pain on your father's face when I took her right in front of him. You have a part of me in you, he smiled creepily.

Anike felt a churn in her stomach, this bastard was sick. Why call us here then Kunle asked. Oh, the quiet one. Simon smiled. You need to know the truth. What truth? Ayooni asked.