

After Nat and Jess were awake and eating, I went back downstairs to the training room and took inventory. When I knew all that had been taken and used, I set a code on the suits. The rest, including the dozen helicarriers and hundreds of quintets, would be available for him and anyone he deems to use them.

I thought his needs small or else he hadn't really pushed it because he didn't even think about space capable suits or ships. The whole team had done a Captain America upgrade with the serum and it seemed Skye had gotten a new laptop but the main inventory wasn't even touched.

When I met them a few hours later and they were packing to head out, I told Phil. "The suits, other than your teams, will be protected from use until you become acting Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. so that the tech is in safe hands. The contracts will prevent them from selling out the tech to others and all that fun stuff or even building their own. What you took was enough for several dozen teams and as such it will be enough for Shield's future for now."

He nodded. "Sounds reasonable considering."

I sighed. "The Bus as you call it, has been upgraded overnight. You'll find tons of new tech and upgrades weapons, mostly non lethal, as well as some upgrades to the containment cells, cloaking and power supply. All of which is protected. Your bus and the red 1962 Chevrolet Corvette have both been made space worthy and can even fly indefinitely while cloaking for the next five hundred years because of the upgraded power supplies I've provided."

He gulped and thanked me before asking. "When did you have the time?"

I shrugged. "I don't sleep and I can move really quickly, plus, you know, magic. I also installed a cerebral jolter and an upgraded nano healing lab as well as a contamination protection room. Go inside and the nanites in there will clean whatever isn't supposed to be in your system out, alien or not. The cerebral jolter will activate on everyone who enters the Bus. It will knock out any mind control and prevent any more from taking effect on the Bus. Cant be too careful when dealing with alien tech and well, aliens."

He thanked me and even the others looked grateful. I turned to Fitz Simmons. "All the tech is there for you to study except the nanites and suits. Everything else, feel free to do what you want with so long as it doesn't sabotage the Bus."

They both looked exited and I turned to Skye now. "Your laptop has direct access to Shadow, my AI and butler of sorts. If he can't help you find something, it doesn't exist, at least not on this earth. He can scan devices and even tell you how to use, turn off or even deactivate alien technology after scanning them. If asked, he can even turn the laptop into a suit of armor as it's made of nanites. It only works for you now so don't let anyone else touch it and stay safe little sister."

I hugged her and she smiled even a bit happier than before. I turned to Trip. "Yeah, I got nothing for you except this."

I held up a photo and he took it. "It's the original photo of the howling commandos. I was friends with Leo and Henry, the brothers. So much so that I made them immortal. They're out of town right now looking for their third brother whom already left back in the day, but when they get back I'm sure they'll be happy to tell you stories about your grandfather. He sounded like a good man and I've a feeling if I had the chance to meet him, I'd have made him immortal as well."

He set his jaw and took the picture thanking me. Sighing I turned to May and handing her a pair of gloves. "These are chi gloves. They're a prototype I made when I was learning to channel chi into my arms and hands to heal people. They are nearly two thousand years old and are made from dragon hide. You'll find each blow you make with them hits like a literal Mack truck. Try not to kill anyone you don't intend to with them. They have a secondary function of healing minor injuries of others but be careful, it cost you stamina and lifeforce or chi, to use them to heal because you're giving a part of yourself to the one your healing."

She nodded and accepted them and I smiled. "Well, in that case, I've no more gifts to give. Go get em I guess?"

They laughed and Natasha saw them off with Jessica to the Bus on the landing strip. I went back inside to the labs and began working on a serum of sorts that would allow me to train and grow stronger faster. After the first initial one, I'd been unable to take the second upgraded one because of the Klyntar DNA and there being an imbalance.

I'd taken a sample of Jessica's DNA as well as the fire proofing platelets and stripped it down further than ever before, leaving only her base genome of special powers and no human strands left over before combining the DNA of the platelets is stripped down and now all I was missing was something special, something that I hoped to find before Thanos comes.

For that I'd said goodbye to Natasha and Jessica as I would be traveling the stars a bit to find what I was missing. I headed to Knowhere first and after killing several dozen ravagers and space pirates trying to rob me, I forced one to lead me to the collector.

There I walked around looking while mentioning I had something I wanted to trade to him for something he might have. At first he was nervous until I stopped on Captain Marvel's body in stasis. He seemed to calm down as the ravager tried to flee while I wasn't focused on him and his head exploded.

I smiled. "Sorry about the mess, but no being in creation can flee from me if I don't let them. Now, I want a sample of her blood. This much should do."

I handed the collector a syringe and he frowned. "What have you to trade?"

I opened my hand and a vial appeared in it. "These are Phoenix tears. They can all but revive the dead. It works on any species out there and if used wisely, they can prevent your death even at the hands of an infinity stone for twenty four hours."

He stilled before asking. "And why would I want such a thing?"

I shrugged. "It's rare and you're the collector aren't you? Besides, it's worth a hell of a lot more than what I'm asking for. It makes you virtually indestructible for the time it's in your system. Whereas a sample of her blood is only for studying purposes. I'd take the deal if I were you."

He looked me over before separating his hands and smiling as he bowed a bit. "Of course."

I nodded and handed him the vials. "Have your perfect collect my goods and I should warn you, very bad things will happen if you try to scam me. I'm only being nice because I made a promise to stay low profile. That's the only reason I haven't taken what I want and blown the head of this celestial to space dust."

He was a bit gobsmacked by my vivid threat and had the alien slave girl collect the blood of Captain Marvel. Once I had it, I smiled and opened a portal as I left. I heard Howard the duck cursing but I didn't mind. Next I headed to Ego's planet body and cloaked myself.

I already had his celestial genes but I needed some more if this was going to work as it really mattered how much celestial DNA was in you apparently, to activate their powers. It would also allow me to differentiate the difference between his DNA and the celestial Progenitor's DNA under the ice in the arctic on earth.

It was clearly infected by the Horde but I'm hoping it can be salvaged as while I can eat it and be undamaged, I want to use it's DNA to advance my own with it's abilities. Celestials have no real body as they're mostly automatons but their brains and organs are real and I'd like to make use of the ones I do have. So there I was, entering Ego's planet and sneaking into his core where his brain lay.

I was tempted to eat it as well and absorb the massive lifeforce and power I felt from him, most of which was primordial essence I sensed but everything had a time and place and if I wanted his powers for myself as well, I needed to be patient.

I did steal a small sample and that was more than enough to help me separate the Horde DNA out of the celestial DNA of the Progenitor. I portaled home and from there I went to the sandbox, where Shield keeps their less dangerous people before they strip them of powers. I found a kid with ice powers that was meant to be stripped and took some of his DNA before goading him into attacking me.

After that I headed to the Fridge where I was let in like expected and shown to an inmate named Marcus Daniels. I got a sample of his blood then they released him and the first thing he did was attack me.

I absorbed and mimicked his powers, making my own connection to the Darkforce dimension. I also gained an energy absorbing ability that could literally charge up my powers just from sunlight. He was weakened now and fully human or at least, powerless. I felt his weak connection to the Darkforce and severed it completely.

He screamed and I told them. "He can no longer use Darkforce to attack. Though I've no idea about his energy absorption so be careful from now on."

They agreed and escorted him back to his cell before bringing out another inmate they'd gassed to sleep. They set him in a wooden chair and curiously enough he turned to wood. I waved them off and the guard told me his name was Carl Creel.

I zapped him with a jolt and he woke up angry. He swung at me with his wooden fist and I absorbed his powers magically. Once he reverted to human form, I knocked him back out and took a blood sample.

They brought in a man with lion paws but I shook my head. "He doesn't have abilities or powers. He's just an idiot."

They took him back out and I left as the rest of their inmates were just dangerous powerless humans for now. All the interesting people had been in the sandbox considering their options to join Fury's space program.

I went home to do some research and continue building on my own DNA structures hopefully when I realized it has been over a month since I left and Shield was going through some rough waters. Hydra had made itself known and Captain America had went with Jess and Nat to stop it. They'd effectively shut down the Hydra academy and ended Arnim Zola as well as Zola's plans for project insight.

The incident had made the news but the current Shield wasn't infested anymore as the last of the Hydra agents had been weeded out by Director Hall and the contracts. Though that didn't stop the senators from making a fuss and a US Colonel Talbot from declaring they should be labeled terrorists.

It did however keep them from actually being taken over or weakened enough to do any further damage. Particularly when Director Hall made it know that Colonel Talbot got his funding from Senator award and the senator's brother, Grant Ward, was a member of Hydra that was killed by the Abomination Avenger in their efforts to clean up Shield from Hydra spies.

That effectively crippled his platform base especially when she proved her words by releasing said documents. Senator award was forced to resign from office in humiliation and Colonel Talbot was reassigned to a far less cushy job.

He'd been double fucked by it for being a military man and supporting a known Hydra family now by taking their money and supporting their agenda. It wouldn't be long before he was forced to retire or risk his pension.

With Talbot out of the way and the senators all afraid Shield would air their dirty laundry next, Shield was acquitted of any wrongdoings. Natasha and Jessica told me about it all over dinner that night. Coulson sent me a message that he'd been officially made the head of Shield the next day and was assigning suits and carriers to different Shield divisions around the world.

The newer and more sophisticated tech along with the contracts all Shield employees signed ensured they'd be safe from now on. For the next eight months I synthesized DNA from all the known sources I'd taken it from and added it to the upgraded super serum but what I needed most, the celestial DNA, was taking the longest as I was pulling it all from the bottom of the ocean at the North Pole and sifting our all the Horde bits of corrupted DNA.

The process and the special equipment I had to use made it agonizingly slow. On the bright side towards the beginning of August I felt someone using the power stone and knew it was the Guardians of the Galaxy, whom would be facing Ego soon enough if nothing else.

Two months later on the sixteenth of October, I headed to the Planet Ego to watch the fight. When it seemed they weren't going to make it a day later, I sent Yondu and the rest into the Guardians ship i repaired and sent to space.

I then took Ego's whole planet body into my inner galaxy and imprisoned him there in a time stop field. I was left floating in space where the planet sized Ego was before. The ships on all sides surrounded me but I merely teleported away to each of the planets I felt Ego's seeds.

He'd lost his power over them and while inside my realm, he couldn't utilize Peter Quill to do anything just like he couldn't use his seeds without my permission. It was only a temporary measure as he was still a celestial and without it being my own inner galaxy as well as drawing on the time stone, I'd be in for a fight already.

I collected all the seeds into my own ring which effectively killed them but also preserved them. Thousands of seeds and I even stopped by and took some DNA from Quill to expedite my research before portaling home.

The rest of the universe was weary as stories spread of a celestial going missing and a strange human like being with white hair and red eyes that was responsible. Those from long ago remembered Knull from the description and sent word down the grape vine that the godslayer may be back.

While I toiled away in my lab, a certain Shield agent came over with Wes that she'd eaten a fish and went through terragenises. Coulson has given her leave to come to me to practice her vibration gifts so I had Shadow pick up where I left off and I started to train Skye I'm using and honing her power.

I taught her things like control and amplifying her power's effectiveness as well as helping her incorporate it into her fighting styles. Jessica, as it turned out, told her what I used it for in the bedroom, causing a few awkward lessons between us as she looked at me funnily each time.

I taught her to sense what she wanted and let the power guiding her as her will to make it happen effected the changes in her work. We spent hundreds of hours making sculptures as it helped focus her control. When she mastered that we moved on to music Instruments and a sounding board.

She'd match the pitch with an instrument and the frequency's would change and oscillate. It took her three and a half months altogether to get it down to perfection or as close as she could before she was called back to Shield duty.

I was about to finish up the serum when I nearly smacked myself in the forehead and went to Central Park. I'd arrived just after the massacre and saw Frank's shocked and shaking appearance. I spoke to him coldly. "I can bring them back...for a price."

He looked up at me with a glimmer of hope in his eyes and asked. "What price? My life? Take it! My soul? It's your's but please, just bring them back!"

I nodded. "Very well. Just remember your words. Release her and stand up beside me. That way it won't effect you as well and repeat this massacre all over again."

He reluctantly let her go and I reached for more of the time stone's power, reversing time in the localized area. He watched as it pulled backwards and the world went in reverse in the park.

Those bad guys still fleeing hadn't gotten to far so they were brought back and soon his wife and kids were brought back to life as the bullets exited their bodies. When I released the localized flow of time, I froze the human's perception of it and turned to Frank Castle.

I told him coldly. "This is where you honor your vow and take an oath. For this oath, I'll ensure they aren't killed for good here and now as well as give you the power to protect them."

I held out a magical contract. "Sign in blood and remember, you will become my herald, my Punisher. A being of murder and slaughter who kills murderers and criminals. Immortal and eternally bound to me."

He didn't even hesitate as he signed the contract. I'd already fused it with the powers I had in mind for him and once his bloody signature finished, he hit the ground like he was being electrocuted.

I smiled saying. "Arise my warrior. Come forth and greet those who conspired to murder your family and you."

He opened his eyes and floated to his feet. I'd given him everything he needed to know about whom fucked him over on this. I waved a hand and told him as his family disappeared. "They are on your world of punishment, your paradise. When you're done here I shall return them to you."

He smiled and held up his hands as two spelled glocks appeared in his hands. They were my first attempt at a wabajack like weapon. Instead of it doing random things, they transformed into whatever weapons the owner required of them. Including bottomless ammo guns.

I restarted time and he walked over to the drug dealers as he shifted into someone else's form and murdered them. The cops tried to stop him but he shot the corrupt ones before stealing a car and getting away.

When I heard on the news a while later that Colonel Ray Schoonover was killed from what appeared to be a dead officer on live television and that nothing the army or police threw at it could stop it at all, I had Shadow release all the files on Ray Schoonover and his Cerberus squad with the exception of Castle's involvement.

All records of him on that team were expunged from everywhere as he was shown to have turned it down. Several hours later and well into the evening, he teleported into my living room, covered in blood and the smell of gunpowder.

Chuckling, I waved a hand, cleaning him up. "Well done. The whole squad is dead and all the information on their illegal activities has hit the news."

I waved a hand and brought out his family while a wristband appeared on his arm and how to use it was telepathically gifted to him by yours truly. He nodded and took his family home after I told him. "I'll contact you when I need you, my Punisher. Until then, you'll find your weapons and armor on your throne. Use them as you see fit and clean up the corruption and murderers your new vision shows you at your own leisure."

He hadn't commented but took his frozen family home where they were unfrozen and he explained to his wife how they were saved and his deal with the devil. I ignored them for now and found Nat and Jessica watching the news and went to enjoy them a bit. Nat didn't even look my way at first when I bent Jessica over the couch and enter her. It wasn't until her own clothes disappeared that she merely looked at me and rolled her eyes before joining us.

Just as well because ten minutes later it was her turn and Jessica was helping her by guiding me where Natasha wanted to feel me most. With a groan, I buried myself to the hilt in her and she herself pushed back into me as I used my own vibrations to help her find more pleasure.

I merely hummed while she backed into me and rode me until she found her release and I began to knot, finding my own once more. When I slid out of her, Jessica took me in her mouth and sat on my face as she pushed me back onto the couch.

I vibrated my tongue and used a bit of magic to send her bucking and squirting a bit as she quickly found her second release. That was fine as I continued for another while I felt Nat lowering herself on me and ridding me.

After a few hours of intense orgasms, I tucked them in and went to finish my serum. Jessica has already went through the super soldier serum and was actually practicing the mind arts and Occlumency to better herself at the moment so all it left was Nat, who improved through her own personal training and me, as I rarely improved now but with this serum, I should be able to begin improving my physical body and power indefinitely from now on.

I ended up crushing Ego's planet body and revealing only his brain and avatar body. The rest was just matter he'd used like a cell. I absorbed his avatar body's essence and left him to recover slowly in my inner galaxy as he tried to reform himself.

I used his seeds for their celestial DNA and through them and Quill's blood, I was able to perfect the serum. I portaled myself to one of Hive's old busted up moons and took the serum while in a barrier. If I thought the first one was slow and painful, this one was agonizing and quick.

The celestial DNA practically fused completely with my Klyntar DNA as it to changed some degree. I felt different, lighter, yet stronger by a small margin. At first I feared Carl Creel's DNA would suppress the DNA and powers I got from Skye but it seems to have not even effected it.

I felt it did add to my abilities when I was absorbing a particular element but other than that I was fine albeit oddly not careful enough as I seem to have completely destroyed the moon I was on and sent the second one into the star's decaying orbit. I portaled home before the star itself ate the moon.

There I rested and got used to my own skin again. I wasn't physically much stronger than before, nor was I actually lighter but in fact I was feeling lighter because of the flight ability naturally inherent as Jessica's power. Before I had to use it as magic but now that it was apart of my molecular makeup, it was activated by my mood and emotions just like the Celestial/Klyntar abilities and the freezing and burning abilities of Scorch and the poor sap I well, sapped in the sandbox.

Add to that the abilities of the absorbing man, Carl Creel, and the power of the Darkforce and energy absorption that naturally and constantly converted all energy I could absorb into Darkforce and I was a force to be reckoned with by those standards alone.

I had my symbiote eating all the celestial seeds left over to add their power to my own and while Ego was week, I wrapped him in a runic power draining circle made of Gradium. All his excess power was drained off to me from now on, leaving him eternally weakened and trapped.

Smiling in satisfaction, I spent four days with Natasha and Jessica in peace before Fury contacted me about a Kree scout ship coming to earth and an Asgardian, namely lad Sif, coming to earth not long afterwards. I asked him what he did with the diviner and Kree city information and he grumbled about having his people study it for an alternative secret and endless way to unlock inhumans safely.

I wanted to throw my phone but I realized it was a hologram screen we were speaking through. Sighing I told him. "The Kree probably left sensors you tripped in the city. I'm unsure how they left things last time so they may be coming back to see if there's a threat. How many ships do you have in space?"

He grunted. "Ten."

I nodded. "Then leave the Kree to Coulson and notify him. If he needs to he can contact me and I'll deal with the Kree. As for Lady Sif, she's probably wanting to see what the Kree is up to. They're a war mongering race and she may be wanting to make sure it's not a scouting party before they declare war on us."

He nodded before asking. "And if they do declare war on us?"

I smirked. "Transfer all war ship personnel to a city ship and power the main weapons. Trust me, they don't have anything that can get through the weapons or shields of a city ship. Even if they did, their attacks would only charge the shields more as it's made of Gradium and absorbs nearly all forms of energy and kinetic based weapons."

He nodded before smiling. "I think I can manage that. It would even send a message."

I shook my head. "Not one you want to send right now Commander. You need at least half the fleet up before you send a message like that. The Kree won't be the only ones paying attention then. All races will know earth is open for business and possibly has high tech weapons and shields then."

He grunted before nodding. "I'll contact Coulson then."

I agreed and hung up. It was one day later that I heard Coulson pray for strength to beat his enemy and I gave it to him with a magical blessing. Moments later I heard him thank me. I saw he'd punched the Kree into a brick wall and through it nearly twenty feet away, knocking the Kree out and severely injuring him in the process.

I portaled over and asked. "Is everything ok? I felt your prayer."

He smiled. "It's fine now. Oh, I'm sure you've met the Lady Sif of Asgard?"

I shook my head. "I haven't had the pleasure. It's good to meet you. Your people know me as Dark, son of Nott."

She looked a bit shocked. "I've heard of your prowess. Thor says you're a great warrior and a powerful sorcerer. It's rumored you even brought our Queen Frigga back to life. They say you were some kind of green bird at the time. Sorry, the rumors are blurry over drink."

I chuckled. "It's fine. Though it was a green Phoenix. I revived Frigga because Odin struck a deal with me and agreed to pay the price upon his final passing. As for Thor, he is a warrior of great potential though he lacks the proper training of a god."

She shrugged. "He is receiving personal training from Odin himself now."

I nodded. "Then more power to him. Since I'm not needed-"

Coulson spoke up. "Actually we could use your help to settle a dispute. The Kree warrior says the Inhumans were made as weapons of war. Lady Sif says they're dangerous as well."

I shrugged. "I don't know if they were made as weapons of war later on but I do know the rumor back then was that the Kree scientists wanted to understand why their own evolution had ceased and were using humans as Guinea pigs. It was to understand and perfect the terragenesis crystals as the original version that they'd used had ran out when the race experimenting on the Kree left them like they abandoned earth."

Lady Sif frowned. "You can't know that-"

I waved her off. "Please child, I'm older than Asgard. There's little I don't know about this universe including how Asgard was made with the infinity stones."

She shut up for a moment and I sighed. "It's possible the Kree, seeing their great war potential, decided they'd be better suited to their war efforts but the fact remains it wasn't originally for war. They're probably trying to keep the truth hidden because it ties in so close to their origins and rise as a race. Something that, if current rumors are right, there was a rebellion over not long ago in the Kree factions by someone named Ronan the Accuser."

I turned to Coulson. "The contracts will protect earth from them if they turn out to be psychopaths and evil. So long as they sign one it's fine. As for any that don't wish to join up, you can always turn it into a non disclosure and non-violence contract for them to sign before they're trained and sent into the wilds of society."

He nodded. "Well since that clears things up, Lady Sif, I'd like to ask you for a favor. Can you use his Truncheon to erase his memories and send him home?"

She nodded and did just that as I portaled home again. Coulson gave me a private message about a faction inside S.H.I.E.L.D. that's try to stage a coupe. I sent him a message to make a strong impression that it wasn't up to them to decide or question his leadership. If they used his alien blood healing against him he can freely tell him I removed it from himself and take all manors of blood tests to prove it.

If they tried to accuse him of gathering powered individuals, I recommended he start sending volunteers to my place for the mutant and super soldier upgrades. All I asked is that they have signed a strict contract on not abusing their powers even if they quit or get fired from Shield.