
A Feeling About You

Kichi is busy studying on the first day of school while Emiko keeps poking him with a stick she found while they walk to school. "Can you stop poking me?", Kichi says to her. "I'm trying to study right now". "Kichi, it's only the first day of school. Exams are still far away, plus, I'm hungry", Emiko says to him. "Fine, let's go get some food". Emiko celebrates in her victory of making Kichi stop studying and also because she forgot to bring money to pay for food in the first place.

They both strolled towards the cafeteria and meet up with Midori and Nikko. "We've been waiting for the two of you", Midori says to them. "Sorry, Kichi was busy studying and it took me awhile to get him here", Emiko tells them. "But I was only studying fo-", Kichi was about to say to her but she quickly shush him up. "It's fine. Now let's get something to eat cause I'm starving", Nikko tells them as he rushes towards the line to get some food. "Isn't he always hungry?", Emiko ask Midori and she nods.

They all buy their food and sit down at a table. "This is it, the final year of our high school life.", Midori says to them. "Time sure flies by doesn't it". Emiko nods and say "Yeah", while Nikko and Kichi are devouring their food. "And I thought you weren't hungry, huh Kichi", Emiko says to him but he didn't hear a single word she said. The girls are amazed at how fast the two ate their food to the point they even went and bought even more food. The two just slowly eat their food while chatting to each other about what they did during school break. Bell rings and they all went back to class and continue with the rest of the lesson for the day.

After the final bell rang, they all went to their local café to do their part-time job. The café used to be called "Specialized in Coffee café" but everyone agreed that name was stupid and too long so it was changed to "Ashita's café" which means 'Tomorrow's Cafe". The four of them usually hangout there but recently started to work there part-time and Nikko even thought of working there full time even though his friends know he would work there just for the free food and drinks. Hiroshi, the café owner has always been there for the four of them during their hard times with school for whenever their parents are busy with work.

All four of them went and changed clothes and do their work. It was a very busy day for them due to it being the first day of school for the new years and there's also a new years deal for first year high school students. Everyone is tired at work while Nikko keeps eating more food than helping them until Midori yells at him to get back to work. While chaos occurs in the café, Emiko and Kichi went out to get more ingredients before the chaos get even more chaotic when ingredients run out.

"Finally! We are out of the chaos", Emiko sighs in relief. "You do know it's temporary right? We still need to quickly go get the extra ingredient that Hiroshi has already ordered and paid", Kichi tells her and she sighs with exhaustion but nods. They quickly went to the store and picked up the ingredients and on their way out, they pat the local cat that everyone calls "Orange" because she has orange fur.

They returned to the café and see that the chaos went down. "It was hard but at least we're all fine", Hiroshi tells the two of them. Hiroshi, Midori and Nikko went to take a break. "Emiko", Kichi says to her and she looks at him with a confused look on her face. "What is it?", she ask him. "What do you wanna do after graduation from high school?", he asks her. "Not sure yet, but it's too early to think about that" she replies while smiling. "I wonder what would happen if the two of us went to two different universities", he wonders to himself but Emiko hears it. "We'll both be alright. We've been friends since the start, we are bound to meet again", she tells him but inside she feels like something has strung her heart.

The two of them quickly close the café after it reached closing hours. Hiroshi thanks all four of them for their hard work. They all quickly changed back to their normal clothes and went their separate ways. "See you guys tomorrow", Emiko and Kichi tells the two of them. "Yeah, see you guys tomorrow", Midori replies as Nikko is still eating food. "How are you still not fat?", Midori says to Nikko in amazement of his appetite and not being fat from eating so much food. As the two of them walk back to their home, Emiko ponders more what she truly feels. Deep inside her heart, she doesn't wanna leave Kichi's side.

At home, Emiko wonders what kind of feelings she has for her childhood friend