
A Thousand Worlds

A not so average life ends, and a second one begins. A chance to redeem? Nahhhhhh, a chance to live out dreams would be a more apt description! But as with all, a simple man living out his dreams isn't quite the best of the best, nor the most of entertaining. A chat group (a certainly peculiar one) has been thrown into the mix as well. ==== Find extra chapters at: p@treon.com/stoned_face

Dreizehnn · Anime und Comics
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109 Chs


Tokyo, Japan,

Shibuya Ward,

Samuel POV,

Samuel walked with a small smile on his face, you should be used to it by now, the man was always smiling after all. To others it looked pleasant, mesmerising even but to a certain little girl that was holding the finger of his gloved hand, it was slightly strange. "Why do you wear these gloves?" Rin asked curiously, tilting her small head to the side, it was kind of strange to see him wear gloves in such weather.. she looked at the Sun overhead, yeah, it was really weird for him to wear gloves.

"Oh that? Nothing big, your big brother's hands are just too precious to be shown to the world!" Samuel announced, giving her a thumbs up with a cheeky grin on his face which made the girl facepalm inside, "....I see." She nodded at him, it was possibly something sensitive... Heh, that gave her a slightly strange feeling, wasn't he her brother? Koume and her brother had no secrets between them....

"Ah, it's a secret. I'll tell you when you're older." Samuel assured her, noticing his sister's dismay at not being told the real reason.... Well, to be completely honest, Samuel had no problems walking around without gloves; it was just that the questions and attention that their appearance brought was too much of a pain.

"It's a grown up thing.....?" Rin asked or rather nodded, that was an acceptable explanation! Samuel scratched his cheek in slight confusion, how come even if mostly expressionless she seemed to be overflowing emotions? "You wanna see something cool?" He asked looking at her with expectant eyes, siblings were something to be valued and cherished, sisters even more so. No, he would never see the girl as anything beyond his sister, incest was a concept that made Samuel's face churn in pure disgust... how could any disgusting fuck want to fuck their own flesh and blood?

Rin looked at him for a few moments before nodding slowly, a curious gleam in her eyes. "W-What are you doing?!" She almost shouted in protest, turning red from the embarrassment lightly hitting Samuel's head. "You're a kid, you don't gotta act so mature. I'm gonna look like the kid if you keep doing that." Samuel said with a laugh, he had picked Rin up and placed her on his shoulder.

Being as tall as he was, he towered over almost everyone in Japan and his shoulders should certainly offer a view, no? "P-Put me down..." Rin whimpered, it was seriously embarrassing! She understood that her brother was just trying his best but.. wasn't he going too fast?! "Sob Sob, I'm going to go back to prison cause of my little sister."

"Did you actually just say sob?" Rin deadpanned, was her older brother one of those weird idiots? Having forgotten all about her prior embarrassment as if it was never there in the first place but then again, it was understandable, she was a child. Samuel looked away whistling, "Don't know what you're talking about." He said not even slightly embarrassed about what he had done, he had transcended the very concept of embarrassment itself after having to live as a baby.

"Haaah, fine I understand." Rin sighed rubbing her forehead, it was futile to even try to reason with him going by what she had learnt from her mother. "Nice." Samuel remarked, somewhat happy, he was pretty sure he was doting a little bit too much but eh, who cares? It was fine.... right?"

And like that, the duo made their way through the streets, Samuel unknowingly earned some brownie points with certain people for being a 'doting' brother.


"You're....really tall aren't you?"


"Do you...exercise?"

"I've never missed a day."

"Mou, at least try...." Rin sighed in defeat making Samuel chuckle, yeah he was doing it on purpose. The girl was a little too stern to be honest but she knew that in this situation, she had to make an effort.......she was sitting on his shoulder after all so effort was a must.

"Haha, well it's alright. Good job!" Samuel gave her a thumbs up opening the door to the store they had arrived at, an oddly familiar name, 'Cake Shop Iori', he just couldn't place it though but that didn't mean it was his first time here, this place had a small reputation in their area....... Mei was a regular visitor too and she had made absolutely sure he knew about it.

"Ah Rin-chan, you're here ag-.....?!" A middle aged woman greeted Rin whom she recognised from the times the girl came along with her mother but went silent in slight shock and surprise when she actually turned around..... the boy... looked familiar.

Samuel looked at her briefly and nodded, despite looking slightly sleep deprived... She was kind of beautiful. Fair skin and long black hair tied in a ponytail, a certainly well proportioned body as well but then again, he also noticed the ring on her finger. Samuel wasn't one to go after a man's wife so he didn't pay her any further attention so long as attraction was concerned.

Rin sternly waved her small hand, suddenly remembering the embarrassment from being carried around on her brother's shoulders and Iori slowly waved back as she curiously and somewhat warily, eyed Samuel. Of course, she didn't recognise him, gangs were a thing around here and kidnapping was certainly a prospect to consider but then again, silver hair, blue eyes...... a trademark of the Hayes family.... An uncle or cousin maybe?

"Eh..." Samuel scratched the back of his head, not really understanding how to actually deal with the woman when she was giving him such strange looks before an idea came to his mind, "Strawberry sponge cake, about two or three." He ordered with a small smile, be quick, order shit, book..... was his plan.

"Anything else?" the woman asked with a smile, which made him shake his head in response, "That'll be all." Samuel replied, smiling even wider, it seemed as if they were having a mental battle right there.


Tokyo, Japan,

Undisclosed Location,

??? POV,

In a large office....no, calling it a suite would be more fitting considering the size of the place. A man that looked to be in his 40s sat behind a table with a stern expression on his face, he wore a white suit and his hair had been slicked back for the most part, a few bangs falling to the front. His build was fairly broad, all in all, he looked fairly intimidating.

The floor was covered by beautiful furnished wood and a few expensive paintings hung from the walls, each having enough worth to let a common man live out his days in luxury. A glass pane was fixed behind him in place of the wall and lights hung from the ceiling. Curiously enough, there was no one else in the place besides himself....... normally that is.

He looked at the old man sitting in front of him sternly, the old man refusing to be downplayed looked at him equally or perhaps even more sternly despite his wrinkled face and sunken eyes. "Gan'an, are you actually suggesting something like this?" He asked clenching his fists, a few veins popping out on his forehead.

"Do you think I would joke about something like this, Ren? Consider the combined power our families could hold." Gan'an replied, rubbing his chin in thought, already used to the behaviour of the man in front of him. The Hayes were too passionate about their flesh and blood in his honest opinion.

"I will... ask my son, remember, ask, not order. If you want something more, see yourself out." Ren said with slight anger in his voice, he was already locking his son's future. The boy would inherit his Conglomerate and could do nothing to resist the position, they could never make a girl the heir. In doing so, they had taken away his future freedom, to ask for more would be incredibly wrong of them.

"Whichever fits you more." Gan'an stood up, there were no goodbyes between them, the two men could be called more enemies than friends. Their individual conglomerates or groups, whichever suits you more had been rivals for a long time with both being nearly the same in wealth. The two richest families in the country, the Shinomiya and the Hayes, both with international ties.

To join the two would equal ruling the country. To Gan'an Shinomiya, power was the most important thing.

As he left, Ren pressed the button which would resume the call he had been on before Gan'an barged in unannounced. "Sir, would yo-"

"I refuse your offer, Mr. Charles Choi. We aren't interested in Korea at the moment." Ren said sternly, naturally he had investigated the man's group after he extended a business offer to them and what he found, was an illegally funded business. The Hayes were strictly legal in their operations and such a thing would daunt both their reputation and their pride.

"A word of advice, I will destroy everything you've built up faster than you can blink if you so much as look at my family with contempt." Leaving those words, Ren cut the call, stood up and walked over to the 'window' behind him. "Should I get some cake?" He muttered to himself looking down at the city.


Share your thoughts please..... I did pick this up but without your feedback, I can't decide whether to continue or not.