
32. A Special Ceremony

Another chapter! Woot! I am glad that this is the chapter we will leave off on for a few days. I'll keep writing, but I'll be too busy to edit properly and post. I hope you enjoy it.


Mirabel had been very upset when her parents told her she couldn't invite her amigos to her ceremony. When asked why, they told her that since she was their youngest, they had wanted it to be a special family event. She hadn't understood how that made sense, but after speaking with her hermanas and primos, it was decided that adults were weird and she'd just have to deal with it.

Dolores had been quiet the whole time, looking a little sad and guilty for some reason. When asked, the older girl had said she didn't feel too well and left it at that.

A few days passed and Mirabel got over it. Then one day, a new door appeared, and chaos ensued.

Mirabel was so excited she couldn't stay still as Julieta tried to dress her, much to the eldest triplet's amusement. La Familia Flores and Roberto were notified, bringing their respective families. Everyone else got Casita ready for the event.

"Bruno, what's wrong?" Marlena asked, struggling to get Rico dressed. "Mi vida, I need you to stay still so I can dress you, or you're gonna miss Mirabel's ceremony." He turned to her with wide eyes and stopped moving. Marlena shook her head with mirth before turning back to her esposo. "You've been fidgeting all day."

Indeed, Bruno couldn't stay still. Normally he was a pro at getting the niños decent and ready, but today he could barely get Diego dressed properly. His hijo was amazingly patient with him, and he counted his lucky stars that Marlena had already dressed Ofelia.

"Ah, lo siento." Bruno smiled nervously. "Something's just been bothering me. A feeling."

"Is it a vision?" Finally finishing with Rico, she turned her worried face to him.

Bruno lightly scowled, glancing at their niños before meeting her gaze. He mouthed 'later' to her and she reluctantly nodded. When Bruno managed to get Diego dressed properly, they ushered the triplets out of the room. Marlena stopped him by the doorframe, a question in her eyes.

Bruno fiddled with his ruana and met her gaze, his own worry finally showing through. "I've been…feeling anxious about Mirabel's ceremony. I've tried looking, but the Miracle won't let me."

Marlena stared at him in surprise. There was so much to unpack, but the first thing that caught her attention was, "The Miracle?"

Bruno nodded. "Whenever I try to look, the sands turn the same color as the flame on our candle. It doesn't hurt or anything, but I can't see past it. Almost like it's purposely keeping it a secret? I don't know. But I hate not knowing, especially about this, and it's making me anxious."

Marlena took his hand, bringing his attention back to her. She squeezed his hand. "The Miracle has never hurt your family, right?"

Bruno thought for a second. None of them had experienced pain from their Gifts. Not directly. There was that one time where his madre had fainted during their ceremony, but if he remembered right, it was a one-time fluke and she had been fine right afterwards. "No." It came out slow, as if he were hesitant to admit it.

"Then whatever this…surprise is, it won't hurt Mirabel. Right?" Her smile was kind and understanding.

Bruno pursed his lips in thought, before nodding. "Right." He sighed softly, leaning in for a kiss. He then leaned his forehead against hers. "Lo siento, it's just… Mamá is also nervous, and the triplets' ceremony will be next, and I just don't… I just don't—"

"Want them to go through what you did." Marlena gently interrupted. "I know. I understand."

The couple stayed like that for a moment longer before separating. Hand-in-hand, they joined the rest of their family on the first floor.

True to their word, this ceremony was extra special. The decorations doubled, and all the foods served were favorites of Mirabel's. Julieta had gone on a cooking spree, her nerves getting the better of her.

Then there was the girl of the hour. Mirabel was dressed in a cute little white dress, butterfly designs embroidered beautifully into it by her tía. Tucked into her hair, Isabela had placed a large white carnation. Bouncing on the balls of her feet, she waited at the foot of the stairs until Alma gave her the signal.

Once Bruno and Marlena joined the crowd, Julieta and Agustín already on the second landing with her, Alma nodded at Mirabel.

In her excitement, Mirabel tripped as she practically ran up the stairs. Pepa caught her, as did Casita. Someone muttered how much like her padre she was, and Mirabel giggled before taking a deep breath. A bit calmer, the five-year-old walked steadily up the stairs until she stood before her abuela.

The entire time, all Alma could hear was the sound of her heart in her ears. All she kept remembering was a door fading and her nieta looking up at her, heartbroken and confused. Afraid. 'Everything will be fine. No matter what, everything will be fine.' She forced a calm smile when Mirabel stood before her. Lowering the candle, her voice didn't waver as she spoke. "Place both hands on it, mi mariposita. There we go. Do you promise to love and protect your familia, yourself, and your community?" Mirabel nodded, and Alma nodded towards the door. "Go ahead."

Wiping her slightly sweaty hands on her dress, Mirabel couldn't stop staring at the door in wonder as her hand reached for the door knob. Alma, Julieta, and Agustín watched on anxiously.

Bruno nervously watched from below. As her hand approached the door knob, his eyes glowed a dull emerald and he saw grey.

There were no lights or sparks of magic as his sobrina touched her door. Instead, it dimmed before the top started crumbling and fading. He couldn't help the sinking feeling as he watched the door melt away before it was completely gone.

With a gasp, he was back, and he stared up at Mirabel with wide eyes. He didn't even notice his familia giving him strange looks, or Marlena's concern. He knew the timelines were connected but not really connected, that events didn't always happen the same way in both of them. He knew this. Yet that didn't stop a pit from forming in his stomach when his favorite sobrina touched her door with her little hand.

He promptly gasped in shock when puffs of magic appeared, and an image began to carve itself into the door. Everyone stared in wonder, but only one person had as strong of a reaction as Bruno.

Alma stared in open shock as an older version of Mirabel carved itself into existence. She felt a burst of new warmth within her chest, one she was not familiar with and stronger than the others. Yet it felt familiar in its intensity—almost an equal, yet infantile at the same time.

The image displayed Mirabel as an adult with her eyes closed, a soft smile on her bespectacled face. Her clothes consisted of a traditional top with frills and a skirt. Both pieces had butterflies stitched into them. In fact, butterflies were the theme of the image. They surrounded her image in the background. The main focus, however, was what she held in her hands. Cupped in her hands was a familiar candle shining brightly.

Just like Alma's door.

"Whoa." Mirabel exclaimed softly, eyes wide.

It was enough to bring Alma back to the matter at hand. Blinking rapidly, the smile on her face wasn't forced, but surprised. "What do you feel, mi vida?"

Mirabel squeezed her eyes shut, brow furrowed as she thought, but it slowly even out as seconds ticked back. Alma felt her heart pound louder with each tick. Finally, she opened her eyes and stared at Alma in wonder. "I'm like you, Abuelita."

"How so?"

"I can give Gifts, too."

Alma seemed to freeze as it all fell into place at that simple admission. Though decades had passed, her memory of just before she was sent here was vivid in her mind—as if it happened yesterday. Casita falling, losing their Miracle. Then rebuilding their home, rebuilding their family bonds. Mirabel, placing the door knob on the door to Casita, the Miracle returning because of her.

The Miracle returning because of her.

She should have known.


Alma closed her eyes and smiled, tears pricking her eyes. 'Gracias, Pedro.' When she opened them, the worried expression on Mirabel's face was replaced by a shy smile. "I am so proud of you, mi mariposita." She crouched down and patted her nieta on the cheek. "You're just what this family needs."

Mirabel teared up despite her happy giggles, unexpectedly emotional. It almost felt as though someone else felt intense relief, happiness, and the sense of a wrong being righted—and she was the outlet. Consumed by these emotions, Mirabel hugged her abuela tight. "Does that mean I get to give Diego and Rico and Ofi their Gifts?" Even as she asked it, she knew the answer. She felt it.

"Not yet." Alma returned the hug warmly, and knew it was the truth. "You will take over for me when I…retire. In the meantime, I will train you to be the next Matriarch. Not now, but when you're older."

Having heard everything, Julieta and Agustín could only look on in disbelief as Alma picked up Mirabel and turned towards the rest of their family. "We have a new Gift, mi familia. The Gift of Giving. It looks like the Miracle has chosen the one who will bestow the Gifts after me." She turned to Mirabel. "Let's take a look at your room, shall we?" With an excited nod, Mirabel was set back on her feet and she excitedly opened her door.

The rest of the familia followed quietly, soft whispers murmuring about what happened. They were still shocked by the Gift and the meaning behind it.

Alma wouldn't be with them forever. The Miracle would need someone else to bestow gifts upon the family when she was gone. It was a sobering thought, one the Madrigal Trillizos didn't like. Yet at the same time, there was no one more perfect for the job than Mirabel. Mirabel, who somehow made everyone feel at home and welcomed. Mirabel, who at only five, tied them all together.

Her room reflected that. It was smaller than the others, taking after her abuela's quarters in that regard, but still very big for a child. A four poster bed was on the opposite wall, along with a dresser and bedside table. On the left wall was another door to a closet. Like Dolores' room, there were lots of pillows everywhere, and some even big enough to sit on—thrown into the mix. There was a small sofa by the right wall with more throw pillows that looked super comfy. What really caught the attention of the family, however, were the cartoon faces along the walls.

There was a face for each of her family members living within Casita decorating the walls. They even had corresponding symbols near the cartoon depiction of their faces. There was a large candle for Alma, a smaller one for Mirabel, a mortar and pestle for Julieta, a thunder cloud with the sun for Pepa, an hourglass for Bruno, an ear for Dolores, flowers for Isabela, weights for Luisa, and vague outlines around Camilo's image to depict his gift.

But it didn't stop there. There was a piano for Agustín, a sculpture for Félix, needles and thread for Marlena, and even a hammer for Hermando. There were symbols for the non-magical members of their family, too. Even the ones who had yet to get gifts had little yellow butterflies around them, as if anticipating the arrival of their gifts.

No one was left out. They were all special in their own way.

It brought tears to Alma's eyes.

Bruno found himself tearing up as well, though he didn't understand why. Even when his eyes glowed a dull emerald once more, he was left with even more questions than answers.

"I know things have changed, Tío. That things are better. Getting better." She gave him a watery smile that trembled. She swallowed thickly. "But sometimes, I still feel like I'm not enough. That I'll never be enough."

'You are more than enough.' Bruno fervently thought. He watched as his niños hugged Mirabel, happy for her. How his other sobrinos looked equally happy for their prima and hermana. He took a deep breath and smiled. 'You're exactly what this family needs to stay together, kid.'


La Familia Madrigal held a family meeting with their extended family after Mirabel's ceremony. This wasn't the norm after a ceremony, but there was nothing normal about this ceremony. It was to discuss what to tell the rest of the Encanto. Even the children were in attendance, as Hernando had pointed out that Dolores would just be listening in and relaying everything to the niños anyways. It was an argument no one could refute, and so they stayed.

"I don't know if I want to announce how significant her Gift is." Julieta voiced, hugging her daughter close, face worried. "She's so young, they could try to use her."

"Saying she didn't get a gift won't help, either." Bruno added. "We may know differently, pero kids can be mean when you don't fit in." Marlena squeezed his arm in comfort.

"Maybe we could say her gift is delayed?" Pepa offered. "No one really knows how the Miracle works, not even us. We can just say it dictated that her gift would be revealed at a certain age."

A thoughtful silence followed, and Félix grinned at her. "Not only are you beautiful, mi amor, pero you're smart, too! No wonder I'm such a goner when it comes to you!"

"Ay, Félix." Pepa rolled her eyes, but the pink in her cheeks and the smile on her face was telling.

"It is a solid plan." Agustín commented his support.

"But what about her door?" Isabela brought up. "It looks like Abuelita's door. Won't they think the same if they see it?"

The adults grew tense.

"We can't ban visits to Casita for the next decade." Alma voiced. "Not only could it breed strife, but the niños regularly invite their amigos over. It wouldn't be fair."

"Perhaps the truth is the best course of action." Marlena said slowly. "Just not the whole truth? That her gift is similar to Alma's, pero it won't activate until she's older? We don't need to explain the conditions for it, especially when we don't know it ourselves."

"Fifteen." Mirabel suddenly pipped in.

"What?" Julieta asked, confused.

"My Gift will fully…uh, work? It will fully work when I'm fifteen." She confidently declared.

"How do you know, mi vida?"

Mirabel patted her chest. "I felt it here."

"I stand corrected." Marlena muttered, eyes wide. She would never get used to the magic that dwelled within her family.

"Lena's right." Roberto chimed in, Milagros in his arms. "The truth may just be the best way to go. That way, there's no possible way for resentment to settle in." He muttered the last part. After his confrontation with his parents all those years ago, Robert was still out of sorts. He barely talked to his mamá, only when he took Milagros for visits, and hadn't talked to his padre in years.

He still wasn't really sure how to feel about it.

Alma sighed, bringing him out of his thoughts and back to the matter at hand. "I will announce to the town that Mirabel's gift is like mine and will manifest fully in ten years." She turned to a worried Julieta. "I know you're worried, mija, pero we'll make sure she stays safe. We all will."

Sighing, Julieta nodded.

"That doesn't mean to smother her." Alma said firmly, looking at her nietos. "Her gift is different, but that won't mean she isn't capable. ¿Tú entiendes?" At their sheepish nods, she nodded as well, satisfied. That was something that had happened before, and it led in part to Isabela's slight resentment and Mirabel feeling as if she were incompetent—not enough. 'Not this time.'

The meeting was dismissed from there with promises to keep everything else—such as her future role as the family Matriarch—a secret for the time being. That could wait to be announced, much to Julieta's relief.

It was a lot to take in and process, and one would think a five-year-old would be overwhelmed by such prospective responsibilities. However, as Mirabel was tucked into her new bed in her new room by her parents, she was surprisingly calm. Of course she was anxious, but not overly so. She knew in her heart, where her gift rested right beside it, that everything would be okay so long as her familia was together. They could get through anything together.

The next day, when Alma announced the new gift their family had been blessed with and the similarities it held to her own and its conditions, most welcomed it with open arms and congratulations.


*cackles* yes, I will leave you hanging like this. Yes, I've been known to be evil from time to time. *cackles.

So, remember when I said my brother gave me an epiphany about Mirabel? This was it. He pointed out to me, because my brain does not comprehend common sense apparently, that she basically gave her family back their gifts, making her the new gift giver.

Like I was already gonna give her this gift because I like the concept, but now it's pretty much canon in my head after that.

I also headcanon that Mirabel didn't get a gift as a warning to Alma that she did not heed, but also because her gift would be different. How that fits in with Antonio getting his gift years later? Idk. Maybe because Bruno was in the walls patching up the cracks…? Hm. Actually, I really like that. Well there ya have it, a new headcanon! Lol sometimes I just need to type out my thoughts to figure things out XD

I fly out tomorrow and come back on the 2nd, so I'll probably (because we all know how much willpower and self-control i have in regards to this story) not post any chapters during that time.

Until next time, ¡adiós mis amigos!
