
33. A New Ceremony


Thank you so much for all the well wishes on my vacation! Y'all are so damn sweet, you're gonna give me more cavities! But I love you to bits!

Some announcements!

1) i THINK i forgot to mention last chapter that i met this couple when I was younger, right? The guy is white and the woman black islander, right? They were genetic goldmines, because i KID YOU NOT! All three freaking kids came out with caramel skin, blue or hazel eyes, and curly hair that was light brown at the roots and blonde at the tips NATURALLY! That's the look Diego is based off of. It's real, I seent it with my own damn eyes. I literally would have thought I imagined it if it weren't for the fact that my SISTER REMEMBERS TOO! What are the chances of us have a double hallucination? 0%. Thank you.

2) I'm alive! I go back home later tomorrow/today. It was great! I had the honor of being the Best Woman in my bff's wedding, who was the groom XD if I get married, he's gonna be my Man of Honor. That's just how we roll. Did I also mention he started off as an online friend, a fellow fanfiction author like…7ish years ago? Life works in strange and amazing ways and I'm so happy for him and his wifey. I love them both so much.

3) …i think this is the other thing I had to announce? Uh updating will be slow a bit because I didn't get much writing done, but since my social battery is beyond empty, that should be fixed in a day or two lol

Alrighty! Time for the triplets' ceremonies!


Time passed and another year flew by. During that time, a few things became evident to the people of the Encanto in those first few months.

The first was something many of the adults and most children were aware of: the Madrigals were very protective of each other. Another incident similar to just before Dolores had been born had never happened again, but there had been a few smaller instances, such as when Rafael Rojas had attempted to assault Bruno in his own home. Bruno, who was known to be cruel when he fought and not hold back his punches. In their home. Where their niños were. He had been the first to be banned from Casita, and Julieta refused to treat him for anything that wasn't life-threatening. From there, smaller instances had happened, each met with a strong united response from the Madrigals. Which led to the next point.

While most were accepting of Mirabel being the next Gift Giver, the few not fond of the Madrigals for one reason or another, were not happy with the announcement. This meant that even when Alma was gone, the family would continue to grow stronger. The magic would not die with her. However, there wasn't much they could do about this, because no one messed with Mirabel, not unless they were prepared to face the wrath of her hermanas. The first time it had happened and another child had made Mirabel cry, the same child had ended up running away in tears after the verbal lashing Isabela had given them. They had taken their tío's talk on self-defense very seriously, fighting with their words instead of their fists. The niños de La Familia Madrigal never threw the first punch. So when an adult had made Mirabel bleed—it had been an 'accident', the woman had intentionally pushed her and Mirabel had scraped her knee—Luisa took it as permission to punch the woman that had dared to touch her hermanita. She had used none of her super strength, but by age ten Luisa was as strong as the strongest men in their village without the use of her gift, and she hadn't held back.

That incident had caused a bit of an uproar, which was promptly put to rest when Alma gave the woman a chance to explain herself in front of the council. She had even convinced Julieta to heal the woman—with food that wasn't poisoned—as a show of good faith. When the woman could not explain why she had attacked a child, the council had placed her in jail for a year. This was after Alma had declared her family would no longer render services to her unless her life was in danger. Her family, however, was spared since to their knowledge, the woman had acted alone.

After that, the bullies had tried to set their sights on Bruno's triplets, only to be met by a protective Mirabel and Camilo. Who in turn were protected by Isabela, Luisa, and Dolores. Who had the Madrigal Trillizos protecting them. Who had Alma watching over all of them. It was quickly learned that if you mess with one Madrigal, you messed with all of them.

It both amused and disheartened the Madrigal Trillizos, reminding them of their younger years. They were grateful their niños didn't keep these instances from them, or that their 'fights' had never turned into actual fights.

The positive far outweighed the bad, however, as the next generation of Madrigals formed solid bonds of friendship outside of their family even as the bonds within grew stronger. It was such a stark contrast to what Alma remembered.

Time continued to pass, and the Madrigal Trillizos were thirty-seven when the triplets turned five, three new doors appearing a month later. This would be a new ceremony for everyone, especially for Alma.

Bruno couldn't help but feel nostalgic as he got his niños ready. There were three doors, just as there had been for his ceremony. All three of them were dressed in their best whites.

Finished with the last one, Bruno lined them up. "Ven, let me take a look at you three." He couldn't help but tear up as he took them in.

Diego had taken to wearing ruanas like him, so he was wearing the same white ruana Bruno had worn at his own ceremony over his white dress shirt and pants. His bicolored hair was slicked back demurely, contrasting adorably with the shy smile he gave his papá. Rico's hair was also slicked back, but somehow fit with the five-year-old's look. His white shirt was a different style than his hermano's, and he grinned excitedly at Bruno as he bounced on his feet. Ofelia was dressed in a little white dress with little butterfly and flower designs. Her hair was up in pigtails, a white rose attached to the base of each one, courtesy of her prima. She was swaying side-to-side, equally as excited as Rico.

Of course, they wouldn't be Bruno's niños without a white rat on a shoulder. Pequeño was perched on Diego, one of his gentler rats. Spunky Rosita was paired with Rico, and he swore his hijo was her favorite. Lastly, Nieva sat on Ofelia's shoulder, easily one of his loudest rats. They were a cute yet odd pair.

"Well don't you three look charming." Bruno said in his best pompous voice. "What brings you fine folk here?"

Diego giggled. "It's our Candle Ceremony!"

"You don't say?" The triplet fell to giggles as Bruno feigned shock.

"You know this, Papí!" Rico exclaimed, hands flying up.

"Who's this 'Papí', you speak of? I'm Enrique Montero De La Cruz III and—"

"Papí." Ofelia said in a childishly exasperated voice, making Bruno pause.

"Fine." He sighed dramatically, smiling at their giggles. They were more giggly today, but that was understandable. It was a very special day for them. "Alright, niños, vamanos. Your amigos will be here soon." With that, the triplets dashed out of the nursery, laughing and cheering as they went. "¡Cuidado! No running!"

Their speed slowed down a little, and he could only sigh. A chuckle from his right made him turn to see Marlena laughing at him.

"Oh, you find this funny, do you?"

"I do." Marlena grinned. She came closer and tapped him on the nose. "And charming. You're so good with them."

"I'm just lucky they like my theatrics." Bruno chuckled. He hummed when Marlena kissed his cheek, and he patted her lightly on the bum. "C'mon, let's go, querida."

Marlena rolled her eyes good naturedly, but followed after him as they, too, descended the stairs to join the rest of the family. There was more to do this time around, as this would be the biggest ceremony since Camilo's. The triplets had invited all of their closest amigos, ranging from three to five per child. To say Casita was about to resemble a primary school would be an understatement.

Julieta called them to help with a few last minute touches, and the couple was quickly separated as things were settled into place. During that time, the guests arrived and the sound of excited niños grew in volume. It took a gentle reprimand from Pepa for them to tone it down in consideration of Dolores, which the triplets apologized for. Assured that it wasn't their fault, they were shooed away to play before the ceremony began.

Towards the end of the preparations, Bruno couldn't help but stare at the three doors once more.

"Nostalgic, ain't it?" Pepa said as she came up next to Bruno, gazing at the doors as well. He nodded

"Goodness, has it really been thirty years?" Julieta commented, a hand on her cheek in thought as she came to Bruno's other side. Pepa groaned.

"God, I feel old."

"You are old."

"I'll show you old, pendejo."

Julieta merely sighed fondly as her siblings squabbled. 'Somethings never change.'

Once again, Roberto arrived late, Sofía and Milagros having arrived before him. Marlena gave him an amused exasperated smile.

"What are we going to do with you, Bertito?" Marlena teased as she hugged him. He chuckled as Hernando appeared out of nowhere, joining in on the hug.

"I have a good explanation this time, lo prometo." Roberto said, giving Hernando a proper hug.

"Let's hear it." Hernando teased in turn.

Suddenly looking a little nervous, he led his siblings to a corner to let others know they wanted privacy. As much as they could get with Dolores, anyways.

"I…was talking with our parents." Roberto confessed, averting his gaze. He was taller than the both of them, but he seemed to hunch in on himself as he continued to talk. "It's been a few years since I spoke with Papá, and I…he says he wants to make things right with me. I told him he needs to make things right with you two before he can do that. He said he'd try." His pale blue eyes flicked up to meet their stunned gazes. "I hope that's okay? I just…I don't like seeing our familia so broken."

"Ay, who can be mad at those puppy eyes." Hernando complained as he pulled Roberto into another hug.

"You're not mad?" Roberto asked hesitantly.

"Of course not." Marlena assured as she joined in on the hug. "The only thing I'm mad at is that it's taken this for him to try. But I could never be mad at you."

The three hugged each other tightly for a moment longer before separating. Hernando let out a breath. "If he's willing to try this time, I guess we can give it another try, too." Marlena nodded in agreement.

"But only if he really tries this time. Mamá, too. They both need to try." Marlena stressed. She would not be the only one trying this time around.

The smile Roberto gave them was one of relief. "Absolutely, I'll make sure they know that!" The Diminuto siblings hugged one more time before rejoining the preparations, all three somehow feeling lighter.

After that, it wasn't long before everything was ready, and the triplets suddenly found themselves at the foot of the stairs. Bruno and Marlena were in the second landing with Alma, waiting. At Alma's nod, the triplets tried to ascend as quickly as possible without running. This proved to be impossible for Rico, with him quickly taking the lead. He was the first to arrive, much to the amusement of his parents. When Diego and Ofelia joined him, Alma smiled.

As discreetly as he could, Bruno motioned for the rats to come back to him. Reluctantly, the rodents climbed down the triplets, causing them to giggle as they returned to the seer.

"Ay, seeing the three of you here reminds me of when your papá got his gift." Alma said softly. For some reason, those words jogged a memory of emerald sands and a flash of light, and it made her pause. 'What…was that?' Mentally shaking her head, she pushed it aside as she refocused on her nietos before her. 'Later.' Leaning down, she held the candle out to them. "Ven, place both hands on it. There we go. Now, do you promise to love and protect your family, yourself, and your community?" Three little heads rapidly nodded. "Bueno." She smiled before gesturing towards the doors. "Go on, pick your doors."

The entire time before they reached out for their doors, Bruno had been holding Marlena's hand in a death grip, but the smile he wore was genuine, if a little nervous. 'Is this what Juli and Pepa felt? This terrible mix of pride and nerves?' He could honestly do without the nerves. Marlena was just as nervous, her grip just as tight. They watched, hearts pounding as their hijos touched their door knobs. His breath left him in a rush as sparks and puffs of magic appeared from all three doors, images carving themselves into the now material wood. Eyes wide, he took in every detail as he tried to guess what their gifts were.

Unlike him and his hermanas, the triplets had decided to go in the order they were born, with Rico's door being in the middle—Diego on his left and Ofelia to his right. Diego's door depicted an adult version of him, and his frame took up the whole door. His eyes were closed, a soft smile on his face. His curly hair was short, just barely covering his ears. Like his padre, he wore a ruana, and cupped in his hands was a heart. Bruno wondered if his gift had something to do with emotions.

As was the theme, Rico's door held an adult image of him. Like Diego, his eyes were closed but he wasn't smiling. He wasn't frowning either, his expression serene as he held his hands by his ears like his prima Dolores. His clothes were a simple dress shirt and pants. His hair seemed to be long, pulled back in a low ponytail like his padre. Behind him, the scales of justice were tipped to one side. That…Bruno wasn't sure what that meant.

Lastly, but certainly not least, Ofelia's door finished carving her image. Her adult version depicted her with her eyes open, just like her papá. Her expression seemed to convey determination, her mouth wide open as if speaking. Coming from her mouth were illegible characters forming words they couldn't understand. Her thick curly hair was loose, reaching her lower back. The clothing consisted of a dress similar to Isabela's, but with slightly shorter sleeves. Her hands were held out before her, palms facing upwards. Bruno didn't like how similar it was to his own door.

Alma stared at the new doors in wonder, feeling the same burst of new warmth within her chest as she had at Mirabel's ceremony. The bonds were different from her mariposita, however, resembling the other magically gifted familia bonds. They settled warmly in her chest, right next to her heart. Turning back to the triplets, she smiled at their already closed eyes.

At the base of the stairs, little Mirabel held a hand to her chest as she felt the new bonds settle in place, staring at her primos in wonder.

"Diego, what do you feel?"

"I feel…everything." The shy boy muttered, unknowingly repeating the words Pepa had said. Opening his eyes, he turned to his abuela. "So many emotions, Abuelita. I can feel everyone and turn it down but not off, and I can make them happy if they're sad."

"Such a perfect gift for such a sweet boy." Alma smiled. "Pero, sometimes people need to feel sad emotions to feel the good ones. I'm sure you'll learn when to help as you grow."

Smiling bashfully, Diego nodded his head.

Nodding in turn, Alma focused on Rico. "Rico, what do you feel?"

"I can tell when someone is lying and what the lie is." Opening his eyes, he groaned. "That means I'll never be surprised again!" This gained many chuckles.

"I'm sure you'll figure something out." Alma tried to sooth, amused by his antics. Rico huffed, but ended up smiling as he nodded. Smiling, she turned to her youngest nieta. "Ofelia, what do you feel?"

"I can tell people what to do." Ofelia said softly, opening her eyes to look at her abuela with large eyes. "But they…um, are awake? They can still talk on their own while doing what I tell them." It was the most anyone had heard the girl say at once, and it seemed to be because she was upset as tears filled her eyes. In a whisper, "What if I do it wrong and hurt someone?"

Before Alma could reassure her, Bruno was crouching by his daughter and pulling Ofelia into his arms. "Not possible." He said, pressing a kiss to the sniffling child's hair. "If your Tía Pepa and prima Luisa—who are the strongest people I know, can use their gifts without hurting people, I know the sweetest nena in the whole world can do the same. Okay?"

Nodding, Ofelia hugged her papí tighter before letting go. She suddenly didn't feel so sad or afraid anymore, and turned to see Diego with a look of intense concentration. "Gracias, Diego." She whispered, and her hermano smiled softly at her.

'Such powerful gifts.' Alma couldn't help but think, a sliver of worry filling her. She was prepared to handle the resulting burdens of her families this time around, but these three would be new experiences. She'd have to stay on her toes with them to ensure their happiness continued. "Your papá is right, Ofelia." She said, gaining the attention of the triplets. "You are such a sweet child, I know you will use your gift wisely. And if ever there comes a time where you doubt yourself, your familia will be here for you. No matter what."

The added reassurance from her abuela seemed to do the trick for the little girl, her smile returning even as Diego let go of his hold on his gift. Fears assuaged, Alma then gestured to the doors.

"Shall we take a look at your rooms?"

"¡Sí!" All three chorused together. They then bickered for a moment on who would go first, before deciding on Ofelia's room.

Ofelia reached out and opened her door. It led to a smaller chamber with no other doors or accessories. Just an empty concrete chamber.

Ofelia looked up at her parents with teary eyes, as if to say, 'Did I do something wrong?'

Despite the surprise that was the room, Marlena was calm as she crouched down to her daughter's height. "You know, when Isabela got her room, it was completely bare. Just like this."

Ofelia looked at her in surprise, tears forgotten.

"Yeah, that's true." Isabela confirmed, nodding seriously.

"What happened?" Diego asked softly.

Marlena smiled at Ofelia before tapping her on the nose. "We found out that she had to use her gift to bring it to life. I know you're worried, querida, pero, it's okay. Use your gift to find your room. You said you can tell people what to do?" Ofelia nodded. "Maybe you can tell this wall what to do, too."

Ofelia's brow furrowed in thought as she mulled over her madre's words. Coming to a conclusion, she opened her mouth as her eyes glowed a neon yellow color, and she spoke, "Open." The words had an echo to them, as if another Ofelia was speaking in a whisper.

Instantly, the impenetrable wall split in half with a loud grinding sound, the two halves swinging inward like a door.

"Whoah." Milagros uttered in shock. "That was really cool!"

"Looks like she takes after you in the eyes department, after all." Marlena teased, gently elbowing Bruno in the ribs.

Bruno could only shrug, a strained sort of proud smile on display. He had mixed feelings about the whole thing. He felt her gift was too powerful for one so young, just like his had been. But at the same time, her eyes glowed just like his and he couldn't get over how amazing and endearing that was.

While the rest of the family marveled at what just happened, Ofelia stepped further into her room and looked around. She rubbed her eyes just to make sure she was actually seeing what she was seeing. The room was large, with large rocks situated in piles around the room. Growing over the rocks and the grass covering the floor were thick vines with flowers reaching up into the air and anchored to—and this is what made her do a double take—floating rocks. Atop the rocks were trees, bushes, and patches of flowers, all contributing to the vines anchoring the floating mounds.

'What.' She thought in disbelief. She looked up higher and found a large square floating rock being held by the vines. 'Is that…?' She opened her mouth to speak, eyes glowing, but paused. Thinking her words over, she tried again. "Come down slowly."

She didn't notice the silence of her family as the platform descended at her command, revealing her bed once it touched the ground. With an excited smile, she twirled around to her parents. "Papí! Mamí! Look!"

"We're looking mi vida, we just can't believe our eyes." Bruno replied, staring at the floating rocks in his daughter's room.

After the initial shock, the rest of the party inspected her room, taking it all in. They found pillows that had been overlooked previously, and a dresser and a closet door to the far right. After an almost accident with Agustín—no surprise there—Ofelia had commanded the rocks to be soft, and now they could be squished like pillows. Really big, heavy pillows.

Further experimentation at the insistence of Rico discovered that any commands that would be permanent on inanimate objects were temporary on living things, ending as soon as her eyes stopped glowing. Something they were very grateful for after Rico demanded he be made 'soft' too and was then hugged by his timid hermano and squished out of shape. It would have been horrifying if Rico hadn't been giggling the whole time (the giggling made it mildly more horrifying for a few of them). Nor did it seem to hurt when he reverted back to normal.

Marlena and Bruno made mental notes to lecture the boy about being more precautious in the very near future because what the fuck Rico?!

"Whose room do you want to see next?" Marlena asked the triplets when they had calmed down enough. They all seemed to think about it before Ofelia and Rico pointed at Diego at the same time, startling their older hermano.

"Mine?" He hedged, and smiled when they nodded. "Mine!"

With that decided, they filed out of Ofelia's room and towards Diego's. Opening his door, Diego let out a calm breath as he took in his room.

The ceiling constantly moved like the waves of the ocean, the light streaming down giving the illusion that the entire room was underwater. In the background there was the faded sound of watery movements that were calming. His walls were painted a pale blue, adding to the underwater feel. In the middle of the room was his bed, the biggest of all the nietos they had seen thus far. It was at least a king bed, with many pillows atop it—that seemed to be a theme with the kids. There was a bedside table and to the far left his dresser and closet door.

"I can't feel them." Diego announced when the door was closed.

"Can't feel what?" Marlena asked.

"The emotions of the town. I can only feel those inside the room." Diego murmured, and looked up when Dolores took his hand.

His older prima smiled. "Looks like you're like me."

He grinned in response.

"This room really is calming." Hernando looked around. "Makes sense since feeling all those emotions may get to be too much sometimes." Félix nodded in agreement.

"My room now?" Rico asked his siblings, and at their nods, all three of the triplets ran out into the hallway and gathered outside of his door. "Whoah!" He exclaimed, eyes wide.

The room was cavernous like Isabela's, the walls black with gold accents. Pressed against the left wall was a dresser and his closet door. In the middle of the room stood a giant golden scale of justice tipped entirely to one side. Upon the scale resting on the ground laid a four-poster bed with gold trimming and a bedside table.

"Okay, why are their rooms so insane?!" Juan exclaimed.

As one, the Madrigals shrugged and chorused, "Magic."

Juan could only facepalm, his son chuckling at him.

"You get used to it, Papá." Agustín said as he patted Juan's shoulder.

"It's been years, Agustín, I don't think I ever will." Juan laughed.

The niños found pillows as they explored the room, Rico starting a pillow fight. The adults just watched fondly, making sure it didn't get too intense.

"How are you feeling, hermanito?" Pepa asked as she came to stand beside Bruno, wrapping an arm around his waist. Julieta joined them, taking the spot on his other side.

"Proud, nervous…," Bruno cast his eyes to the ground, and in a whisper, "scared."

Pepa nodded in understanding. "Dolores still comes to us in tears sometimes when she hears something upsetting."

"Luisa feels she needs to protect everyone, especially Mirabel." Julieta sighed, her grip tightening on her apron.

"I think I finally understand how Mamá felt raising us." Bruno added. "If something were to happen to them like it did to us and they didn't tell us…"

Pepa's cloud thundered as she scowled. "I don't want to think about it. I've told them to tell us everything."

"So did Mamá." Julieta reminded gently. "They'll have their secrets."

"The best we can do is be here when they're ready to tell us." Bruno said with determination. His hermanas nodded as they watched their children play with wild abandon.

No one wanted this moment to end.

So! I was inspired by Twilight and Jujitsu Kaisen for their gifts. Diego and Rico were taken from Twilight, the book series. Diego after Jasper (i got the illustration for the door from another fanfic where Mirabel actually gets the empathic gift, but I can't remember what the name is. If you know, let me know and I'll give credit where it is due!), and Rico after an Irish vampire that's only really mentioned in the books of Breaking Dawn (this is why books are freaking amazing. They give so much more damn detail!), and Ofelia was inspired by Inumaki Toge (last name is Inumaki) from Jujitsu Kaisen where he has cursed speech that forces those around him to obey his commands. Out of the triplets, she is the most powerful. Good thing she made that vow to protect, right? I mean, it's not like the gifts… well, I shouldn't say. Don't want to give spoilers


They're rooms, on the other hand… *stares off into the distance* they took forEVER to figure out. Diego's was the easiest, just needed a nice calming room. Rico? Ofelia? I had to bounce ideas off of other writers because DAMN did Inset myself up for failure lol I'm STILL not entirely happy with Rico's room, but it's gonna have to do, I really can't think of anything else for him. For Ofelia, I was inspired by Floating Mountains of Pandora from AVATAR. That it would be a pretty neat thing. Kinda worked out in the end, so I'm happy.

Anyways, yay! The triplets have their gifts!

Until next time, ¡adiós!
