
A stranger's step by step guide to immortality

A great person once said that in the world of humans, it is impossible to achieve eternal life...and I took that personally... . . This is not a fantasy book. It's a scientific book, since science is the closest thing to magic we have in our universe. . . It is a simple depiction of the research made by a person striving for perpetual improvement. Themes such as Oncology, Epigenetics, Robotics and Philosophy will be the main ingredients. . Now, whether such a lofty goal is even possible in the first place...who cares? After all...one must imagine Sisyphus happy...

FangYuan1234 · realistisch
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7 Chs

4000 weeks

The average human lifespan is absurdly, terrifyingly, insultingly short... Assuming you live to be eighty, you'll have had about four thousand weeks. (-Oliver Burkeman)

And that's not even considering that a third of that time is spent in the comatose state we call sleep...

So out of those 4000 weeks we only have around 2700 left. 

From the very moment we open our eyes for the first time, until the inevitable last blink.

Death is unfortunately, inevitable as far as everyone is concerned, be it a year from now, ten, or a hundred. Some people romanticize it, convincing themselves that it is not actually the end and that afterwards there lies an entirely new journey.

I myself don't really believe in such claims, but to each his own. Everyone is free to chose their own beliefs. Everyone is free to chose their own actions. Everyone is entitled to pursue any goal they want, anything that brings meaning to these 2700 weeks.

I chose the path of perpetual improvement and I plan to stick with it for as long as I am alive. A great person once said that a man should choose for himself a goal he may never reach, because the climb is more important that the goal itself.

I have chosen the pursuit of immortality. There are 2 ways to attain that, or at least these 2 seem the most realistic to me. 

1- Become extremely rich and live for as long as possible until someone finds a way to reverse or treat the aging process, then buy the cure.

2- Do it yourself.

My approach is a combination of the above. I am currently a medical student and and I plan on becoming a licenced oncologist, but that's quite irrelevant right now.

This "book" will serve as a guide for myself as well, and I will discuss in detail each pathway I can think of which seems feasible for extending the human lifespan. 

The journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step as they say.

This thing will be updated whenever I feel like ordering my current list of priorities, or when I feel like writing something that doesn't need to be well structered like my fanfics are. I will try to use the most accurate and up to date information in this book, but I feel like mistakes are inevitable since I not yet an expert in any of the fields I will be treading.

FangYuan1234creators' thoughts