
A stranger's step by step guide to immortality

A great person once said that in the world of humans, it is impossible to achieve eternal life...and I took that personally... . . This is not a fantasy book. It's a scientific book, since science is the closest thing to magic we have in our universe. . . It is a simple depiction of the research made by a person striving for perpetual improvement. Themes such as Oncology, Epigenetics, Robotics and Philosophy will be the main ingredients. . Now, whether such a lofty goal is even possible in the first place...who cares? After all...one must imagine Sisyphus happy...

FangYuan1234 · realistisch
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7 Chs

1.1 - Getting back up

"The only difference between winners and losers is that winners get back up"

-Greg Pitt 

It sounds cool right? Just don't give up bro, you are gonna win in the end...and it's most likely true, but it's easy to talk big when everything is all sunshine and rainbows. It's easy to think that nothing can bring you down, and that everything is going to go according to plan.

I'm going to get up early, I'm gonna go for a run, I'm gonna eat healthy, I'm gonna study for hours upon hours and then the next day Imma do the same shit all over again... that's the dream, but sometimes it indeed is only a dream. Some days are shitty, and it feels like nothing matters, but as long as that little voice inside your mind exists, reminding you of what you truly want...you can always have a small conversation with it. I guarantee you that if you allow it to speak for a few minutes, getting up once more isn't going to feel like such a chore anymore...

For example...

"I understand from a psychological perspective, that in the days I don't feel like working, it's only because of a lack of dopamine inside the brain, and that it shouldn't matter all that much.

The goal is all that matters... The 6 laws are everything... What would Fang Yuan do? What would Negary do? They would keep on working , uncaring about their feelings, because feelings don't mean shit in front of results...in front of progress.

So let's get the fuck back to work "

-Literal conversation I just had with myself to get back to fucking studying. 

I found that writing shit down makes it stick around for longer in the subconscious mind. 

Motivational YouTube videos also help. (Ben Lionel Scott, Absolute motivation, David Goggins, Andrew Huberman etc)

Can't really write any fanfiction right now since my brain is hyoerfocused on immunology and microbiology, but I found a workaround with this shit.

FangYuan1234creators' thoughts