

What if we were a story in a book..?

He grinned as he scrabbled some words into his notebook, excitingly writing like he never wrote before, he lets the words take full control of him as he dives into his own world

Thinking to himself, he must write everything that comes up to his mind before it fades away, he looks so happy carrying his little notebook everywhere with him

No one is allowed to touch it, only him can read it

Although there is this one person he wanted to share his little notebook with, but unfortunately he couldn't

It doesn't bother him, as long as he's trying.

Waking up to the sounds of birds, smell of freshly made coffee

He stretches, turns his head and glances at his notebook

"Thank god, it's still there", he lets a sigh of relief. He sits on the bed, wearing his shirt

Checks the clock

"It's 2 pm?" He missed all of his lectures for this day.

He hurriedly dresses up and runs downstairs, sprints to the kitchen to see John, his roommate.

"Dude, 2pm??" He said

John replies before sipping from his cup "I know, weird"

Kyle scratches the back of this head

"How? I don't get it"

John says "sit down and I'll pour you some coffee"

Kyle sits while letting a heavy sigh, and John says to him after pouring coffee

"You know, since you got that- "

Kyle cuts him

"Don't get started. That theory of yours doesn't make any sense"

John screams slightly

"It does! Ever since you got that freaking notebook of yours, everything been so weird"

Kyle glares and drinks his coffee "you probably just wanted it for yourself "

John hits the table

"For god's sake quit saying shi*"

Kyle looks up at John, then gets up

"Then how about you quit saying shi* too, huh?"

He aggressively places his coffee cup on the table, causing it to spill everywhere and walks away

He mumbles "who does he think he is? Jeez"

Going upstairs, he enters his room and slams the door shut

Hops on his bed and grabs his notebook and a pen

Takes a deep breath "mm, I wonder what I should write.."

He flips and lays on his back, staring at the ceiling

Slowly smiles, thinking of his person

Then writes in his notebook..