
A story

——— In Kyle's notebook ———

" as "Jay" was finishing making breakfast downstairs, someone knocks on the door, Jay leaves everything on the kitchen table and runs to the door, he unlocks it

"Wo- Alexandra?"

He smiles instantly

A- "hiii! I suddenly had the thought to come over and see you haha!"

J- "Awh, I am glad you made it, uh- come in!"

Alexandra shyly walks in, amused by the smell of food

She sniffs "mmm, that smells reallyy good!"

Jay rushed and pushed the plate of freshly made food towards her "here, have it"

She looks at him "but you made it for yourself"

He smiles and looks down "i can make another one for me, go ahead, try it" Jay said handing her a fork

She chuckles, takes the fork and cuts herself a piece of the food, and eats it

Her eyes are filled with joy, she obviously liked it, like always

She gave him two thumbs up, he laughed

"Do you really like it or you just complimenting me?" He said, still laughing

She said while hopping "no no! It is actually really good!! Try it yourself" and she quickly put a piece on the fork and shoves it in his mouth.

He didn't see that coming, he choked on the bite, he laughed so hard yet still choking

She is laughing too, while patting him on the back

He swallows whatever was left in his mouth and looks at her, he stares a little as he couldn't move his eyes from her, then he tucked her hair behind her ear, to see her face more clearly.

"I like your smile"

She chuckles and blushes a little "jeez, stop haha that was unnecessary" and goes to the other counter, he grabs her hand gently "no I swear, It is really pretty"

She pulls her hand away "Jay.. we already talked about this, please."

He bites his lip, looks through the window

"Okay, fine.", he said sounding pissed, and walked away

Alexandra says "Oh Jay please, not again", Jay talks back without even glancing at her "isn't that what you wanted?", she walks closer to him saying "no this isn't what I want, but I don't want us closer than this neither"

He turns around, you could tell he is genuinely upset, he looks straight in her eyes and says "you can't have a little bit of both, I'm sorry but you can't hurt me like this."

And proceeds to walk away to the living room

"So what does that mean??" Said Alexandra with cracked voice, she continues "Do you mean.." Jay cuts her saying "yes. I meant that, now you can leave"

The word came out of his mouth unintentionally, he didn't bare to hurt her this way as he cared for her so much, this hurts him way worse than it did to her.

A tear dropped from Alexandra's eye, she couldn't say a word, she took her purse and left. "

——— End of Kyle's notebook ———