
A story about adventures and Gacha

The story about a genderbent MC reincarnating into a crossover world of marvel and hp. Yes you heard it right, not only is it a fic about a genderbent mc male to female, but it also plays in a crossover world. And you know the best part? It's even poorly edited! Scream out in hatred and despair my dear little lambs for your worst nightmare has arrived. Give me your negative feelings! I shall turn them into my nourishment and convert them into a storry so evil, that even god will leave us all in shame and disgust! For this is my masterplan. To sever the final bonds connecting the mortal world and the heavens. Like our ancestors did before us. Throughout the deepest pits of hell, Throughout the eternal city of flowers and the lost city of gold, and even the divine gardes of heaven, let my words be heard. This is my noble phantasm! [Zetsubō no monogatari]

Cardude_4 · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

2 Yer a lizard, Larry

Today is the day. The day I will walk through a wall and go to a magical castle full of mystery. I have made a lot of preperations for this day. First I have traveled into diagon alley again and bought a book about occupancy in nocturn alley. While I almost got in trouble because of a few wizards there, I managed to escape into diagon alley before they found me. Then I practiced occlumancy to save my skin while I am immune to mind reading, I still need to find a way to give away some memories to the sorting hat or I will be in trouble. Hence the rush to get occlumancy. After that I practiced some spells and went outside to meditate under a tree. the progress was moderate. While I did get mana to moove according to my will a little bit, it was like mooving a car up a hill while the breaks are still on. A herculean effort. But at least I could interact with it unlike before where it felt like mooving through quicksand. Every time I tried to push it, it would escape my grasp and moove back to its original position. So initial connection to nature established, I guess? Well whatever the case may be, I am feeling ready for Hogwarts.

Half an hour has passed and I am finding myself on a familiar train station. After walking through the wall which thanks to a spell that has been cast on the location nobody finds strange at all, I find mysrlf on a trainstation full of medieval looking people. Looking around I also see the iconic red train comming onto the station. As it was rather early, not many students weree here yet so I went into the train. After finding myself a department I sat down and read the household spell book I intentionally hadn't read yet so I would have something for the ride. It described with great deatail some useful spells for cooking, cleaning and various little tasks like making the bed or cleaning clothes that should not bee washed too hot. As a former single man that was integrated with the templete of a master chef from a cooking anime, I greatly appreciate these spells, even though I am sure that a propper magus would have spat blood already just thinking about the imbissle that wasted their time with inventing such banal spells. After all those tasks were beneath them and fitting only for the likes of homonculi. Magi were strange like that after all. While I was reading, the compartments naturally filled up and not long after I was sitting next to a certain brown haired witch the community has been making rule 34 entries about probably even before I was even born in my original life. She was sitting next to me and quizzically looking at my book from time to time. After a while she asked me about the book and I explained to her that it was a book about household spells. The explanation resulted in a discussion about wether it was really necessary to have a cleaning soell for every ocasion, when we already had scourgify. As a kid unknown to the horror that is washing clothes she naturally didn't understand the significance of these spells, so I took it upon myself to enlighten her on the subject. I during our descussion, we were interrupted by a certain kid looking for his toad. This lead to us asking around in the compartments if anyone had seen Trevor the toad. During our search we came across various people including the Weasley twinns and the boy who lived which is a remarkably strange title. This lead to a very unpleasant encounter with a certain blond haired brat along with his two goons. The wirdo continued to boast about the fact that his family was a dedicated practitioner of inbreading and how much that made him better than us lowly mortals who couldn't even see mt. thai. After that we continued to look for the toad until I found it lounging in the girls restroom under the window. After that we sat down again and continued to read books untill we arrived. As we exited, it was raining. Well it is Britain so of course it was. And I didn't bring an umbrella. I also lacked any spells that would substitute one and only had some that would dry myself later. So we made our way towords the lake while the rain poured at us the entire time and I am sure that I am not the only one who was cursing Hagrid for having an umbrella. Wee then proceeded to drive across the lake while the kraken was giving me ptsd by letting its tentacles emerge from the water in a very menacing way. All in all it was a solid one out of ten and I am happy we will never be doing it again. As we went inside, I quietly dried myself off and proceeded to repeat the process on Hermione. After that we were ushered into the great hall. One after another we were called in what seemed like no specific order. Urahara Kira! Ah yes that was my name in this world. I went up to the chair and prepared the memories of this body + the trip to Hogwarts and some parts of the few days before. After that I sat down and the hat was placed on my head. Hmm, I heard a voice in my head. You have awakened an interest for knowledge in the recent days that is very strong. Let us hope that your wuest for knowledge holds true. Better be Ravenclaw! I went towords the table and saw how the other students were sorted in their houses. It all went according to what I already knew with only one exeption. Hermione granger was sorted into Ravenclaw. It made sense too. With her not sitting in the same compartment as ron and Harry, there naturally was no insentive for her to go to griffindor, and with her being the studious type, she was sorted here. The girl in question walked up towords our table and meekly sat besides me. The sorting still went on for a little until it stopped after the last student was put into their house. Of course there was a lot of commotion when Harry Potter was sorted into griffindor, but that was obvious from the get go. After the sorting the headmaster made his speech and after that we got some food. It was alright. Not really outstanding but above average in terms of quesine. After that we followed our prefect into our dorms. Ravenclaw had to solve a riddle to enter the dorm which wasn't al too secure if one were to ask me, but then again one could just stand besides one of the other common rooms and listen in to aquire their passwords. After that we were shown oir rooms and now I was sharing a room with Hermione. The first thing that came to my mind after entering the room was bigger than I had Imagined. The rooms were next to each other with only about two and a half meters betreen them. I thought that either the rooms were small or there was some spacial enchantments placed on the dorms. of the two I had expected the first to come true considering griffendor didn't have any spacial enchantments, but apparently I was wrong. The space inside was expanded to about fifteen square meters. It was also furnished with two big beds, carpets, bookshelfs, a potions cabinet and a table with couch and chairs. It also expanded further as there was a door in the corner, as well as a balcony. Apparently lady ravenclaw had put a lot of effort into designing the ravenclaw dormatory. It seems like I struck gold when it came to my house. 

I turned to look at Hermione, only to find that she was already rummaging through the bookshelfs looking for new things to read. Looks like the next few years are going to be exiting.

The next day, I opened my eyes with a clear glint of exitement. Today another seven days had passed, meaning I could do another eleven draw. I exitedly opened the screen and selected the option.

Congratulations you got

2 body strengthening pill common

1 vibranium bar

1 skill book reinforcement uncommon

1 skill book telekinesis rare

1 skill orb water god style saint rare

1 pack of AA batteries common

1 Character template Suguha yagi Naruto legend

1 world travel token 4 years uncommon

1 background creation token uncommon

1 skill book thought acceleration uncommon

I almost jumped in joy when I saw today's rewards, but held myself back as Hermione was still sleaping in the bed oposide me. I read through the description of the world travel token and was relieved, but also disappointed. Apparently I couldn't gain daily gacha in the other world, but because time was pretty much relative and the traveling was just connecting two points and going through I could enter and exit at any point in time I wanted. It is just that I had to stay for four years once I did enter though. At least I had the option to stay longer and my age was reverted back when I came back to my world. Additionally I could designate the world I traveled to as my home world enableling me to gain daily gacha but at the cost of spending the return travel to my world. I thought it over for a bit, but decided to travel rather sooner then later to gain as much personal strength as possible before the multiversal beings of my universe notice me and I died. At first I wanted to abandon this universe altogether, but then I mulled it over for a bit longer and decided to stay since the only reason I was so scared of this universe was that I knew of the stronger enteties in the shadows. Traveling to another universe wouldn't really resolve my issue as I had no guarantee that the other universe didn't have beings of simmilar or higher power that I wouldn't know of as they weren't important to the story or were guiding events from the shadow and the lore had just not been so expansive as in marvel. So I decided to train for another two weeks in which I would assimilate the powers I got as well as learn some more spells. In these two weeks I used my other ten years experience card and assimilated the template with it. I also mastered the spells reinforcement, telekinesis and thought acceleration. Additionally I ised the water god style skill orb and advanced to king rank. If I had focused more on it I would have gone further, but I was more interested in reinforcement as well as the abilities of my template. Speaking of my template, something strange happened to my circuits after using it. The quality and quantity increased by a lot, but that wasn't what confused me. The thing that confused me was that they turned into a conceptual organ. Originally Magic cirquits were just a result of evolution. A tool developed to survive in the world that no longer welcomed humanity with open arms. They only served as a cruch for them to protect themselves until they could stand on their own two legs with the help of technology. They were never meant to be especially good on converting prana considering they used the users own lifeforce to compensate for their inability to use the worlds mana so they could never reach the power of a dragon heart. But somhow my circuits have become the cirquits of a magus in the age of gods, even though thay didn't have cirquits in the age of gods to begin with. These cirquits are able to take both my lifeforce as well as the mana of the environment and have become both physical and astral in nature. The veins and arteries in my body have turned into magic pathways that connect to my soul through my circuits. Now a constant stream of prana is flowing through my body which passively strengthens my cells that also absorb prana after my transformation. This greatly enhanced my body's functions, be it physical or mental. A truly astounding transformation, and the one to thank for this is the chacra system I gained by integrating the template of Suguha. This is because chacra like prana is a mix of physical and mental energy, but due to it comming from the chacra fruit which is natural energy, ninja unlike magi can take in magical energy and to an extent that would even put the humans in the age of gods to shame. It is like a forced mutation in the human genes simmilar to magic cirquits but instead of survival it was brought by the need to assimilate the newly gained energy that humans of the Naruto world were never meant to posess. Thus they became phantasmal species that had magic running through their blood and were capable of drawing in natural energy as long as they balanced it out correctly. Additionally, as humans grew older their blood vellels would expand and athletes would even gain better and optimized blod flow with an increased volume of blood being pumped through the heart. This allowed the ninja of Naruto to expand their chacra quantity and quality even without living for centuries and accumulating mysteries, not that that was a concept in Naruto mind you. Additionally now that I was a little more proficiant in magectaft and had integrated the magic systems of two other worlds, I noticed, how my spells would adapt to other magic systems. I could cast jutsu without using handseals, but in order to do that I had to first convert them into magectaft and to cast magecraft with handseals I had to convert them into jutsu. The final preperation I made was ubgrading my rapir with the Items I had at hand. I first used a ubgrade token to merge the rapir and the vibranium bar, raising its rank to C. After that I used another token to grant it the ability to shapeshift into any form and another one to make it able to regenerate as well as increase and decrease density and quantity at will as a part of my inate skill a little like vlad III's stakes turning it into an ability type Noble phantasm rather than a weapon type as well as raising its rank to C+. I named the noble phantasm art of the formless blade. A little too edgy for my taste but hey it is an Item from the nasuverse besides my physical age is like eleven so I am allowed to be chunny. And so with all my preperations done and 14 tickets spare for emergencies, I took out the world travel and background creation token. As the destination I chose FGO and the background went like this. Was picked as a candidate for demi servants and merged with ????(assimilated token of suguha yagi) assassin which makes her the first successful demiservant of chaldea. After that she went through various training simulations and became one of the prime candidates of A team. Due to merging with assassin her personality may undergo changes as a result of living two lifes. Further information unavailable as experiences have stopped after the death of the acting director of chaldea Marisbary Animusphere. Currently under the care of Dr Romani Archamon together with Mashu Kyrilight as the only survivers of the experiment. I went with demiservant as I have some abilities and a constitution that just isn't possible for humans in the nasuverse without something like this. I clicked confirm and found myself inside a bedroom with white futuristic walls, a bookshelf, and a desk containing a laptop, and a phone that was currently charging. Apart from that my height and clothing also changed. I was now about 1, 58 meters tall and looked to be about fifteen. apart from that I was wearing an orange and black dress that had an inate healing spell, a magic storage and a spell that would enhance the strength of whoever it was casted upon interwoven into it. Other than that it was also self cleaning and repairing. On my right wrist also was a wrist computer with an extendable holo screen. My appearance apart from loosing some baby fat, getting taller and curvier was about the same as before though. I however did have an almost instinctual feeling I wasn't used to since turning my rapir into an ability. That and the all to fammiliar new set of memories added to my mental library. At this point I wasn't even bothered by new memories anymore as I experienced it so often already And speaking of memories I haven't really adressed Suguha have I? Well Suguha or rather fox was an anbu from Konohagakure. She grew up during the time of the third ninja war and was already a genin as it begun. She and her team were sent on missions, but due to her outstanding skills she was recruited into anbu during that time and carried out assassination missions. her weapons of choice were wires and kunai and she made it to the rank of jonin during that war. After that she continued training with a speciality of assassination and iryojutsu untill she was sent to investigate Orochimaru and was ambushed by him. Overall she lived a short and miserable life growing up during a war and getting killed without leaving any lasting impact. But at least she died quick and painlessly. The reason for her death was one of the most common in the world of shinobi. As her strength and expertise grew, the enemies she faced became weaker and weaker. Due to that she got overconfident and payed the price due to a mix of a lack of tension as she was in her own village, and her not suspecting Orochimaru at all as he was a fellow konoha ninja and the inspection was only out of suspicion from the third hokage which was already a rutine for her, as she had to investigate many fellow ninja as a result of the higher up's interest. Looking back, Kira couldn't help but think that the other person was very impressive. As she was lost in thought, a little white creature was slowly walking into the room and looked at her with big round eyes. Suddenly it charged and landed on her face. Fou, Fou! Ah, Fou! What are you doing here? She asked the creature who was currently buisy finding the best spot on her head to lay down, messing up her hairstyle that was already quite messy even further. Fu Kyu! Obviously the creature gave an unintelligible response and continued with its task. Just then a pink head peaked through the door mumbling: I think Fou went into that room. Kira looked up, and her yellow eyes met Mashu's blue ones. Ah, Senpai! I see Fou went to see you. But why are you still in bed? Did you stay up late reading books again? No matter, but Senpai, you should really get up, the director wnnted to run a simulation this morning, remember? Diving into my mental library I confirmed that there was indeed a simulation scheduled for today Glancing at the wrist computer I saw that it was 8: 11 and the simulation was scheduled for 9: 00 in the morning. I got up from the bed I was sitting on and said: Don't worry, I was just about to get ready aniways before you two showed up. With that I went to the desk and opened the drawer. I pulled out a hairgummy and swept my other hand through my hair, eliciting a startled Kyu from Fou, and bound it into a lazy ponytail. After that I made my way towords the door and asked, aren't you comming? We don't have that much time left after all. Just when tmashu was about to answer Fou jumped off of my head and ran around the corner. Mash seing this was momentarily startled but quickly followed suit. Sorry Senpai, but it seems Fou has run off again. I have to catch up before he starts trouble again. I shook my head and went towords the meeting hall. When I arrived, the hall was already full with noises comming from the master candidates. It seems like most of the others had already arrived. In front of them was a while haired girl tapping her foot on the ground and looking the clock from time to time. She was giving off a very unapproachable vibe. I took a seat in the back and waited for today's training to start. After a while of waiting I fell asleap. I awoke when I heard the sound of chairs rustling. I got up and went towords one of the pods when suddenly my Instinct kicked off. I looked down and found a small black object that was emitting a red light. Upon closer inspection there were several more of these objects on all the other pods around me. I unconsciously took a step back and was about to give out a warning, when suddenly the sound of explosions rang around me.

Jumping back, I successfully avoided the piece of the roof that came crashing down on my previous location. After that I sidestepped several pieces of debree that flew towords my direction. I looked around me in a daze. I knew this was gonna happen eventually, but for it to happen so suddenly and without giving me any time to prepare at all was not within my calculations. I looked around me and saw several injured people lying around, so I made up my mind and started dragging people outside the room. About five minutes later when I was about to look for another person, the doors closed, trapping me inside the room. Just then a mechanical voice rang out:

System experiment detected, manual operation suspended. Please restore operation within three seconds.





Operation not restored, switching to automatic procedure. Searching for eligible masters.

Master inside pod detected to be in an abnormal state. Eligible master candidates are master candidate 1 and 48. Setting candidates 1 and 48 as primary candidates for rayshift.

Activating Anti-Summoning system.

Commencing rayshift procedure.

Rayshift commencing, please stand by.