
A Shinobi on the High Seas! (One piece x Naruto)

Uzumaki Naruto after Akatsuki's attack on Gaara, the container of the sand spirit Shukaku, the village decides to hide Naruto from the Akatzuki since they cannot lose their only Jinchūriki, which Naruto is warned of the decision of Tsunade the Fifth Hokage of the village and the clan leaders along with the respected elders of the village. Naruto was about to protest but he is subjected to a trap in which he is completely immobilized and it is immediately explained to him what will happen to him and where he would go. Naruto, horrified that they are forcing him to leave his home, tries to destroy the trap in which he was but he was quickly subdued by Yamato and without further delay Naruto was prepared to take him to the place where he would probably spend the rest of his life. A plan where he is involved in hiding Naruto, Inoichi Yamanaka with his mind ability and Kakashi Hatake with his sharingan, so that Naruto does not try to return in any way, both devastated by what they did to Naruto but it was for the best. for everyone and especially for him or at least that's what they thought. What will be Naruto's fate in this new place where he is supposed to be safer. (NOTE: THE STORY IS NOT MINE, I'M ONLY TRANSLATING IT FOR ME TO READ LATER IN ENGLISH, IF YOU WANT TO SUPPORT THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR, GO TO: https://www.wattpad.com/story/193099730-%C2%A1un-shinobi-en-altos-mares-one-piece-x-naruto KEEP IN MIND THAT THE FAN-FIC WAS ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN SPANISH!!!!!)

ZackDKaizo · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 5 Arlong Park part 2

Naruto approached the main ground entrance of Arlong Park to see what was going on with the man who was tied with green hair, he observed that he was tied in front of Arlong and talking about something, he looked out of the corner of his eye and looked at a girl with orange hair with Arlong's tattoo on one side, she is a young girl, of normal size with a slim build, when he saw the physical characteristics he remembered what Nojiko said and realized that she was his sister.

She had a totally serious face with a certain macabre, no doubt anyone would say that this is her true attitude, but as Naruto already knew Nami's story, he knew perfectly well that she was wearing a mask, most likely, is to save the green haired man.

He kept watching, until he noticed that the green haired one said something that disturbed Nami and immediately jumped into the water, Naruto was about to jump into the water for his rescue when suddenly Nami jumps in to save him, in a matter of a few seconds, both Nami and the green haired one get out of the water and immediately Nami stands up and gives a really hard blow to the green haired one who fell down kneeling, After that she leaves the scene and they take the green haired guy away.

Naruto set out to save the green-haired boy before something worse could happen to him, He noticed that Arlong and his men left the place and headed straight to Nojiko's village, he left a clone to save the green-haired boy and he headed straight to the village before Arlong and his men.

At the same time, At Nojiko's house.

The Long Nose boy was slowly getting up, with a pain in his head.

Unknown (in pain): What a pain, who hit me (He began to inspect the area until he was spoken to).

Nojiko (serious): I see you woke up already.

He turns in the direction of the voice and looks at the girl he met in the city and realizes that at that moment she was at his back.

Unknown (Angry): HEY, YOU HIT ME!

Nojiko (Serious): Yes, it was me, I had to stop you before you did something stupid. My name is Nojiko and I'm the owner of the plantation (sighs) I'm sick and tired of saving the lives of intruders like you.

At that moment the boy with the long nose got up and sits on one of the chairs in the dining room and seeing that I used the prefix "we" I looked at the chair in front of me and saw the boy who put his foot on it to make it fall. He was crying with frustration.

Nojiko (serious and angry): Didn't your father tell you about the Fish-men?

Chabo (pissed off, sobbing): Of course, he did, but .... they killed him, they were tyrants as always, they killed everyone they had within their reach if it wasn't for Naruto-san they would have killed us all, today I went to Arlong park to make them pay for the death of my father, but a witch blocked my way, she had orange hair like tangerines, I told her to move away, but she hit me with her cane, I want to avenge my father, even if it costs me my life.

Nojiko already knew that he was there when it happened, but she didn't know that he knew Naruto, since few know him, but what the boy said attracted the attention of the long nose boy, Nojiko hearing what he says, answers with a totally cold voice, while the long nose boy was drinking a coffee that Nojiko offered him.

Nojiko (cold): Then, go and die.

The boy stopped in impact at Nojiko's words, and the Long Nose boy spits out the coffee fountain style upon hearing those words, he wiped his mouth.

Nojiko (cold and firm): Go and take your life, but remember what I'm going to tell you, thanks to that girl and me, you have escaped the embrace of death twice.

Nojiko (gets up to pour herself more coffee): When you're done, go away.

Unknown (annoyed): But why so hard, he's just a kid!

Nojiko (annoyed): AND WHAT DOES IT MATTER TO ME, if he wants to kill himself, let him kill himself, I'm not going to stop him, after all, death is a very easy way out!

The boy to hear that was filled with frustration and began to cry louder.

Nojiko (serious): I know a person who preferred a fate worse than death in order to find a better future, that's why I hate kids like this who prefer to die and get their problems out of the way, they only want the easy way out.

Chabo (Pissed off, frustrated and crying): AND THEN WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO, HOW CAN I LIVE? HOW CAN I LIVE WITHSTANDING THE RAGE AND ANGER, OF NOT BEING ABLE TO DO ANYTHING! ... what...I... have...what...to...do....

 The long-nosed boy looks at the boy a little sorry for him.

Nojiko (serious): What about your mother?

Chabo (crying): She is fine thanks to Naruto san.

Nojiko (smiles): Why don't you go back to her; she must be worried and now she is your top priority.

Chabo (wipes her tears and turns around): Ok, if you and Naruto tell me the same thing it's because you must be right.

The boy with the long nose was intrigued to know who this Naruto is, according to him, he seems to be a wise person, after saying that the boy leaves, directly with his mother.

boy leaves, directly with his mother while Nojiko at his back gave him a sincere smile.

Nojiko at his back gave him a sincere smile.

??? (relieved): After all, you are a kind person despite having that cold look and that tattoo.

Nojiko (cheerful with a slight laugh): yeah, by the way, are you going to introduce yourself, or shall I guess your name?

Stranger (serene): Yeah, sorry, I'm Captain Usopp and I'm looking for a friend named Nami.

Nojiko (surprised): Do you know Nami?

Nojiko nods and starts to tell him about Nami's relationship with the fish-men.

Usopp (surprised and shocked): WHAT, she's with the fish-men?

Nojiko (calm): That's right, you will know that she lives in this house, since she is my half-sister.

Usopp all surprised and hearing that she was his sister.

Nojiko (calm and explaining): She and I, we were orphans, here we grew up and lived with our mother, we were very happy, until she had to go her own way.

Usopp (incredulous): So, you are telling me that she left everything and betrayed her family and her village, just to join Arlong's group?

Nojiko nods her head and Usopp is annoyed.

Usopp (annoyed): Well, what a surprise I've found myself, then she also deceived us, she only used us for the treasures, how she had the face to help my people when she does this to his people, who would have thought, especially with how happy she was when she was traveling with us.

Nojiko (surprised): Eh?! she was happy?

Usopp (annoyed): Well, what a waste of time and we came all the way here to look for her, thinking she was a friend (saying those words he remembered what happened to his friend who was on the boat) AHHHH!!!!!! Now I remember, one of my colleagues was so unlucky that he was caught by the fish-men, I hope he's ok!

Nojiko (serious): There's a good chance he's dead if Arlong is in a bad way.

Usopp (a little nervous): Don't say that, we need him alive (remember the mention of a certain Naruto) By the way the guy mentioned a couple of times a certain Naruto, according to what he said, it seems that Naruto is strong or that's the impression he gives.

Nojiko (a bit serious and indifferent): Naruto? Naruto is a boy who has been working for me, a little over 2 months, I found him on the verge of death on the coast, the boy doesn't remember anything, and only knows his name because someone wrote it on a piece of paper.

Usopp (nods): Ok, I think with what you said a little while ago, about being tired of saving people like us, that Naruto is also included right?

Nojiko (sighs): More or less, to be honest, at first, I was regretting doing it but the truth is that Naruto is a really useful person, besides we are implementing a plan to get rid of Arlong and Naruto is the pillar of all this.

Usopp was intrigued to know that they were trying to get rid of Arlong but he did not understand how and what this Naruto had to do in all this.

Usopp: He is? And, why this Naruto is the pillar of all this?

Nojiko (smiles): Because Naruto is a shinobi, in other words, a Ninja, someone trained and specialized for silent assassinations.

Usopp (opened his eyes like a plate): WHAT? A NINJA, the REAL kind?!

Nojiko (calm): That's right, if I haven't asked him to kill Arlong it's because, he is still a single individual and while he is taking care of Arlong the other fish-men will do their thing and we can't afford that someone dies unnecessarily, that's why we are being cautious with this issue, but hey, the fact that he is a ninja doesn't make him a bad person, if you get to know them you will realize that he is a very cheerful and nice person.

Usopp nods his head when suddenly they hear someone desperately knocking on the door.

Villager (desperate): Nojiko, Genzo is in danger, it seems that someone ratted us out!

Nojiko opened her eyes wide and went running towards the village and Usopp, wanting to know more, goes out after her.

Returning to Arlong park....

Naruto's clone saw that there were few guards and sneaked into the building, he looked for the green haired boy's sword, the sword was in a kind of warehouse and he grabbed it and went straight to where the green haired boy was locked up, he went into the place, and the green haired boy noticed and asked with all seriousness and caution.

Unknown (serious and cautious): And who are you, another man from Arlong?

Clone Naruto (a little annoyed): Do I look like one to you?

Unknown (serious): You may be a catfish.

Naruto (annoyed): Very funny, I come here to free you (From his back he pulls out the green haired boy's katana) Look, I even come to give you your katana, I will release you as soon as possible, before I draw attention.

Naruto approached him and removed the ropes with which he was gagged, the green haired boy was still not sure if he should trust the blond boy, but he preferred to trust him before being tied up, Naruto's clone finished untying him and helped him to stand up.

Unknown (relieved and stretching a little): Thank you, I was already being annoyed in my wound.

Naruto (smiles, hands him the katana): No problem, I have to go, are you coming with me? or are you on your own?

Unknown (serene): I'll manage on my own.

The clone nods his head and was about to disperse, when the green haired boy asks him.

Unknown (Serena): Before you go, my name is Zoro and who are you?

Naruto's clone (smiles): Oh right, my name is Naruto Uzumaki.

After saying that, he fades away returning the memories to the original, Zoro was surprised that the boy just disappeared in a burst of smoke.

Zoro (surprised): Well, what a name he has, it reminds me of a food ingredient, or a swirl, (thoughtfully) could it be that he is a ninja?

The original Naruto, smiled to know that this Zoro was already well that he was already arriving to the village and for his fortune before Arlong, he arrives to where Genzo is.

Naruto (serious): Genzo, Arlong is heading this way and I think I know what the reason is....

Genzo (serious and worried): He's heading this way; do you think it's because of the weapons?

Naruto (serious): Yes, someone from a nearby port has given us away, in our weapons collection, he doesn't know where they are, but I'm sure he knows that it's you and an accomplice.

Genzo nods his head, while all the civilians come closer, knowing that Genzo's plan is ruined and knowing that his life will be in danger.

Villager (worried): Now what are we going to do Genzo?

They all start talking among themselves, and Genzo shuts them all up by raising his hand.

Genzo (serious): We are not going to do anything; I want everyone to go to their homes and don't come out until Arlong and his men have left.

Villager (worried): But Genzo if we leave you alone, he will probably kill you.

Genzo (nods): Probably, but I won't let that happen, leave this to me, Arlong still has half of his men working, if we provoke him, we will end up like Goza.

The villagers reluctantly agreed and all headed for their homes.

Genzo (turned his gaze to Naruto): I want you to hide and wait and if Arlong decides to attack the civilians, be ready to fight.

Naruto nods his head and hides on the roof of a nearby house just in time, as Arlong and his men were arriving at the village.

Arlong arrived at the village and went straight to the cause of his problem, he and his men stood around Genzo.

Arlong (arrogant): Interesting, so you're the one collecting weapons somewhere, right?

Genzo (serious): Yes, I've been collecting them, after all, I've always liked collecting weapons, obviously they are useless weapons, I didn't think it would bother you if I did, after all they are useless against you.

Arlong (with an arrogant smile): Of course, they won't work against me! But now, what do you think will happen? They only bring misfortunes and demons; they can cause problems for peace and order.

Meanwhile, Nojiko and Usopp spied from behind a couple of houses, which were behind the fish-men, Usopp looks at Arlong.

Usopp (Astonished and worried): That's Arlong? That guy is huge, he's totally inhuman.

Nojiko (serious and worried): Sure, it's because he's not human, he's a fish-man.

Arlong (Arrogant): We run more than 20 ports. Well, I have to avoid disobedience, that's why I destroyed Goza Town since that's what awaits any town that doesn't want to pay me tributes, since it's a very serious offense and what you're doing can start a revolution and that's something I can't allow.

Usopp (worried): tributes? did you say tributes?

Nojiko (serious): That's right, he means the money we have to pay him to let us live every month. We are condemned to pay him for our lives, both children and adults, and if a single person doesn't pay the tribute, he orders the destruction of the village completely, that's what happened to Goza.

Usopp (surprised and a little scared at Nojiko's words): Are you telling me that Goza was destroyed just because one person didn't pay the tribute?

Nojiko (serious and pissed off): that's right, Arlong hates the human race that's why he doesn't mind killing and destroying the villages we live in.

Arlong (arrogant): You know your kind has to work hard to pay me tributes so I can create my empire, one never seen this side of the Grand Line, one that reaches the entire eastern sea.

Usopp was surprised and frightened by Arlong's plans to create an empire of fish-men in the entire East Sea.

At that moment, Arlong grabs Genzo by the neck and smashes him straight into the straw umbrella he was sitting on, breaking it in half from the blow he delivered with Genzo's body.

Nojiko is automatically alarmed by Genzo and Usopp began to worry about the seriousness of the situation, and all the villagers watching the scene began to panic for Genzo's life.

Arlong (arrogant): Before my eyes and that of anyone with any brains, they would realize that you were planning to reveal yourself, and I have to teach the others of what happens to those who plan to reveal themselves against me.

Nojiko started to be completely worried and scared for Genzo and Usopp couldn't believe that Arlong would kill the man, just for collecting weapons, and most of all kill him outright.

Nojiko runs straight out to where Arlong is and so do the other villagers in the village.

Nojiko (pissed off): How can you be so unfair?

Arlong hears Nojiko and turns to look at her.

Nojiko (Pissed off): You know perfectly well that in these years we have all paid you tribute without any delay, how can you think that we are rebelling against you, Leave Genzo alone.

All the villagers in unison started to agree with Nojiko, they started to tell Arlong to leave Genzo alone.

Arlong (arrogant): I think I made it very clear that the simple fact of carrying weapons, is a proof of wanting to reveal yourself, or is it that you prefer that I destroy the whole village, remember that anyone who assaults one of mine the whole village will fall to pieces, besides another reason of why the revelation is that my informant told me that I had an accomplice who hides all the weapons, so tell me who is your accomplice?

Genzo (pained and serious): I don't have accomplices because in the first place my only intention with the weapons was for your collection and nothing else, all the others go away, you can't do something stupid now, it would be a waste of 8 years of hard effort and sacrifice, in that time we swore to get rid of the invaders but now we accept this without resignation and be able to survive.

Arlong (stares at Genzo): You are lying, but I have to admit that what you said is very sensible, especially when they are just SIMPLE HUMANS!!!

At that moment Arlong whips Genzo against the ground hitting his face against the ground, Genzo started to spit blood.

Arlong (arrogant): Remember that nature made every creature different for some reason HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

The villagers were about to jump on top of Arlong.

Genzo (getting up in pain from the ground): STOP! Don't do anything stupid and go home! (The villagers wanted to decline with Genzo but he raises his hand as a sign to stop) Enough, if you kill them everything will have been useless, give up the fight, my life is worthless.

Naruto could only watch this with frustration since if he acted, he could save Genzo but it would mean endangering all the other villagers, giving a catastrophic result, he needed some kind of distraction to be able to do something.

Arlong (picks Genzo up from the ground): This happens to those who dare to reveal themselves, THIS IS A WARNING-.

At that moment he was planning to whip Genzo to kill him when suddenly someone in the distance throws something.

Usopp (determined, but with fear in his throat): [Explosive star!]

At that moment Arlong stops and releases Genzo who falls to the ground, he starts to be enveloped by yellow smoke. All the fish-men were confused about what happened and one of them pointed to the roof of the house, it was Usopp who used a slingshot to attack Arlong.

Usopp (scared to death): The man in front of you is, the bravest warrior of the sea, my name is Usopp the brave warrior, I am one of the most feared warriors on the planet, BECAUSE I AM THE GREATEST SNIPER! If you don't want to die you better leave before I come down to make mincemeat out of you!

He said it while his legs were shaking from the fear from the action he just did, but for Naruto it was an action that was perfect for him and he immediately pulled Genzo out of danger without being seen by the fish-men.

Fish-man (noticing): Boss, it's the Nose boy that escaped me earlier.

Usopp was scared to know that he was recognized.

Arlong (angry he says): he started the destruction of the whole village.

Usopp worried to know that his lie didn't work.

Arlong (completely irritated): They are miserable humans who don't deserve to exist!

Fish-man (worried): I understand sir, but why do it, we already know that we can destroy them in a few moments, but if we do it, the income will be reduced and we already lost Goza's, our plan is to conquer everything not to destroy it.

Arlong (totally irritated): The income will decrease, but it doesn't matter later it will increase, because after all we are, THE SUPREME SPECIES!!!

At that moment Arlong holds the house and flips it over completely to kill Usopp with the weight of the house.

As the house falls down Nojiko wonders where Usopp is, Usopp was about to get out of the rubble when suddenly someone covers his mouth, Usopp panics thinking it was a fish-man, but calmed down when he realized it was a blond guy who was doing it and was leading him silently.

Usopp was shocked to see that there was a copy of himself pretending to be hurt and amazed at Arlong's strength, he tried to let go of the blond boy.

Naruto (annoyed): Calm down or they will hear us, I have to get you out of here without attracting attention, and don't worry he will be your replacement.

When he said replacement, he knew he was referring to a copy of himself, but he didn't know how that existed, he thought it could be the power of a devil fruit, but he was relieved to know that he was already safe.

Fish-men (points to the fake Usopp): Look, he's still alive, catch him!

The fake Usopp starts to run.

Arlong (completely hysterical he screams while being held by his men: Catch him!!! Don't leave him alive!!! Don't make fun of us!!!

His men started to run towards him.

Kuroobi (serious): You were very lucky, another day it will be another day.

All the fish-men move away from the place, Genzo is taken by a clone of Naruto directly to doctor Nako, everyone looks at the two of them and rushes to be with him and this they rush to be with him and he says while they heal his wounds.

Genzo (serious): Forgive me, all this started because of me AND my insistence to be free.

Dr. Nako (while healing his wounds): Don't talk nonsense, no one is to blame here.

In the distance a shadow was approaching.

Nami (serene): Hello, long time no see.

Everyone turned around and saw that it was Nami holding a bouquet of flowers,

At that moment, everyone went back to their homes except for Nojiko, Genzo and Dr. Nako.

Nojiko ("indifferent"): So, what? I thought you wouldn't dare to walk around the village anymore.

Nami (centered): It's just that I heard about the commotion, was it Arlong?

Genzo just stared at her while the pinwheel in his head started to spin.

They both head off to visit their mother, as they get out of sight Naruto comes out with Usopp from the hiding place knowing that everything calmed down.

Naruto (relaxed): We can go out now, you really did it, didn't you, my friend?

Usopp (gets up from the ground): The truth is yes, after all I am a brave warrior of the seas HAHAHAHA!

Naruto could only sweatdrops because of the way the boy was behaving.

Usopp (curious): By the way, are you that Naruto I heard about, you know the ninja?

Naruto (surprised): The same, how did you know about me?

Usopp (with a smile): It was to be expected after all I'm the brave Captain Usopp HAHAHA!

Naruto (a little skeptic): Nojiko told you right?

Usopp (surprised to be caught so quickly): How did you know?

Naruto (serene): I smell traces of Nojiko's house on your clothes.

Usopp (shocked to know how he was discovered): What do you mean by my clothes, do you have a super developed nose?

Naruto (arrogant): Sure, after all I am a ninja, all of my senses are much better than average.

Usopp (a little annoyed): Presumptuous (remembers the copy of himself) By the way, Naruto, who is the one who replaced me, to save me from the fish-men?

Naruto (confused): Who are you talking about?

Usopp (calmed down): You know he disguised himself as me and ran off in my place

Naruto (lit up and smiling): Ah, no, the one who ran off was myself but without being me.

Usopp (totally confused): But what are you saying, if you're here, you can't be in two places at the same time.

Naruto (smiles arrogantly): Yes, I can, look.

(He positioned himself and performed his jutsu, after performing the jutsu, 4 clones of him came out of a smoke screen two on each side and speak in unison) See?

Usopp (his eyes were so wide that they seemed to be popping out of their sockets): AMAZING, AND ARE ALL OF THEM REAL?!

Naruto (nods his head): A yes, they are, they can do everything I do, the problem is that they disappear if you give them a really good hit and when they disappear won't you. guys?

Clones (cheerful): Sure, we do boss.

Usopp (curious): So, the one that ran out in my place was a clone of me, YOU CLONED ME? (This last one says it in shock)

Naruto (shakes his head): No, look.

The clones disappeared and performs the hand position necessary for the jutsu and when he performs it, he transforms into Usopp.


Naruto (nods and smiles at Usopp's face): And I can also perfectly imitate your voice and whoever I transform into.

Usopp (shock): Unbelievable, did you eat some devil fruit?

Naruto (totally confused): Whose fruit?

Usopp (confused): You know the famous devil fruits, the ones that give you incredible power, at the cost of not being able to swim.

Naruto (shakes his head): I doubt it, because, first of all, I've always been able to swim and secondly, this is because of my ninja training, all ninjas should be able to do it, or at least I think so.

Usopp (confused): What do you mean you think so?

Naruto (a little embarrassed): Well, you see Usopp, the thing is that I don't remember anything of my past, only my abilities and mostly because they are a part of my body, but I don't remember, where I was born, where I grew up, if I had family, friends, etc.

Usopp remembered what Nojiko told him about Naruto and he nods his head, at that moment he remembered, that his friend Zoro was trapped.

Usopp (shock): Damn, I can't be wasting time, I have to save my colleague from Arlong.

Naruto (remembering): You mean Zoro, don't worry he's already safe, he was saved by one of my clones on my way here.

Usopp (surprised): Really? How did you do that?

Naruto (arrogant): Well, you see Usopp, I already told you that I am a ninja and ninjas work in the shadows, only Genzo, Dr. Nako and Nojiko know me well, the villagers have only seen me out of the corner of their eyes, and now you know me and your colleague, do you want us to look for him?

Usopp nods and heads straight to the forest accompanied by Naruto.

On the other hand, Naruto's clone ...

The clone transformed into Usopp was running at a moderate speed so that the fish-men would not lose track of him, he planned to get far enough away to eliminate them and leave no evidence of his act, thus getting rid of more of Arlong's accomplices.

However, he came up with a better idea, to let himself be caught and go captured to Arlong's base and find an opportunity to kill him without him noticing, but he had his pride and would not let himself be caught by these nobodies and when he got far enough away, near a cliff that was on one side of the coast, he stopped and went straight to them.

The 3 fish-men did not expect that the boy they were chasing would confront them and smiled, for how stupid he was, but they did not expect that when he got close enough to them, he had great agility and dodged them and immediately the Naruto clone, hit the 3 fish-men hard on the head, causing an instant K.O. in all of them.

Clone (He began to remove the dust from his hands): How easy, it wasn't even worth the effort.

He started to hear banging under the cliff, he approached the cliff and looked it was the fish-man with the elongated mouth assaulting a civilian, he is muscular looking of the sardine breed with a very long snout and thick lips. His tattoo of the is on his right shoulder. He is dressed in a blue striped vest with black lettering, brown pants and sandals. On his neck he wears a gold chain with two protruding fangs.

Naruto if not misremembered his name was Chew, he went down with the transformation of Usopp making noise on purpose so that he could hear him and put his plan into action, when he fell to the ground, he saw that the triton had already jumped into the water and the civilian he was attacking was warning that he was coming towards him, he came out of the sea and stood in front of him.

Chew (arrogant): I found you

Back with Naruto and Usopp.

Walking along the road that is surrounded by water plantations, Naruto and Usopp are looking around silently.

Usopp (curious): Excuse me Naruto (Naruto lost in his thoughts, starts to pay attention to him) I was thinking, besides what you showed me I wanted to confirm my doubts about your trade?

Naruto (confused): And why do you want to know?

Usopp (curious): I have heard stories of what people of your profession can do and what they do, I wanted to confirm if they are true, of course without bothering you with them.

Naruto (understanding): It seems good to me, ask.

Usopp (curious): Is it true, that your main weapons are throwing weapons called shurikens and that you use space knives?

Naruto nods and shows both tools, Usopp totally excited at how cool they are.

Naruto: What other question do you have?

Usopp (curious): Yeah, I've read that ninjas have excellent camouflage capabilities, plus they are able to jump from tree to tree, and they are even able to walk with only their hands in water and on vertical surfaces and even on ceilings, also they are able to control the elements by doing hand poses, is all that true or are they just children's stories?

Naruto (laughs at everything Usopp wants to know about his profession): Everything is true Usopp and even the elements, but they are not as easy as it seems, for example, the element that I control is water, but I am very new at it and I am just learning to master it.

Usopp (disbelieving what he said): WHAT?

Naruto (nods his head): Yes, I can, but on a very small scale, right now I'm training to keep improving.

Usopp (excited): Incredible, so when you can control it to perfection you will be able to defeat any fruit user.

Naruto (scratches his head): Well, Usopp, it's not as easy as you make it sound.

Usopp (still impressed): But you still have a big advantage against them, I mean, just pushing them into the ocean is an instant K.O.

Naruto (cheerful): Well, if you look at it that way, I guess you're right, anyway, we have to hurry to meet up with your teammates.

Usopp nods his head and Naruto suddenly shudders and starts touching his chest.

Usopp (confused and worried): Hey Naruto what's wrong with you?

Naruto (with all the sincerity in the world): Well, you see Usopp it seems that they took you for dead, they just stabbed my clone, by none other than Nami (he says it while holding Usopp's shoulder).

Usopp (scared): Are you kidding me, Nami really is a witch bastard?

After hearing that, Naruto bursts out crying from laughing at Usopp's expression.

Usopp (pissed off): HEY. what's so funny about getting stabbed?

Naruto (calming down): Calm down Usopp it was half a lie from the stabbing

Usopp (confused): What do you mean, half a lie?

Naruto (cheerful): Well, you see Usopp my clone got caught, in order to trick Arlong and set a trap to kill him but it seems that it couldn't since there was Nami and if she interfered she could get hurt, so my clone changed plans and was going to pretend you were escaping, so I exploded a smoke bomb to escape through the water, but in that moment Nami stood in front of my clone and pretended to stab him but in reality she stabbed her hand so you could escape, my clone disappeared in the water, since she had nothing else to do.

Usopp (sigh of relief and realized what he said): That she stabbed herself so that I could escape, then she is far from being a witch and a bad person-.

Naruto (Serene): Well, you see Usopp, Nami's story is.... (He couldn't finish his sentence as a boat came out of nowhere from the middle of the forest straight at them).

He saw Zoro in the front of the boat, who was obviously hit by it.

Naruto acted fast and jumped out of the impact zone with Usopp holding his arm, jumped 5 meters backwards, and after a few seconds the boat hit the bush that was lying down from the plantations.

From the boat, came out a young man wearing a straw hat, with a red jacket, low blue shorts and yellow flip-flops.

Unknown (cheerful): Well, at last we have arrived.

Zoro (walks out of the rubble pissed off): CAN YOU TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK YOU'RE DOING LUFFY!!!!

Besides the straw hat man stood a tall, thinly built man, keeping part of his face and left eye permanently hidden by his straight blond hair.

He had some major peculiarities of his appearance are precisely in his face, it is precisely about his eyebrows, which have a normally curved spiral shape. He wears an elegant suit in the style you would wear to a restaurant smoking a cigar.

And the third man, still in the rubble, this one comes out somewhat injured but complete, he has a black shirt with a green cape and red headgear. He has yellow plaid shorts over unshaven legs and dark shoes. 

Luffy (Cheerful): What are we doing, we came for Nami, what didn't you find her? (looks around) Usopp and Johnny, weren't they with you?

Zoro (remembers the trouble Usopp is in): That's right, there's no time to lose, we have to go and save him right away.

Zoro gets up from the ground and was planning to run away when the straw hat boy stops him.

Luffy: What's wrong with Usopp?

Zoro (worried): The idiot got himself trapped by Arlong's men and we have to go rescue him before he gets killed.

Down the destroyed road appears a man full of dirt who could be identified as Jhonny and completely sad.

Jhonny (crying): Too late (he kneels down panting, everyone stares at him seriously) Too late, our friend Usopp is dead... he ... has ...been killed. BY NAMI!!!

The 4 that were listening made a shocked face that was much more noticeable on Zoro and the boy with the bristling eyebrows, when out of nowhere the 5 were hit by a rock and they hear a scream of a familiar voice.


Meanwhile Naruto lay on the ground dying of laughter at such a scene about Usopp's death and how everyone took it so seriously when they are too close to them.

Usopp (pissed off looking at Naruto): AND YOU STOP LAUGHING THAT'S NOT GRACIOUS!!!

Kicks him in the ribs and Naruto groans in pain.

Naruto:(laughing and calming down) Okay, but without the kicks HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Jhonny (stares at him as if he was seeing a ghost and starts pointing at him): but... but.... but.... it's impossible, I saw you with my own eyes how they stabbed you.

Luffy (calmly): Well, I see him very much alive.

Sanji (calmly): Well, I see him in the flesh.

Zoro (intrigued): How did you escape from Arlong's men? A villager told me that he caught you near the coast.

Usopp (serious): Not at all, the one they caught is a clone of this boy that was transformed into me.

Naruto (who was still sitting on the ground): Hi there.

Luffy (cheerful): Hello.

Zoro (stares at him and remembers him): You are the one who saved me, when Usopp tied me to the mast, and by the way Usopp I have a score to settle with you for that bastard, and you too Jhonny you're not going to get away either (both Usopp and Jhonny hid behind Naruto as a way to shield themselves from Zoro)

Naruto (looks at Zoro and recognizes him): The very same lettuce head (Luffy and Sanji started to laugh imagining Zoro with lettuce hair bothering Zoro), if I remember correctly your name is Zoro, from what I see you managed to get out of there without my help.

Zoro (calming down): Sure, those talking fish weren't a threat. (looking at Usopp) And by the way, what do you mean they caught a Naruto clone?

Usopp (excited): It's just that this guy is amazing, he can clone himself and transform into other people and pretend to be them, that's why they didn't catch me because they were only chasing a Naruto clone, because after all he is a real Ninja.

Everyone was surprised to hear that news, especially Luffy who's eyes were full of stars and full of emotion.

Luffy (Excited): AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! (Runs straight to him) Hi I'm Luffy the next pirate king, do you want to be my Nakama?!!

Everyone was surprised that Luffy invited him to the crew.

Unknown (serious): Luffy don't invite just anyone just because.

Luffy (excited): But Sanji, he's a ninja and ninjas are amazing, they walk on walls, camouflage themselves, and can even spit fire from their mouth.

Naruto (confused): What is a Nakama?

Luffy (cheerful): You know, adventure partners, friends, comrades, things like that, and by the way can you spit fire out of your mouth?

Naruto (feeling a little uncomfortable about the boy invading his personal space too much): Um.... no, but I'm learning to control water, but I'm still green at it.

Luffy (excited): Unbelievable!!!

Zoro: By the way (Naruto turns in his direction) What happened to you when you saved me? You just exploded in smoke.

Naruto (serene): Ah, that is because I as such did not save you, it was a clone of mine when you were saved, he simply disappeared and I receive the information of the clones that I create, the same was with Usopp, I saved Usopp and replaced him with a clone of mine transformed into Usopp.

Sanji (I call his attention to the boy's powers): cloning and transformation, did you eat a devil fruit?

Naruto (shakes his head): No, not at all, I don't even know what devil fruits are and yes, I can swim.

Luffy (his eyes started to shine with excitement and he starts to shake Naruto): Come on Naruto be my Nakama, come on, we will have a lot of fun, it will be amazing.

Naruto (starts to get dizzy from the strong shakes he receives from Luffy): Okay, okay, I'll think about it, just stop shaking me.

Luffy (gets up excited): GREAT I ALREADY HAVE A NINJA IN THE CREW!!!!

Naruto (dizzy): But I haven't accepted yet.

Jhonny and the man in plaid shorts were impressed by the blond boy, when he introduces himself.

Yosaku (cheerful): Hi, my name is Yosaku and I'm Jhonny's partner in bounty hunter profession.

Both bow their heads a little as a sign of respect, Naruto stands up and does the same.

In the distance Nami was approaching to check her suspicions, the boat that left the coast was Luffy and she did not take long to find out since he was with the whole group, however, she was surprised to see that Usopp was already with them and her plan to get Luffy away was ruined so she would invent something to keep them away.

However, she was surprised that there was another person she had never seen before, but she didn't think anything of it since Luffy had probably invited him to join the crew when she stole the ship.

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