

A young man from our world wakes up in the body of the saiyan Raditz. Will things change when a avid fan of Dragon Ball becomes Raditz? Find out on A SAIYAN SURVIVOR !

Antonio_Garza · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 4: Teaching Gine and Escaping Planet Vegeta's Destruction

I woke up the next day. I have been thinking lately about my new mother and how attached I was getting to her. I really love Gine, since she is so kind to me and reminds me so much of my previous mother yet different at the same time. I want to make sure she comes with Kakarot and I to Earth. Thankfully I have a plan.

First, I need to find out about how much time I have left. Then I will train some before meeting mom for dinner. I quickly ate breakfast and left after saying that I will meet her after work for dinner. As I was walking, I noticed that there were more Saiyans arriving and milling about.

I stopped one of the Saiyans and asks, "hey do you know why there are more Saiyans arriving on Planet Vegeta?"

The Saiyan looked at me like I was an idiot. "You don't know? Frieza sent a message that all Saiyans should return to Planet Vegeta." My suspicions were confirmed.

I then asked, "do you know when Frieza will be here?"

"He will be here in 6 days. I don't know why? If he wanted to tell us something he could've just told us on our scouters", he answered.

I internally breathed a sigh of relief. This is plenty of time to put my plan into motion to at least save my new mother. I won't let her die like in the original. I focused on improving my control over my unstable Ki. I also tried to improve my Ki sense, so that I can sense farther away. I go straight home to meet Gine. I sat down on the table and waited for the food to be ready. When it was done, we started eating.

When we had our bellies full, I began to talk to my mother. "Mother, I want to tell you about something."

"Sure Raditz. What do you want to tell me?" Gine turned to me with curiosity on her face.

"I had a bad dream or vision. I'm not sure what it was", I lied to Gine. I felt terrible lying to my mother, but it was for the greater good. My mother looked surprised for a second, before her eyes soften.

She then said, "Well what did you see?"

"I saw Planet Vegeta being destroyed by Frieza, ending the Saiyan race. I saw you, me, Kakarot, and father die in the explosion", I explained to Gine.

"At first, I thought it was just a nightmare, but then I noticed the amount of Saiyans arriving on Planet Vegeta. My nightmare appeared on the forefront of my mind." Gine looked worried as I said this.

I continued to explain. "I asked a Saiyan what was going on and he said that Frieza had sent a message for all Saiyans to return to the planet and that he will appear in 6 days", I concluded my fears with tears coming down my cheeks to make it seem believable. I then asked if we could steal a pod or two for an emergency so that all of us can escape.

Gine then said, "Alright I'll talk to your father when he gets here."

"Mother, can you please take a week off from work", I requested. Gine looked confused and asked why.

"I think that if Frieza plans to destroy Planet Vegeta, he will have the scouters track any power levels that might try to escape. So Kakarot and I will be able to escape undetected, but they might catch your power level. I want to teach you how to conceal your power", I explained to her.

She looked surprised that something like that can done. "Is that possible?"

"Yes, I was able to do it. It was very difficult with my energy out of control, so all I was able to do was move down to 4. You might have an easier time than me mother. I will be teaching you how to sense Ki, but lowering your power takes priority", I told her.


-3rd point of View-

Gine was proud that her son can sense Ki without a scouter. She didn't think it was possible, but he is able to do it. Not only that, but to lower one's own power level. She doesn't think an average Saiyan would try and do something like that. Which makes Raditz unique, and she couldn't be prouder.

"Alright Raditz, if it makes you happy, then I'll learn how to lower my power and sense Ki", Gine said. Gine was worried about something though.

"What about your father, if what you say comes true, how would he escape", Gine asks her son. Gine sees Raditz visibly deflate and that has her worried.

"I don't think father would come with us. He's a proud warrior and might rather fight to the death protecting Planet Vegeta, than run to live another day. I also wouldn't have enough time to teach him how to hide his power", Raditz said sadly.

Gine tried to refute him, but she could not. Bardock was a proud warrior and stubborn man, but that's why she admires him. Bardock would send her and their sons away while he stays and fights for his home.

She sighs sadly but shows a small smile. "I think Bardock would be proud of the kind Saiyan you've become. Also, he would be happy that you care for your family's safety. You can start teaching me tomorrow. Alright?" Raditz nodded happily.

"Okay mother, have a good night", Raditz said as he went to his room to go to bed.

'I hope he's just imagining things', Gine thought to herself as she too went to bed.


The next day

We find Raditz and Gine outside of their home with both of them sitting across each other. Raditz tries to explain on how one lowers their power level.

"So, the only thing that work so far is by preventing Ki from leaking out from your center. As the remaining Ki still leaking out will be detected by a scouter if they are specifically trying to read your power level. So, try to slowly stop your Ki from leaving your center and I will scan you with my scouter to tell you if you're making progress. Right now, the scouter shows your normal base power level of 500." (I don't know how the Z fighters hide their power levels. So, I came up with one that would somewhat make sense. Let me know if you like the explanation on how they do it.)

Gine tries to concentrate on her center, and she can feel the energy inside. Her inner eye can see her Ki leaking out. She tries to metaphorically grab her Ki, but it keeps slipping her grasp. After 10 minutes of no progress, she stops meditating and becomes out of breath with sweat dripping from her face.

"It's no use, I can't do it", she said after a few minutes of no progress.

"You can do it mom; I believe in you", Raditz tries to motivate Gine. Then, Raditz had an idea. He would try a different approach.

"Let's put it this way, if you can't to do this and if I'm right about Frieza destroying Vegeta then you won't be able to come with us. That would leave Kakarot and I without a mother", Raditz explained.

"I want you to escape with us. Knowing you though, you won't come with us. That would put Kakarot and I at risk", Raditz said trying to motivate his mother.

Gine knows Raditz is right. If his nightmare comes to pass, she will have to stay so Raditz and Kakarot would have a better chance to escape. Gine then gains a determined glint in her eye. She nods at Raditz and after a few more minutes of rest, she tries again.

Every day, Raditz would have Gine use this method to hide her power level. Each day, she would get better control. First it was 485, then 430 and so on and so forth. Finally, she reached a low amount of 50, which should be low enough for her to slip past the Frieza Force's radar. She took four days and has one more day before Bardock returns. At least that's what Raditz assumes. Since Planet Vegeta was destroyed a day after Kakarot is sent to Earth.

'Thank God... Kami... thank Kami that Gine has a lower power level than most Saiyans or this would have taken more time. Time we just don't have', Raditz thought to himself.

On the fifth day, he tried to teach Gine how to sense power levels which ended in failure. He needed someone more knowledge about this to teach her this technique. He didn't even know how he did it. He just tried trial and error and remembering how the anime explained it which wasn't very thorough.

As the day ends, they go to bed ready for the arrival of Frieza and the chaos that Bardock would bring to Gine with his suspicions.


"Bardock... Bardock!" Bardock awoke from his nap by Leek calling him. "Hmm, what is it?"

"We almost arrived on Planet Vegeta" Leek informed him. "Feels good to be home huh?"

"Yeah, it does Leek", agreed Bardock.

Leek then asked, "What do you think this is about. Must be pretty important for him to order all the Saiyans to return. Maybe the freak has some big plan he needs us fo-", Bardock cuts him off.

"Your scouter is on watch your mouth." Leek looked panic and quickly took off the scouter. He looks out and see the Frieza Force already surrounding the planet.

"Well look at that seems the party has started without us", Leek joked with Bardock.

Bardock looked troubled. 'Frieza's already here?' "I don't know why Frieza ordered us to be here when he could have contacted us through our scouters. I have a bad feeling about this", Bardock told Leek.

"What do you mean by a bad feeling", Leek questioned Bardock.

"We take over planets and sell them to whoever pays us. That's how we made our fortune. It's what we Saiyans had always done, until Frieza took command and forced us into slavery", Bardock said.

Leek commented, "that was a long time ago though."

"Your right but we hated Frieza and don't like working under him." Leek couldn't deny that.

"True, I can't think of any Saiyan that doesn't hate Frieza.", joked Leek.

"He probably feels the same way about us. Now that the Frieza Force has grown so much, he probably doesn't need the Saiyans anymore." Leek looked like he was having a heart attack.

"Wait, you don't mean he plans to kill us all do you", Leek said in a fearful tone.

Bardock turns back to Leek. "It's a possibility, am I right?" Leek thinking Bardock is joking laugh it off nervously.

Another Saiyan calls out to them. "It's good to see you, didn't think you would make it back", he says mockingly. Bardock just told him to shut up. He then asked if he knew why Frieza had ordered everyone back so quickly.

"Beats me. It might be a special mission that might require every working Saiyan to complete." The Saiyan looked eager as he said this.

Leek who was still thinking of Bardock's foreboding words hears this. "Yeah, that might be it. You got me worked up for nothing Bardock."

The other Saiyan piped up. "Oh Bardock, did you hear. Frieza's been asking around about the Super Saiyan."

Bardock stops and turns around to ask, "the Super Saiyan? You mean like the legend?" Then it hits Bardock. "So that's why", Bardock mutters to himself angrily.


Bardock arrives at home and sees Gine cutting some meat. "What, no warm welcome Gine?".

Gine is happy her mate returned home. "Bardock you're here. It's not that often when everyone comes back." She embraces him after taking off her gloves.

Bardock then asks, "how is Raditz?"

"He's fine although his power level took a nosedive after fainting before his mission with prince Vegeta." Gine told Bardock. Bardock looked confused and asked what she meant.

"The scouter shows his power level is 5, and the medical staff couldn't figure out the problem. That didn't stop him from getting stronger though. He couldn't walk at first due to the gravity. He persevered though and can now move around normally with no effort", Gine said with pride.

Bardock could see how proud Gine was, and he was no different. "That's my boy. He was going to work with prince Vegeta huh. I think he got lucky with how arrogant the prince is. So where is he?"

"He's with Kakarot, watching him sleep. He can't wait for his baby brother to get out apparently. You want to go see them? " Gine then walks with Bardock to where Kakarot and Raditz are.


-Raditz's Point of View-

I was antsy. Bardock should be on his way here. Finally, my Ki sense picked up a powerful being walking inside the house. Then I heard Bardock's voice which confirmed who I was sensing. 'So, it begins', Raditz thinks to himself as Bardock and Gine walk into the room.

I greeted Bardock. "Father you're back. How was the mission?"

"Everything was fine." He turns to looked at Kakarot. "Still small, huh?"

"I think he's a late bloomer. He looks just like you though. He even has your wild hair." Gine giggles and turns to Bardock and sees his frown. "What's wrong?"

"After dark, I'm going to steal a pod for him and Raditz to leave off world." Gine looked stupefied.

"Are you joking?" Gine looked at Bardock, hoping he was joking.

"No, I'm serious Gine." His answer didn't make her feel very happy.

I piped in, "what are you talking about father? Why are Kakarot and I being sent off world?"

Bardock says, "I'm sending you and your brother to a decent planet to be safe."

Gine looked even more distressed. "What's that supposed to mean? Kakarot hasn't even learned to speak yet."

"It's because of Frieza. I think he's afraid of the legendary Super Saiyan appearing one day", Bardock explained to us.

My mother was confused, "Super Saiyan? That's just a myth, a children's fairy tale."

"I know, but Frieza's still bothered by the legend, and I imagine he wouldn't want to take any chances." Bardock said to my now horrified mother.

"That sound's like my nightmare where Frieza kills all the Saiyans." Bardock looked surprised and asked what I meant.

"I had a nightmare that was too detailed to be just a dream and heard Frieza was on his way, so I taught mom how to hide her power level. She can escape with us undetected, and we don't have to worry thanks to Kakarot's and my power level being so low. Since they might have scouters check for any Saiyans that might try to escape." I explained to him.

Then I looked down. "I don't know about you though."

Bardock was surprised that you can lower your own power level. He was looking with me pride.

"I didn't think of that. You might have got a bad premonition so I will definitely send Gine with you, so she'll be safe as well. Also don't worry about me. I'll stay here just in case if I'm wrong. If Frieza does try and destroy Vegeta, I'll fight till my last breath."


-3rd Person Point of View-

Raditz, Gine and with Bardock, who's carrying a Saiyan pod with a wailing Kakarot inside are using the cover of darkness so that they can escape with no interruptions.

"Is there no other choice?" Gine asked with a sad tone.

"No Gine. I'm not taking that chance. Are you keeping up Raditz?" He asked Raditz.

Raditz was following along with some difficulty. "I'm fine father. I can keep up."

They all slow down and Gine asks, "why are you so persistent about this. It's not like a Saiyan man to worry about his children."

Bardock is silent for few moments then responds. "I don't know. Maybe because I'm always fighting and destroying that I want to save something for once. Like you three." He sets the pod down.

"I programmed this to head to a planet called Earth. The people there have low power levels and aren't technologically advance. I think you three will be fine there. As a bonus it's not a valuable world so it shouldn't even show up on the Frieza Force's radar", he explained to them.

Raditz sweat drops, 'As a former human, I should take offence to that. Sadly, he's not wrong.'

Gine and Raditz joined the sniffling Kakarot in the pod. It's a tight fit but there is enough room. Gine carries Kakarot and Raditz on her lap while the pod's door closes. Bardock puts his hand on the window.

"If I'm wrong, then I will come and get you, okay?" Gine and Raditz nodded. Then he turns to Raditz, "make sure to protect your mother and brother. Always know that I'm proud of you." Raditz nodded his head firmly.

"I will father", Raditz said resolutely.

And finally, he turns to Kakarot. "Kakarot always listen to your mother and older brother. Be strong Gine, my sons. Be safe."

Then the pod started to hover before shooting into deep space. When Gine was sure that they far enough from the planet and the Frieza Force's radar, she turned on the hibernation mode. The pod releases an odorless gas that will cause them to fall asleep. They will awaken when they approach their destination, Earth.

Author Note: Wow, that was a long one. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. a side note, someone in the comments mentioned I should have Raditz awaken an ancient Saiyan bloodline similar to Cumber from DB Heroes. I have never watch DB Heroes, so I don't know much what the bloodline does beside making a Saiyan stronger I will put a poll down below to see if you want me to add it. If so give me more details about the bloodline so I can have more to work with.


