
A Saiyan: lover of battles!

In the eternal war for survival, if you are weak you'll be crushed like an ant and if you are strong you'll be drowned by just the number of your enemies. "You can only be the strongest, to survive!"

Shlok_Aurum · Anime und Comics
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The Night before Ninja Academy

3 years later,

Well tonight is just a normal night, I'm sparing with Naruto, he getting better, probably the affect of his tail, I mean his Saiyan bloodline is starting to show affects.

The thing is tomorrow is the first day of ninja academy. And Naruto does not Know how to write or read, a probable cause of following me.

Well I've a blessing from my previous life, bestowed by god himself to know all languages, so I don't need to waste my time on learning.

But he has to learn, or he'll be teased by other children, although they'll be beaten at last, but still.

So tonight we were going to study, but he challenged me saying, "Brother I'll fight you, as long as I float I'll not lose, but when I fall I'll lose and learn with you, dattebayo."

And I agreed.

And now we are at our old place, fighting.

"Brother, ready. Dattebayo!" ,Naruto asked with enthusiasm.

"Whenever you are, Naruto." ,I replied.

I looked at him, he looked at me.

We knew the meaning in each others eyes, and then we started charging up our Ki.

He flew toward me at such a speed that normal people can't see.

In our previous spars he was able to take me off guard 1 time, and extremely rarely twice.

My power over the years had grown to the point where I can one punch a Kage.

I am now used to 10 times earth's gravity.

Naruto in terms of brute force is a couple of notch lower to me but can kill a Kage, with slight injuries as the price.

Anyway, coming to the battle.

He tried to punch me in the head, I dodged sideways, he slightly smirked, and kicked in the direction I was dodging, he was trying to over smart me but, before his kick landed, I punched him in the gut.

He spat a bit of saliva, and he started falling to the ground.

"heh..." ,I sneered, then asked loudly, "Will you give up this easily brother?!"

Then he suddenly jolted awake from his trance, and flew up to me.

We exchange about Hundred rounds, and I end it with a punch to his face.

He was unconscious after that, before he touched the ground, I gently grabbed him and put him on the ground.

At that time I was extremely proud of him, cause with his strength he was able to slightly injure me, which means that his skills are improving.

Well I created another technique for situations, when someone gets injured.

I got the idea when I saw a medical ninja in the hospital healing someone with mystic palm technique.

I used the gentlest side of Ki, while manipulating the Ki inside the ill person to repair itself.

This kind of technique has the potential to heal severed limbs to regenerate or even healing from blood to an entire body.

But I at most can heal moderate injuries.

After healing, Naruto came back to his senses.

He said with an enthusiastic tone, "Brother you are amazing, and awesome and a true genius!"

I replied to him in a modest tone, "No need for flattery, my decision won't change."

"Now come on and get up we have to learn a lot." ,I added.

And we both went back to study.