
A Road of Runes

David IronHeart is a kind-hearted 80 year old man that will travel worlds of magic and mystery seeking adventures to his hearts content . First World : harry potter . not alot of dialogue Second World : witcher . getting better Third World : undecided . ********************** I dont know how this book will go so stick around to see and plz tell me any plot holes or dumb stuf that makes no sense thx

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The End of a Journey


basically an info dump about most of the animals and some other stuff from the world interesting to me cause it took me a shitlong time on research might be boring for you but if you read it you will be a harry potter magical creature locations expert


in the past 4 years I have done alot of travelling for many reasons but the main one is to have fun and collect materials


name : David IronHeart

appearance Age : 11

body age : 311

mind age : 391

magic : 300

(avg 11y = 20 , adult = 40 , auror = 60 )

(sr auror = 80 , big boys = 200+)


runes :

Harry Potter


forces :

neutral , magic , fire , earth , water , air , electricity



weapons and tools : 40% / 100%

body : 40% / 100%

devouring : 10% / 100%

time : 20% / 100%

craftsmanship : 40% / 100%

wisdom : 20% / 100%

travel : 40% / 100%


Magic :

hp magic : 50% / 100%


items :

1. IronHeart library

2. IronHeart sanctuary 1 to 10000

3. IronHeart dictionary


Enter Room [●]


After touring the entirety of america and collecting all of its animals I moved on to Africa.

it was an interesting place with people that can transform into animals wandless using transfiguration unfortunately such action is very dangerous since when they transfigure into animals thier brain gains the instinct of said animal and and they might not be able to think properly and return human.

that was not a problem I had because of my wisdom divinity so I was able to change into any animal I wish , the body divinity also helped with this transformation removing all harm.

I got several animals and plant and trees such as:

diricawl , erumpent , fwooper , nundu , runespore

sasabosam , sphinx, steeler , tebo , yumbo

I was also lucky enough to be able to get a pheonix, it took a long time convincing it to join me but after seeing that I can offer infinite energy that can make it stronger and that I will trie to find a mate for it reluctantly accepted now after bathing in my energy for hundreds of years in the sanctuary it has finally become fully loyal to me.

After Africa next on the list was india.

India was a very beautiful place and I was surprised to hear that some people are parseltongue. so I hired a man who is parseltongue and payed him to read every single word into a dictionary that I made with runes, it is capable of translating english to parseltongue.

india had few animals such as:

Occamy , lethifold

the ocean also had a ramora

unfortunately I was unable to find a pheonix.

next on the list of places to visit was not 1 place but multiple to get DRAGONS.

the first place I went to was romania and its dragon sanctuary. there I bought many types of dragons female and male like :

Chinese fire ball , common welsh green , Hungarian horntail , Norwegian ridgeback , Romanian Longhorn , swedish shortsnout , ukranian iron belly.

the second place I went to was New Zealand to get a dragon that looked beautiful called the antipodean opaleye.

the third place was Scotland were I got a hebridean black dragon and many animals such as : blood sucking bugbear , flying seahorse , hinkypunk , loch ness monster , quintaped , scotish stag , selkie.

the forth place was peru wer I got a Peruvian vipertooth dragon and a Peruvian salamander.

some dragon I heard of but was not able to find are :

catalonian fireball and Portuguese long-snout.

then I bought 2 golden snidgets from the modesty rabnot snidget reservation because they are an endangered bird.

then I went to china were I got :

quilin , zouwu

I was also lucky enough to encounter a female pheonix and have it join now 8-->V.

in japan I found :

jiant storm pedal , hoo-hoo , kappa , oni.

in Tibet I got yeti(s)

in russa I found :

hag , nogtail , pogrebin

in france I took :

thestral , wood nymph and a Veela couple that was being discriminated aginst by wizards

in Greece I got :

siren , chimera , manticore , Griffin , Cerberus , hippocampus

in europe :

hypogrif , graphorn , troll , nogtail , dugbog mackled maclaw , hag , unicorn

north sea : lobug

Atlantic ocean : sea serpent , shrake

in Britain :

nifler , augrey , jarvey, centaur, gryndylrlow , moke, aethonan, gytrash, imp, kelpie, nurhap, thestral , doxy , fairy , pixie

in england :

browtuckle , crup, pixie , porlock , wild pony , wyvern of wye

in Ireland :

leprechaun, merrow, kelpie

I have also collected :

ashwinde , bundimun , clabert, floberworm , ghoul , kneezle , merpeople , goblins , mooncalf, plimpy, pufskin, salamander, streeler, werewolf , winged horse

along the way I have collected over 150 different types of plants and I have also gotten most of the worlds tree types

as time went on I also upgraded my dictionary to bea able to speak almost every muggle language and gobbledygook , mermish , parseltongue, troll. I have also linked the dictionary to my mind making me able to understand all languages without having to open or touch it

I have also learned that forces can be anything elemental or anything that canot be touched so after geting burned by many animals I was able to absorb fire , no a more detailed explanation would be a type of mana that is tuned with fire so it burst into flame whe out of the dimention the same happens with all my available elemental forces. magic is a different thing.

the elves have also reached more than 500 and most of them are now bonded to the sanctuary, the reason for this is because I found a lot of wandering elves about to die and rescued them and they started mating with the ones I already have.

and this brings us to now

ps : all animals that die are dissected by the house elves and the materials are stored away from hair to heart

$flashback no jitsu oof$

Now starring at this letter I start thinking to myself, 'how far I have come'

time to get my stuf and explore this castle secrets and libraries


thx for reading pls comment if there is anything confusing or any plot holes that need to be fixed thx btw this story will not be uploaded fast because it took me 5h to al the research and 2h to write the chapter so some feedback would be welcomed