
A Road of Runes

David IronHeart is a kind-hearted 80 year old man that will travel worlds of magic and mystery seeking adventures to his hearts content . First World : harry potter . not alot of dialogue Second World : witcher . getting better Third World : undecided . ********************** I dont know how this book will go so stick around to see and plz tell me any plot holes or dumb stuf that makes no sense thx

The_Weird_Magician · Filme
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26 Chs

The Dumb Theives

our trip to BIALY SAD would take a minimum of 3 days for us to reach it from TRETOGOR so we decided to take it slow, we started telling eachother stories of our past adventures.

I recounted the stories of dragons I caught, I also told him about the time I fought a basalisk in the chamber of secrets on of my all time favourite moments in the harry potter world.

he also told me a few of his stories, the one I found most interesting is one were he got face to face with a leshen that was fortunately for geralt the leshy was pretty friendly since he did not destroy anything in the forest.

hearing his story made me think that leshen's are a lot like wood spirits from harry poter. they are both gentle creatures that control the plants and trees in their surroundings, they also do not atack unless feeling threatened.

th first night was uneventful bu the second one was anoying.

we were riding down the road on our horses when I sensed danger so I said "geralt stop the horses and tie them up let's have a break" Geralt a litle dumbfounded at my decision asks "why we had a break only a few hours ago" I sighed and said" if we are gonna fight I at least want the horses to remain intact so we can get to TRETOGOR faster without too much delay".

he took a second but eventually understood what I meant to we stoped and tied the horses on nearby trees, we then started to set up a small campfire to cook some food, always better to fight on a full stomach.

soon after we finished eating 3 men on horses and 5 men not on horses surrounded us, one of the horsed men dressed in armour that looked better that the rest of them came up to us and said " give us all your valuables and we will let you go, dont and we will kill you".

I just smile at these idiots and ask "are you idiots or what, I mean you just surrounded a witcher also known as geralt of rivia, the white wolf and his companion me David IronHeart , do you seriously expect to win".

(give me nicknames plz)

his face paled a bit but he then regained his composure and said " we have 8 people and you have only 2 so shut up and give us everything" I just chuckled "dont you know that quality is better than quantity".

I summoned 2 sword and threw one towards geralt saying " keep the horses intact we can sell them" we started running toward the hosed men and an arrow came towards me, dodging to the side I am now 1 meter far from a horseman, he tries to stab me but I dodge and stab and kill the rider.

I look over to geralt and see that he has also killed his rider and moved on to the people of foot, I then cast a stupify and a crucio making him fall of the horse.

I then sumon a bow create two arow of wind, sending it towards two of the 4 people around geralt killing them. Seing the others caught of guard geralt took this opportunity and killed the only two left.

after the fight was over I went over to the corpses and cut their heads off, I also controlled their 3 horses and tied them next to ours.

while I was doing this Geralt was checking out the bodys for any valuables and boy did he find valuables. they were literally swiming in gold they have probably been robbing and killing people for a very long time.

we stripped them of their armors and valuables and wrapped thier heads is cloth, we tied the the 3 horses to blaze and roach and put the stuff on them.

we then proceeded on our journy to BIALY SAD, it took us 1 more day and when we arrived at the entrance we were stoped by the guards because our cargo looked suspicious.

before they searched us I asked for the wanted book and after searching through it I say the faces of the thieves we killed and they had a pretty nice bounty.

I said to the guard "give me 1 second i will be back" as i said this i went to the horses we took and unclipped the heads that were each placed in a cloth wrap and came back to the front and said "here you go number 2,6,7,8,11,14,19,21, fu*kers tried to rob us".

the guard looked a little checked but I could also see some fear in him, he asked "are you sure they are the correct people" I answered ofcourse and he left for a little returning with his supervisor.

after talking with his supervisor for a little we got paid and we looked around till we came across an inn that looked nice, we booked a room and as geralt went up to his room I got pulled after seing somthing I forgot about.

Gwent, I went up to the players and bought a regular card deck from them, I paid more than usual but I got it back with a little extra by winning aginst them in almost every single round I played, to a point were no one wanted to play with me anymore, I suffer from success.

it was close to night and I was pretty drunk so I went up to the room we booked and layed down in the empty bed and slept not knowing that geralt was to my side looking at me like I am a fuc*king weirdo for sleeping with him.


thx for reading pls comment if there is anything confusing or any plot holes that need to be fixed thx

hope you are liking the story thx for reading byee

give me quest ideas that aren't reta*ded plz