
A Road of Runes

David IronHeart is a kind-hearted 80 year old man that will travel worlds of magic and mystery seeking adventures to his hearts content . First World : harry potter . not alot of dialogue Second World : witcher . getting better Third World : undecided . ********************** I dont know how this book will go so stick around to see and plz tell me any plot holes or dumb stuf that makes no sense thx

The_Weird_Magician · Filme
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Another Source of Power

I woke up in the morning with a hard hangover, I felt like dying, I went down to the dining hall and found geralt siting alone on a table at the back of the room.

I went up to the table and sat while saying "hey Geralt" he looked up at me and smiled, wich creeped the hell out of me, and said "hello how was yesterday, it was probably a good night since you tried to sleep with me" I looked shocked and was speechless "ugh what".

Geralt just chuckled a bit wich creeped me the hell ou even more while saying " yeh you hoped in my bed and tried to take me right then and there" I was, i was on the verge of a mental collapse, my brain was processing things slower than an ant.

Geralt seing me freeze like a reta*rd said " hey dont be sad we all have our fuck ups. when was the last time you slept with someone, I mean you were pretty borny last night, had to kick you away" I just sighed and said " oh I dont know how long it's been but it should have been a little bit more than 1000 years ago".

a soon as I said this geralt spits out his drink covering me from head to toe and says " 1000 years you are kidding right" I just cast a spell to clean me and smile while replying "yep 100% I am close to 1200 now" geralt now looking like a reta*d just looks at me and asks a question that surprised me "why are you so old yet so weak".

I just laughed at his questions and said " I could destroy this world and all other worlds in this universe in a matter of seconds, I just dont do so because like I said before, this place is sort of my holiday and you are my trip advisor"

geralt now looking like he has eaten 16 turds sais" well thank god you are not evil" I just laughed and said " my boy on my level there is no evil and good, there is do and dont, do whatever you want, dont fuck with someone stronger than you".

I spent the rest of the day regretting the talk because the usually quiet Geralt could not stop asking me questions, it's like he was a kid asking for candy I mean just shut up already.

we did a few quests here and there but today was a relatively quiet day. the next day was also quiet but I saw an elf, well not a full elf, a half elf but boy was it interesting.

I could feel it, the blood of this elf was weak but the actual bloodline originated from a very powerful person, one that had nearly reached the pinnacle of this world, no this universe.

but from the elfs blood I can also feel 2 more things, one is that there is a bloodline branch that has way more power and that I can only assume is elders blood that ciri's mother or grandmother holds, they may be dormant but I can feel it.

then the next thing is that the protejenor or in other words the bloodlines originator has died, either from old age which is a no since a person at that level can live for a very long time, my second guess would be that he fought with fate or destiny.

if he fought with them then it is highly probable for him to die, my guess to why they have not come for me is because I have not changed much of the original story, or because they know that I am stronger then them and dont dare come to me, either way not a problem i have to wory about.

from this encounter I also realised blood can absorb almost anything and that some people instead of using mana to cast spells use it for thier bodys by cleaning out the body and meridians and feeding thier blood magic power or anything close to that.

I tried it out, I started channelling mana throughout my body cleansing it, I also started feeding my blood mana , but hen I thought to myself if I can do this with mana what about other thing so I started using everything I have and I felt huge improvement.

the neutral energy was cleaning everything out the fastest out of all, the elemental energies were upgrading my resistances to their element, I could also feel my blood turning thicker by the second and since I had infinite energy I let it continue while I was doing quests with geralt.

after 5 days I could feel and see my blood is turning silver giving me a massive power boost physically a place were u neglected, but I could also feel many levels above silver and that it would take a while before I would see another colour.

but who cares about the colours ,that is for later dates, this world no matter how long I will spend here has turned into a boon and has fixed one if not my only weakness that I know about.


name : David IronHeart

master of legacy (grimoire)

appearance Age : 21

body age : 1000+

mind age : 1000+

magic : 500

(avg 11y = 20 , adult = 40 , auror = 60 )

(sr auror = 80 , big boys = 200+)


runes :

Harry Potter


forces :

neutral , magic , fire , earth , water , air , electricity , kinetic



weapons and tools : 60% / 100%

body : 100% / 100%

devouring : 30% / 100%

time : 50% / 100%

craftsmanship : 80% / 100%

wisdom : 50% / 100%

travel : 60% / 100%


Magic :

hp magic : 100% / 100%


blood level :

silver 10% / 100%


items :

1. IronHeart library

2. IronHeart sanctuary 1 to 10000

3. IronHeart dictionary


Enter Room [●]


after this amazing discovery we headed of to Vizema the capital of Temeria, our first big city, mine at least.

I have also learned that as long as I have another or another source of energy I can nourish my blood and in turn my body while doing whatever I want, and thankfully I have infinite mana and other sources of energy, so all I require is time.


thx for reading pls comment if there is anything confusing or any plot holes that need to be fixed thx

hope you are liking the story thx for reading byee