
A Road of Runes

David IronHeart is a kind-hearted 80 year old man that will travel worlds of magic and mystery seeking adventures to his hearts content . First World : harry potter . not alot of dialogue Second World : witcher . getting better Third World : undecided . ********************** I dont know how this book will go so stick around to see and plz tell me any plot holes or dumb stuf that makes no sense thx

The_Weird_Magician · Filme
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26 Chs

A New Journey

I woke up feeling refreshed and exited , I was in a new world full of possibilities, that are endless.

after dressing myself in dragon skin light armor I made before arriving in this world, I headed out of the in and started walking around the town, I sensed the entire town and realized that this is a town called blavakan, I also found someone interesting.

I realised that I am in the witcher because a man with white hair and a sword in his hand that is soon to be known as the butcher of blavakan is walking to another group or gang carrying wepons.

I quickly travel there before the fighting starts, geralt was walking when suddenly he was confronted by a group of thugs, they start attacking and before geralt could swing his sword and kill the man, I interfere by blocking his sword with one I just summoned.

hel looks at me confused at were I have come from and said "who are you" I just smile and say "just a simple man who from today onwards will be joining you on all your adventures and stoping you from doing stupid things like this" he looks at me with a frown and says "they are killing innocent people I have to stop them" I just chuckle a bit and say "first of all you dont need to stop them, you want to second of all you can do whatever just dont kill, you dont want a title such as the butcher of blavakan now do you".

Geralt clearly taken aback by my words says fine as he reshethes his sword and starts kicking the shit out out of the entire gang while dodging arrows left and right. after afew seconds my blood starts pumping and I join him in fighting these armed people.

unlike geralt I do get hit with a couple of arrows but most of them either bounce or break after hitting my armor. after 5 minutes of constant fighting we both end our battles and I realized I am nowhere near as strong as him in combat without using my magic, I took out a few ropes out of my sanctuaryand tied them all up together.

we keep walking for afew seconds until we find renfri standing with a women in front of her and a dagger pressed up to her neck, geralt tries to talk to her and reason with her but to no avail so I just laugh a little and they both look at me like a lunatic. renfri then says "why are you laughing" I raise my finger and stop laughing after a second and say " what the hell are you doing standing in front af a mage with so much eagerness " as I say this I conjure up some winds making the dagger fly away.

I then proceed to seperate renfri from the woman geralt seeing this as an opportunity dashed towards her and grabs a wrestling hold from behind the back slamin her into the ground, I proceed to tie her up and help the hostage up.

we walk out of the alley only to see a mage who starts saying bring the bodys. soon they touched one of the people held by ropes and try to take them, seeing them as the mage people I quickly grab his hand and break it.

after doing this the mage look at me and then back at geralt and starts spewing bullshit about renfri able to control people and then says that you have taken the law into your own hands and that you have killed on blavakan soil, the people also start to boo and at that point I interrupt.

"excuse me,EXCUSE ME" at this point everybody stops and looks at me, I proceed to say "first of all that bullshit you said about renfri being able to bewitch people is false on so many levels, you just want her because she is a princes daughter of fredefalk" at this point people started to whisper a little and I proceeded to add " secondly what do you mean we killed they are all alive just knocked out and we will personally be taking them to the town gard to take our bounties for catching CRIMINALS that tried to kill innocent people"

at this point everybody is looking down at the bodies and seing no blood showed them that I was speaking the truth the mage looks at me with eyes of pure hate and says "who are you " I just laugh seeing his reaction and say " you dont deserve to know who i am but just so you know i am a mage that could destroy you easily" as i say this I release a sliver of my aura toward him making him basically shit himself in fear.

I just smile and say "come geralt let us cash in this bounty leave this place after all the people here are as gullible as a rock believing a fool and following him like sheep.

as I finish I levitate the prisoners off the ground and start heading towards the town guards, geralt hesitated a little but in the end he followed after me like a flame to a wick.

after handing them over and taking the money we head over to the stables were I buy the fastest unguilded(no pp cut) horse and geralt taking back roach, we exit the city and I throw him half of the bounties.

I heard him grunt and say "yes thank you, I never got your name" I chuckle a little and say " oh yes were are my manners, the name is David IronHeart, mage and adventurer, and I will be joining you on your trips around the land, for fun realy".

geralt says with a sigh "you are not gonna leave me alone are you" I reply " nop you are a man of a huge destiny and I will be damed if I don't see it"

geralt whispers to himself 'god dames bastard'

and that's were our journey begins, to infinity and beyond....


thx for reading pls comment if there is anything confusing or any plot holes that need to be fixed thx hope you like the chapter it was a very enjoyable one for me.

I love witcher hehehe

k byeeee