
A Road of Runes

David IronHeart is a kind-hearted 80 year old man that will travel worlds of magic and mystery seeking adventures to his hearts content . First World : harry potter . not alot of dialogue Second World : witcher . getting better Third World : undecided . ********************** I dont know how this book will go so stick around to see and plz tell me any plot holes or dumb stuf that makes no sense thx

The_Weird_Magician · Filme
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A New Beginning

David IronHeart is a kind-hearted 80 year old man that ran one of the biggest companies in the world. His company IronHeart co sold medicines and food at the cheapest posible prices and opened thousands of orphanages across the world.

David himself had adopted and raised 6 kids but remained unmarried his entire life. At the age of 65 David retired and handed his company over to his children.

During his retirement David got bored so he bought a house in the rural area of London and started getting into books of all kinds from scientific to fantasy.

He travelled the world buying all kinds of books old and new but he especially fell in love with the Harry Potter franchise with it's dark and whimsical world. He loved them to the point of reading most if not all fanfiction written from it but he thought that runes were an unappreciated subject.

David loved books so he decided to start writing his own stories that instantly became a hit and he kept writing and reading until he died peacefully at the age of 80 sitting on his couch reading a book with a smile on his face.

"huh , were am I" said David looking around curiously in a pure white room.

suddenly a humanoid figurine appears in his vision and says "Hi so before you start asking questions I am the god of the omniverse and seeing as you have alot of good karma and your book were enjoyable I decided to grant you 3 wishes and place you in any world you want".

David still confused as hell takes a minute to process this information , not knowing what to say all that could come out from his mouth was "anything?" , "yep".

"Oh Woow do you want to have a conversation or do I just wish , dont know if you know this but I am new to this" said david while chuckling at his own joke. the god just smiles and tells him to just say his wishes and the world he wants to go to.

"ugh ok

1. a system with runes from all worlds that teaches you for free in a separate space were only a second passes in the real world with materials that appear but disappear after the lesson is done except if I brought it inside I can also practice anything I want in there but without lessons and I dont get tired, sleepy or hungry.

2. a dimension that can absorb everything and create a force from it in separate areas it can also combine compatble ones to create new ones while leaving the old ones intact , it also contains infinite neutral energy to feed all forces , this dimention is bound to my soul and I can control everything in and from it.

3.god of weapons and tools , body , devouring , time , craftsmanship , wisdom , travel . that cant die from old age and doesn't rely on faith and doesnt have any bad effects from divinities.

Ok I think my wishes are pretty good."

"Yes they are now wich world do you want to go to" "Harry Potter"

"Alright you will be a 6 year old boy named david IronHeart heir to a very rich house and the only living descendant , your parents are dead and you are taken care of by your butler alfred who is loyal to your family. You were born in the same year as harry potter . BTW IronHeart isnt a real family I just added it in because I like you , ok bye "

In that moment everything blacked out and David woke up in bed with the sun shining down on him and suddenly he had a major headache as 6 years of memories flashed through his mind.

David got out of bed and went to the mirror to see himself 4 foot 2 with a decent looking body with dark black hair and golden eyes. I think of my system and it appears in front of me


name : David IronHeart

appearance Age : 6

body age : 6

mind age : 86

magic : 10

(avg 11y = 20 , adult = 40 , auror = 60 )

(sr auror = 80 , big boys = 200+)


runes :



forces :




weapons and tools : 0% / 100%

body : 10% / 100%

devouring : 1% / 100%

time : 0% / 100%

craftsmanship : 5% / 100%

wisdom : 1% / 100%

travel : 3% / 100%


Magic :



items :



Enter Room [●]


David instinctively understood how most of his powers worked and how the could be advanced.

Before diving into the rabbit hole he heard a pop and nexto him appeared a house elf named winky "Master david , sir alfred told me to tell you that breakfast is ready"

"thank you winky I'll be down there in a minute"

she then proceeded to apparate away and I was fascinated with what I just saw.

I when down stairs into the dining room and saw alfred setting the table "morning alfred" he replied "good morning sir , please be seated the food will be here in a minute " after finishing my food with alfred, I asked were the library is because i was interested in reading on magic.

"ah ofcourse" he proceeded to take of his necklace and give it to me , seeing my confused face he proceeds to say "sir you need to put a drop on that trunk like pendant and it will be linked to you all books collected by the family are inside of it"

I do as he said and use a knife of the table to cut myself and put a drop of blood on it and I suddenly know how to use it I quickly thank alfred and go to my room.

in my room I put the trunk pendant on the floor and will it to enlarge , after it is done I open it up and go down a staircase to a room filled with books as far as the eye can see and at this moment I think to myself that this is a new beginning filled with magic.


thanks for reading tell me how you feel about it