
A Road of Runes

David IronHeart is a kind-hearted 80 year old man that will travel worlds of magic and mystery seeking adventures to his hearts content . First World : harry potter . not alot of dialogue Second World : witcher . getting better Third World : undecided . ********************** I dont know how this book will go so stick around to see and plz tell me any plot holes or dumb stuf that makes no sense thx

The_Weird_Magician · Filme
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A Gardening Tale

a few days had gone by but boy wa vizima great, we have been doing quests and making money non stop, I mean who knew a city filled of people would need other people from outside to help it with its many plentiful quests that range from easy to a bit hard, shocker right.

it is currently the 6th day of our stay in Vizema, we had an interesting quest from a herbologist that peeked our interest so we accepted it a few hours ago an are currentlyon our way to do it.

$flash back no jutsu$

we were walking around looking at shops when a person stoped us and said "hi, uhh hello yes my name I davion I'm the hospitals herbalist and I heard that you 2 are very strong monster hunters so I wanted to make a request".

I looked at the nervous fella and said " haha dont be nervous, davion the herbalist, if you want to give us a job we will accept it only if the pay is right" he looked a little relieved and eased down a little bit and said " yes yes I would like to ask of you to get me three of echinop roots from the swamps".

"ah you want the roots of those monsters, that is acceptable as long as the pay Is right" he replied "yes thank you very much I will pay you adequately for your services" I smile and pull out a contact and ask him to sign it, he looks at me confused but after I juve him the rundown and explanation he signs the contract with a smile and we then shook hands going our separate ways.

$flash back no jutsu end$

we waited until a few hours before midnight and we headed to the swamps, as we were walking in a huge plant twice my height with a red flower looking head popped up on us.

as soon a i saw this, i pushed geralt out of its attack path and rolled to the side, as I stand up I realise something this plant is fast I mean realy fast by the time I finished my role it was back ip and able to atack.

seing it about to atack I summon a shield and it rams into me like truck-kun does in isekai moments, I was knocked off my feet but this atack was also reflected on its user and the plant got stunned.

I mean if you ram your head into a wall and don't get then your head is made of iron, geralt seeing this opportunity Strikes its stock whether his sword, Unfortunately The attack does not go all the way through.

Geralt seeing that his attack has not gone all the way through pulls out his sword and takes a few steps back he proceeds to use an aard pushing it away from both of us.

Seeing that it is a planned type monster I proceed to use a fire spell that causes it to Seethe in pain suffering from agonising burning, Geralt proceeds to pull out his crossbow and shoots the creature right in its mouth.

After a few moments the monster goes limp so I go up and check on it stabbing my sword in its head,After seeing it completely dead I proceed to go down to the bottom and pluck out its roots unfortunately it only had 2.

We proceed to search for another hour and after killing another one of these audacious abominations we go back to the city, after passing the city gates we enter the Inn and sleep till tomorrow morning.

When the next morning arrive we proceed to eat and then we went to the main hospital of vizima, after asking for a few directions towards davion we were able to eventually reach a garden filled with many different plant.

After a few moments a man wearing gardeners clothes came out and greeted us he told that to follow him and after a while we reached the office that davion is in.

After entering we saw davion looking at a stack of papers and signing some other, as we entered he saw us and said "ahh hello my freinds back so early hopefully you come with good news" I chuckle a litle before placing 2 roots on his table and saying " of course we are back with good new, we were given a quest and what good are we if we do not finish that quest haha".

after that davion smiles and pulls out a bag of money and says "thank you for your work, the plants are extremely annoying to deal with because of their speed and agility wich is extremely high, I hope you did not have much difficulties with them".

geralt and I smiled a little and geatlt said "they are annoying but hey if our job is to hunt monsters and we cant even catch a plant then what good are we, we would be beter of finding farmland to use and grow old on not having a single worry in the world".

davion chuckles at geralts comment and we talked a little more, after 10 to 20 minutes we shook hands ending our conversation, we then proceeded to say goodbye and left the garden heading back to the inn.

in this past day my blood has reached 40% silver and I could feel that when my body reached 50% I would firstly be as strong as geralt physical and secondarily my blood was moving at 5% a day, I could feel that above 50%it would start to move slower and slower.

I realized that this path for others would take them alot of mana and alot of time, and I have an infinite amount of them, wich is why it will take me significantly less time then regular people but still alot.


thx for reading pls comment if there is anything confusing or any plot holes that need to be fixed thx

give me a cool nickname for David and tell me anything you think would be a good addition for david plz thx

hope you are liking the story thx for reading byee