
A Pyrotechnics Expert in Naruto

Born into the Uchiha clan as a waste child. No matter how talented he was it wouldn't matter because he was born blind. But then everything changed when he opened .... wait why do they look like that?

Ashtin_Pratt · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Nono and Godfather

Diary of Benimaru Uchiha

"Family is the most complicated relationship. Sometimes blood is thicker than water yet thinner than honey."

B.U. K.Y. 48

"Long term spy assignment?" Benimaru was shocked. When he got a message from Anbu earlier he never thought it would be because of am espionage mission.

"Yes, recently Iwa has been getting restless and these trends are showing that they're gearing up for something. I want to send you undercover to both extract whatever info you can, while also making your own judgements on how to best slow down their preparations."

"I understand, but may I ask why me? We have ninja who specialize in espionage and sabotage don't they?" I was a bit confused about the purpose of choosing me. After all send the blind kid as a spy? If that doesn't yell conspiracy then I don't know what does.

"Actually you weren't the first choice. but considering it was Iwa and what they did with Kagami we also thought you'd appreciate the chance to get some revenge."

My Chakra subconsciously leaked out as the air got a bit colder. "I understand Lord third. I'll definitely finish this job with a satisfactory ending. Rest assured Lord third."

"Well in that case, I'm relieved. You're to set out tomorrow, the mission scope will be half a year at the earliest, send news back if you plan to stay longer otherwise you will be counted as a rogue shinobi. Ideally spy missions are carried out solo but seeing your special circumstances it makes a perfect cover for a second. So think about it wisely."

He went on for a bit about some information they had about the area and my assignment. I'm taking over for a current undercover ninja by taking over a book store near Iwa. Couldn't get directly in the village but that particular book store is responsible for printing Iwa textbooks and other printable products.

The meeting went on for about another 23 minutes and then I found myself wandering down the stairs heading out of the building. In my head wondering who should be responsible for my back up. No Hyuga's, or Uchiha they'd give me away too soon due to eyes or emotions. No Akimichi my mission budget wouldn't be able to support it.

"Oi Beni-baka, why are you here? Came to see sensei for something?"

Looking up and out of my musings, I notice the future sannin walking towards me.

"Hey Tsuna, Rochi, how are you guys doing today? Coming for training?"

"Morning Beni"

"Good Morning"


Orochimaru looked over before ignoring the white haired kid then spoke "Yes today is a training day for us. What about you?"

"I came for a mission, thinking about the best way to finish it now."

"A mission? Okay we won't disturb you? Come back safely." Tsuna said as she kissed my cheek before grabbing the other two and dragging them towards the top floor. Ignoring the blush on her face as she manhandled Jiraiya a bit more.

I give a wry smile as I keep going forward. I need someone who won't stick out but can blend in with me, someone peaceful enough to not be suspected in Iwa.

I wander through the streets of Konoha subconsciously and just as I pass the academy I noticed a group of girls of various ages gathered around talking. My senses tell me that a gaggle of geese that large is dangerous.

Just as I turn around to ignore them I hear someone call my name.

"Senior Benimaru!"

Hearing my name and a slightly familiar voice I stop in my tracks as I try to place the voice. A small hand pats my back. I turn around whole using my senses to get as much info as possible.

Judging by the voice and height it should be someone who just graduated or recently, the familiar tone means it's someone I know closely, a younger girl. But I only talked to a few girls in school, that's including Dan. Although less, I still have a weird sense of distaste for Kato Dan.

So not Tsuna, Yumi wouldn't call me Tsuna, wait Senior?


I say as I finished turning just to be met with the surprised gaze of the little dirty blonde. Nono Yakushi was one of the few girls I bothered getting to know, it's just a pity she wasn't in our early graduate class, as well as a few grades lower and she had to finish the school before joining the genin reserves. Stealth and Assassination tactics was her strongest class, and she had vastly superior Chakra control. Just a pity she doesn't have family resources to help make up the difference.

"Wow Senior you remember me? I haven't seen you much since you graduated except for the few holidays. Has your relationship with Tsunade sama made any progress Senior?" Little Nono was a talent I invested into early on teaching her a few basic ninjutsu and Chakra exercises, trees, water, leaves the usual.

"Well little Nono, I see you graduated already. How come you didn't come find me afterwards we would've gathered everyone to celebrate."

She had a big smile on her face but that quickly disappeared as she stuttered "B-but you all seemed so busy so I didn't want to interfere for something like this. Besides I graduated last class, I'm just here to help out a few of the underclassmen I had a good relationship with."

"Oh? So do you have anything to do recently or would you like to go on a long term espi-"




"Haha it seems you're still just as enthusiastic little Nono. Then that's fine, grab your go bag and meet me at the village gate in an hour."

Saying that I swished off to make my rounds, stopping by the Senju compound to say something to the in laws. Skipped Tsunade since she would either be super clingy or super angry so deal with that when I get back. Then to my usual training grounds and said bye to the friends who were there.

My last stop was home where I saw the usual home that was empty. After I left who knew how long it would be empty. I sighed for a second before going to the house next to mine and knocked on the door.

It didn't take long before a kind woman with long black hair and a gentle smile to open the door.

"Oh? Benimaru what a surprise it's a bit early for dinner but come on in make yourself at home. You know the way."

"Ah sorry aunty Mika but I'm actually just stopping by to let you know I'll be out of the village for a bit so can you please keep an eye over my home for me?"

"Oh of course Beni, you didn't even need to trouble yourself over such a small thing. But it's a shame, you're going to miss the birth."

Aunt Mika was friends with my dad for the longest but even now when she's 8 months pregnant she's still a spry woman with a lot of energy and that gentle momma aura she exudes. She naturally asked me if I wanted to be a godfather to the child and I had agreed but this mission makes me miss the birth.

"Well that won't do, not at all," Mika had a frown for a second before a twinkle burst into her eye "Well since you won't be here, how about I let you name her?"

I stood there for a second thinking. What's a good name for aunt Mika's daughter?

"Hmmmm, well how about....Mikoto? Mikoto Uchiha?"