
A Ninja in the Marvel Universe

After a freak accident, Harry finds himself transmigrated into the world of Marvel with a mysterious system. The system grants him unique abilities to navigate and thrive in the dangerous and chaotic Marvel Universe. With the help of the system and his growing understanding of the Marvel Universe, Harry must tread carefully and make difficult choices as he embarks on a journey filled with adventure, danger, and the potential to leave an indelible mark on the world of Marvel. **The system is derived and based on the Naruto Anime which will help Harry in becoming the strongest ninja in the Marvel Universe** **The system does not have and will not have any form of consciousness.** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This will be an Alternate Universe i.e AU MCU. Well not much is going to change though. Most of the events will occur according to timeline of the original Marvel movies. Only the timeline of the webseries of 'Daredevil, Shang Chi, Jessica Jones and Punisher would change'. The events of these webseries would start earlier then what was shown. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I own nothing except the main character of the book. The Marvel world and it's characters belong to their respective creators. Also the cover page is not mine. If the owner of the cover page wants it to be taken down, then it can be done. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For 5+ advance chapters visit my patreon. patreon.com/StoryTeller229

Story_Teller_229 · Filme
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61 Chs

61. Plans

'.....'= Thoughts 

"....."= Conversations 


Nick Fury sat at the desk, the leather chair creaking softly under his weight. He was deep in thought, his fingers massaging his bald head in a rhythmic, almost meditative manner. The room was dimly lit, the only illumination coming from a solitary desk lamp that cast long shadows across the walls. His mind was occupied with the latest threat SHIELD had encountered, one that required a level of expertise beyond even his extensive experience.

A soft knock at the door broke his concentration. Without waiting for a response, Agent Phil Coulson stepped inside, his face a mask of professionalism. "We found him," Coulson announced.

Fury's eyes sharpened as he straightened in his chair, his demeanor shifting from contemplative to attentive. "What are you waiting for, bring him in."

Coulson nodded and turned on his heel, speaking into his earpiece. "Quake, bring him in."

Within moments, Quake—real name Daisy Johnson—appeared in the doorway, flanked by a tall, unremarkable man whose appearance belied the gravity of his situation. Fury's keen eyes assessed the newcomer, noting his unassuming demeanor and the way he carried himself with a subtle air of unease.

As they entered the room, Fury stood up, his imposing figure casting a long shadow over the man. He extended his hand, his voice steady and commanding. "I'm Nick Fury. I believe you already know who I am."

The man hesitated before shaking Fury's hand, his grip firm but tentative. "I'm Cain," he said, his voice betraying a hint of nervousness.

Fury gestured for Cain to take a seat opposite his desk. Once they were settled, Fury leaned forward slightly, his eyes locking onto Cain's. "You have abilities related to future visions. That's why we've brought you here. We need your help with a particular individual."

Cain shifted in his seat, his curiosity piqued. "Who is this person?"

Fury took a deep breath. "Harry. He's an ex-SHIELD agent with powerful supernatural abilities. He's become a significant threat to global security."

Cain's eyebrows knitted together in concern. "What makes him so dangerous?"

"Harry's abilities extend far beyond typical human comprehension," Fury spoke, his tone grave.

Cain nodded slowly, absorbing the information. "So, what do you need from me?"

Coulson's gaze remained steady. "We need you to use your future vision to find out what Harry is planning and, more importantly, where he is. We don't have any leads, so we hope that your insights could provide the us with some direction."

Cain's fingers drummed nervously on his lap. "I'll need a quiet space to focus. Visions can be... unpredictable."

Quake stepped forward, her demeanor calm yet alert. "We have a secure location nearby where you can work undisturbed. Follow me."

As Quake led Cain out of the room, Fury watched them go, his mind already racing through contingency plans. Coulson remained behind, his expression thoughtful.

"What do you think, Coulson?" Fury asked once the door closed behind them.

Coulson leaned against the desk, his gaze thoughtful. "Cain's abilities are genuine. We've verified his background and the accuracy of his visions. If anyone can find Harry, it's him. But there's something else, sir."

Fury arched an eyebrow. "What is it?"

Coulson hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I've reviewed Harry's file. He was one of our best operatives before his fall from grace. He knows our protocols, our weaknesses. If he's planning something, it's not going to be straightforward."

Fury nodded in agreement. "That's why we need to stay ahead of him. Cain's visions might give us the upper hand, but we can't afford any missteps."

Although he nodded at Fury's logical reasoning, Coulson still had a troubled look on his face.

Noticing Coulson's expression, Fury's gaze sharpened. "What's the problem, Coulson?" he asked, his tone shifting from business like to concerned.

Coulson sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Director, although we know Harry killed a few of our agents, he still has crucial information regarding the presence of HYDRA and their infiltration within our organization. We're still in the midst of purging HYDRA, and the information Harry could provide might be invaluable. I don't understand why we're focused on making an enemy out of someone who possesses supernatural abilities similar to the Inhumans. Instead of viewing him as a threat, we should consider how to utilize his abilities more effectively."

Fury shot a penetrating look at Coulson and fell silent for a moment, contemplating his response. After a thoughtful pause, he spoke, "I'm thinking about the bigger picture, Agent Coulson. Unfortunately, some others can't."

He continued, his voice steady but carrying a weight of determination, "The order to capture him came directly from the Council, not from me. I'd be a fool to make more enemies when we have one sitting right in our lap."

Coulson's eyes widened slightly, a flicker of astonishment crossing his face. "Sir, I must say, you're quite the actor. Even I was led to believe that capturing Harry was your primary focus."

Fury leaned back in his chair, the faintest hint of a smile playing at his lips. "After the recent revelations, Coulson, I've had to reassess everything. I don't know who I can trust completely anymore. It's why I've taken every step to recheck everyone working closely with me, including you."

Coulson met Fury's gaze steadily. He wasn't surprised by the sentiment. If he were in Fury's position, he would have done the same. The necessity of caution in their line of work was something Coulson understood all too well. "So, what did you find out, sir?" he asked, his tone neutral but with an underlying note of curiosity.

Fury's smile widened slightly, though it didn't reach his eyes. "I'm glad to hear that you're one of the few I can trust. Once this HYDRA problem is dealt with, I won't have to operate under such scrutiny. It's a grim reminder that we're not exactly working in the safest of environments right now."

Coulson nodded, understanding the implications of Fury's words. The setting they were in was indeed far from SHIELD headquarters, a strategic choice to avoid eavesdropping and potential security breaches. "So, what's our next move?" Coulson asked, keen to hear Fury's plan.

Fury's expression turned serious as he leaned forward, his gaze intense. "We need to find Harry first. Once we've located him, we'll need to approach him discreetly and explain everything. He's a powerful asset, and he has legitimate grievances against HYDRA. His entire team was killed by them, so he has a personal stake in dismantling them."

Coulson nodded thoughtfully. "If Harry can be convinced of the mutual benefit in this alliance, his abilities could be a significant asset in our fight against HYDRA."

"Exactly," Fury agreed. "We need to leverage his anger and his powers to help us dismantle HYDRA bit by bit. It's a delicate operation, but it's the best strategy we have at the moment."

Coulson absorbed Fury's words, his mind already working through the logistics of their plan. "Understood, sir. I'll make sure that everything is in place for locating and contacting Harry. We need to be meticulous to ensure that he doesn't view us as another threat."

Fury gave a curt nod. "Good. We can't afford any mistakes. The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can start addressing the core issue of HYDRA within our organization."

Meanwhile, in the other room, Cain settled into a chair, his focus shifting inward as he prepared himself for the task at hand. Quake stood nearby, maintaining a vigilant watch while Cain closed his eyes after going through every bit of information of Harry that were provided to him by Quake.

Minutes turned into hours as Cain delved deep into his visions, the room enveloped in a tense silence. Finally, he opened his eyes, his expression one of both exhaustion and clarity.

Cain looked thoughtful, his brow furrowed. "I have a general idea of what Harry might do next, but it's not entirely certain. There's still some ambiguity in the vision."



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