
18. Mayday, mayday


Over the next three weeks they developed some kind of rhythm, still a bit unsteady but getting stronger with every day spent together. Castle could tell Kate was more comfortable around him, more open and more welcoming with every time she greeted him. He had to smile when he thought about how right his mother had been. All it needed was a little patience and some time, the rest would come on its own.

Castle and Jamie were already a tight fit, the bond between them so evident and already so strong that Kate, even if she wanted to, couldn't look the other way. Jamie was head over heels for Castle and she knew he felt the same about her, Kate could see it in his eyes every time he looked at his daughter.

Alexis had gone back to school about a little over a week ago which made it more difficult for Castle to meet with Jamie and Kate, since the redhead was used to him being home in the afternoons and evenings, while on the other hand this was mainly the time Kate could arrange for them to meet. And she couldn't ask to change shifts a lot. Montgomery was already bending the rules for her, keeping her off nightshifts as much as possible to make it easier for her and Jamie. She had no idea how she had gotten so lucky with her Captain.

Kate knew Castle's mother helped him out a lot to cover up his whereabouts and she also knew he feared it was only a matter of time for Alexis to get suspicious and start asking questions. She did understand, he didn't want for Alexis to get hurt in all of this either, he had to consider her as well and so she had told him, they would tell Jamie soon, leaving how soon exactly still out in the open, once more avoiding the inevitable. She had realized she'd hurt him with her non-decision from the way he had silently accepted it just like he had accepted every single one of her decisions so far even when he had a different opinion on the matter.

The other day at the playground they had almost been compromised when another mother had told Castle his daughter was adorable and he had only smiled at her in reply, but Jamie hadn't seemed to notice and Kate was relieved, this was certainly not the way she wanted for Jamie to find out who Castle really was.

But Kate also knew she couldn't put it off for much longer, even Cynthia was getting more and more suspicious with every new story she heard about Rick. And she couldn't exactly stop her daughter from sharing them. The truth had to come out, sooner rather than later. Kate was starting to come to terms with that.

As a matter of fact she was musing about the how and when right now, sitting at her coffee table with some files she had taken home to work on. Cynthia hadn't been able to watch Jamie in the afternoon because of an emergency and so Montgomery had agreed to let her go home early on short notice but only if she took some work with her.

The problem was, Jamie didn't let her get to do the paperwork, demanding her attention and Kate was slowly losing her patience. She knew it wasn't Jamie's fault. Of course she wanted to play with her mother if for once she was home early but she really needed to finish those papers today.

"Baby Bird, I'm sorry but mommy really has work to do," she told her daughter for the 5th time and Jamie's disappointment rose with every turndown she received from her mother.

"Mommy," she whined and Kate could see the angry tears were about to spill and that was really the last thing she needed right now. "Call Rick." It was not a question, it was a sullen demand.

"Jamie, I can't just call Rick and expect him to come over. He might be busy," Kate tried to reason with her daughter.

"Call Rick," Jamie demanded, already shuffling over to get the phone.

"Jamie," Kate tried it again, but the girl only shoved the phone at her mother.

"Call Rick."

Kate sighed, taking the phone from her. She could just pretend to call him, she thought but then again, maybe he really would be able to come over. Otherwise Jamie would not see him before Sunday. Taking another deep breath, she gave in. Why not? She could at least try.

Rick was stuck behind his desk, writing. He had actually managed to put together half a chapter before he ran out of inspiration. His mother had taken Alexis for the afternoon and evening, knowing he had to get started with his next Derrick Storm novel if he wanted to finish it by next year and Alexis was just too much of a distraction for him to even get started.

But when his phone rang he took it as a sign of the universe that he was done for the day, maybe he could still join his mother and Alexis.

"You've reached the cool and ruggedly-handsome Richard Castle, how may I help you?" He spoke into the phone, all cocky and full of himself.

"Seriously?" Came the dry reply from the other end of the line.

"Kate?" He sat up straighter in his chair, almost falling off it as he tried to put on a serious face again. Why did he answer the phone like that?

"Not so cool anymore, huh?" He could hear the grin in her voice. Good, so nothing was wrong with Jamie.

"But still ruggedly-handsome," he came up with a quick and smart reply which she left uncommented.

"I know it's on short notice," she went straight to the reason for her call, "but is there any chance you could come over?"

"Now?" He asked puzzled.

"It's totally okay if you can't, but I'm stuck at home with work and Jamie is bored and asking for you." She explained before starting to chew on her bottom lip.

"Yeah, no. I'll be right over," he hastily replied, already heading for the front door.

"You sure?" She asked, "What about Alexis?"

"She's with my mother today, so really, it's not a problem. I'll be right there and get the little daredevil out of your way." His smile was so bright it might have lit the northern hemisphere. She had called him for help. He was the luckiest guy in the world right now.

"Thanks Castle. I really appreciate it." She sighed gratefully over the phone.

"Anytime, Kate. Anytime."

He was at her place in record time and the second the door opened, Jamie was in his arms, shrieking happily.

"Rick!" She exclaimed, her small arms flying around his neck and he had to manoeuver Kate's coffee out of harm's way.

"Whoa, hey there Buttercup," he laughed, the nickname falling effortless from his lips. "So happy to see me?"

"Mommy's boring," Jamie huffed, still not letting go of him and so she was still attached to him when he stood up and held her close.

"Hey, Kate." He smiled warmly at her, happy when he saw her smiling just as warmly back at him.

"Hey, thanks for coming over."

"Sure," he nodded. "Oh, brought your coffee. I thought you might need it."

Her coffee? Although after bringing her coffee every time they had met over the past three weeks she was slowly starting to accept that it was his thing. And she did need it, he had no idea how much she needed caffeine right now.

She reached for the offered cup, taking the first sip right away, "Thanks Castle."

He nodded again, "So what do you want us to do? Leave you alone so you can get to work? I can take Jamie out." He suggested.

Kate looked at him, big-eyed, he had never spent time with Jamie alone before, she had always been nearby. It was a big step for her and judged by the hopeful expression on his face it was just as big for him, it was time though. He had more than proved himself over the past weeks and she realized it had been over a month already, over a month since they had run into each other in front of the precinct. A lot had changed since then. And it was time to give something back of the trust he had earned, so after taking a deep breath she nodded, "That would be great, yes."

"Your wish is our command," Rick bowed, pretending to drop Jamie to catch her just in time, causing the girl to break out in a fit of giggles. "Shoes?" He looked down at his daughter and seeing she was all set to go he reached for the door.

"Be back at six?" Kate asked. "I'll have dinner ready."

Castle nodded, "I'll drop her off."

"No," she took in a nervous gulp of air, shaking her head, "I mean, you can stay for dinner if you want."

"Okay, I'd like that," he nodded slowly.

"See you at six then. Have fun you two."

When the door closed behind the two of them, Kate leant back against the wall. What was she doing? Playing family with him? She sighed, shaking her head. No, she was just being nice because he helped her out today. It was the right thing to do, nothing more.

He'd tried to get out of her place as fast as possible, fearing she would change her mind every second he stayed, but now he was rushing back. Jamie was happily sitting on his shoulders, clutching her short arms around his head as he sprinted down the last block to Kate's apartment. The last thing he wanted was to be late. She had trusted him with Jamie and he wanted her to see that she had been right to do so. So he wouldn't steal another fifteen minutes, as tempting as it might be.

Kate let them in five minutes before six, smiling at the side of the two happy faces greeting her.

"Just in time, dinner's almost done," she smiled, taking Jamie from Rick's shoulders. "Did you guys have fun?"

"Yes," Jamie nodded eagerly. "Look." She pointed at the book Rick was holding in one of his hands.

"A new book?" Kate asked, surprised eyes meeting Castle's.

"I took her to a bookstore," he shrugged. "It looked as if it might start to rain again, so I thought it was best to do something indoors."

"Great," Kate smiled, ruffling Jamie's hair. "Can you help her wash her hands?"

"Sure," he nodded eagerly and started for the bathroom, placing Jamie once more on his shoulders as he carefully dove under the doorframe, so she wouldn't hit her head.

Kate watched them with amusement before returning to the kitchen to get the last things ready for dinner.

"So which bookstore did you two go to?" Kate asked, filling Castle's plate with potatoes.

"There's this really great store on 23rd, small but a great children's section." He told her.

"Oh yes, I know that one. Jamie and I have been there before and you're right, it is a great place."

Castle took the plate from her, going on, "We read a bit through a couple of different books and I let her pick one to take home. I hope that's okay?" For a second he looked unsure what her reaction would be, it was just a book but with Kate, he never knew.

"Of course it's okay," she reassured him quickly before turning to Jamie. "Did you thank Rick for the book, Sweetie?"

Her daughter nodded eagerly, chewing on her vegetables while looking at Rick to back her up.

"She did," he confirmed easily, winking at Jamie.

A comfortable silence fell over them, while everyone enjoyed their dinner until Kate surprised him by actually asking him a more personal question. So far she had either stuck to small talk or asked about Alexis but never about him.

"So Rick, being an author," she looked at him, "what kind of books do you read?"

"Well, I'm reading everything I have to admit, from the classics to junk and of course other mystery writers. I have to see what the competition is up to, you know?"

She looked amused, her eyes crinkling with joy, "And who's your biggest competition?"

He pretended to muse about that question for a while before answering, "Patterson, Connelly, Cannell and Lehane."

"Good picks," Kate nodded.

"You're a fan?"

Kate looked up, a bit startled, "My mom, my mom loved mystery novels." She finally said a bit too quietly for his taste.

"Loved?" His voice was soft, his eyes intend when he looked at her.

"She passed away." It was all she was willing to share at this moment, already more than she usually shared, not even Cynthia knew.

She wasn't looking at him, didn't see his hand reaching out before his fingers curled around hers, squeezing gently.

"I'm sorry."

She was surprised to realize it actually helped, "Yeah, thanks." She mumbled before pulling her hand back, curling it with her other in her lap. It was too much, she needed to get back on safer grounds.

"So Patterson?" It was lame and she knew it, but she just hoped he would understand she didn't want to talk about it.

He looked at her with those blue eyes and right then she thought he could see right through her and maybe he actually could, because he gave her the slightest nod as if telling her he understood, "Yeah Patterson, he actually invited me to join his poker round with the rest of them."

She managed to put an excited look on her face, found it easier to breathe, "Wow that's quite an honor I would assume."

"I guess so, but maybe they just want to steal my ideas," he wriggled his eyebrows at her and she laughed, the anxiousness disappearing.

"Mommy?" Jamie asked, immediately getting her mother's attention. "Bedtime story?"

Kate looked a bit surprised, "Of course, you know I always read you a bedtime story."

But Jamie shook her head, "No Rick."

"Oh," Kate's eyes darted to Castle who looked just as surprised. "I don't know, Sweetie. You'll have to ask Rick if he still has time after dinner."

"Rick?" Jamie lifted hopeful eyes to him.

He glanced quickly at Kate, who gave him a silent nod as her sign of permission before he beamed at his daughter, "I'd loved to."


AN: I've been away on the weekend, so the next chapter might take a couple of days. Sorry.