
The rules here #2

I woke up in a dark room painted purple and green with black curtains draping from the windows. "Where am I?" I said to myself as I got up to explore the room. "Welcome Nina!" A female voice popped out from what seemed like thin air. I stumbled back in response and panicked a bit. "Who's there?!" I asked as I looked around the room again. "Your respective guide through your new life." A book flew down from a highly placed book shelf and hovered in front of me. I looked at the book a bit confused and more shocked than ever. "Ha- haha- hahahahahaha, that's it. I'm crazy! Either that or I'm dead." I sat down on the bed that I had gotten up from. The book laughed and transformed into a small girl who looked no older than 11. She wore a black frilly dress that dolls came with. It suited her. I can see where this was going, I read loads of fantasy books about magic and demons. But....it's not real. So what is actually going on? "You must be confused, don't worry I'll explain everything to you." She said as she sat next to me. "You can call me whatever, I don't really have a name." She smiled and took my hand. I flinched when she touched my hand but at the end I decided to let her have a go at it. Her hand was cold but small and soft. "Then, let's begin." She paused to breathe and continue. "The rules here are simple. Survival of the fittest is how humans described it. We have a different way of saying it. Power to the strongest. It's been this way since the beginning of time here in Taher. The strong rule while the weak weep. Remember that and you will fit right in. As for this world's Nina...." The small girl looked at me with concern in her eyes. "She is regarded as one of the stronger class. I'm sure no one will mess with you." She laughed a bit uneasy which made me worry for my future. "Well....if you can survive your past, then you can survive here!" She spoke with such conviction forcing me to believe that I'll be alright. I gave a gentle smile in response to here hard earned efforts of trying to keep my head up. "So, this Nina....was she a monster too? Or was she born in a human body?" I finally got the nerve to ask. The small girl stared at me as if I said something offensive. "Sorry, I-I wasn't trying to....what I mean is, what I was trying to say...." I stumbled on my words as I searched my brain for a better way of asking or anything else to say. Yet, if luck was on my side she'd make me pretty happy right now. "It's okay, I just thought you weren't interested in the young master." The small girl smiled even wider. To be honest it freaked me out. " She's what you humans call an earth nymph. Her mother studied magic and taught her all the things she knows. Her father was the nymph, he was regarded as the sexiest man ever to walk this world." The small girl couldn't help but get up to do a twirl as she spoke of Nina. "You must really love your....did you say young master? As in she's your boss?" I stood up in disbelief. This girl looks no more than 11 and yet she was put to work. What kind of child cruelty is this? "Yes, mistress has been taking care of me for over a century, it was only 5 years ago when she passed me to young master." The small girl transformed back into a book. That's right, the small girl is a book. I forgot about that for a moment. It seems my mind wasn't adjusted to the new world I'm in. "Sorry, I know you aren't used to all this yet. But I could no longer keep it up. Transformations use a lot of energy." The book then floated to my lap. "I'm going to sleep now, I'll be up in 6 hours." "O-ok." So this means I need to somehow act tough to make sure I don't end up someone else's lunch. This is more what I can usually handle. I don't want to be here. I get up and start to explore the room some more. Maybe there's a way back to my world, maybe I could live the rest of my life a secret. At least that way I can be safe from anything and everything. The room just kept getting bigger and bigger, I couldn't find any doors for a while. I made a sharp turn right to see if I would hit the wall. I suspected the room itself didn't want me to leave. Otherwise, I would've been completely stumped on as to why the room looked like it was growing. I walked right through the walls and out to a large corridor filled with creatures and monsters in uniform. I read about this situation once in a manga. I can pretty much guess that I am in a demon school. I walk confidently straight hoping to find an exit. "Nina!" A voice crept from behind me with an unwelcoming touch. I froze in place waiting for what creature to move in my field of vision. A blue-skinned girl jumped in front of me. "Guess what, your spell worked. Mr. Stein is no longer teaching here." She giggled "Spell?" I asked confused. What did that Nina do? "Right, it was a natural accident." The blue-skinned girl smiled. Just what was Nina doing here? "I seem to have forgotten something at home, can you point me to the exit." I asked deciding not to get myself mixed in anymore than I am. "I'm sure little Lily will get it for you. Or you can send Stacey." The blue-skinned girl walked alongside me forcing me to go in her direction. "Eh!" I was too confused to say otherwise. The blue-skinned girl forced me to go to class with her. "Am I in the wrong class?" I asked only to escape from the piercing eyes. It was clear that I was awkwardly uncomfortable, whether they caught on was up to them. "Nina, if this is another one of your grade A jokes then we have a serious discussion later on. Now take your seat!" A tall furry female stood in front of the class on the opposite side of me. Great I got in trouble with the teacher. Now what am I gonna do? "Nina, take a seat" The blue-skinned girl whispered as she tugged my arm. I sat down next to her, I was too scared to admit it....but I pee'd my pants a little. This wasn't like the usual human bullies I'm used to. Wait....I don't want to be bullied again. I may be a human but they don't know that. And this is a new start, I have to keep up a reputation. What was it that Lily said? Strongest of the fittest? Survival! Survival of the fittest! What would a strong high level wooden nymph do? I stood back up. "You know, I'm not quite comfortable here. The teacher is accusing me of pranks." I threw a devilish smile at the teacher. I walked over to the exit and laughed. "When you're ready to behave I'll be ready to listen." And with that I walked out the room. Huuuuuuuuuuuuuh, I let out a huge sigh of relief when I was out of the classroom. "Thank God I was able to leave." I said out loud. I continued walking down the corridor to what seemed like an exit. I mean the sign above said exit. So it's an exit right? I open the door and leaped right through it. The world was so vast. There was flying dragons, witches and wizards, even fairies! It looked beautiful. I took a moment to just admire the view. "Wow, this place is magical." I ran out smiling thinking about all the adventures I could have. Forget living in some old academy, I wanna be free from all of the crap. I want to travel, and I'm gonna do it. After all this is my new life. For now I'll be making the rules for myself. My new rules!

A since of freedom is what I wanted to give Nina, after all she is whatever she chooses to be. ^.^ *

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