
On The Run #3

Okay I admit it, I was a little too excited and got caught up in the feeling of adventure. Maybe.....I should've stayed at the academy and learn more about this world. Right now I'm hanging from a cliff! All because I thought I saw a ghost. The only thing I could do was hang and think. The drop looks nothing less of 50 meters down, I wish I brought a friend with me before I ventured out on my own. After I walked out of the academy, I began exploring. I went off the roads and into the woods to make sure they won't come and easily catch me. Besides there must be a way for regular humans to survive and gain power here. Lily probably doesn't know any. But....what can I do in this situation? "I'm telling you I saw someone fall." A man's voice broke my thoughts. Someone's here! I'm- "Do you think we can eat it?" Eh!?.....What did he just ask? "Maybe it has a magical bead, we should just take it's goods and leave." A high toned man's voice followed the other. They're planning on robbing me! Wait, what? Just my luck. Okay fine if you wanna take what isn't yours then don't mind me for being rude. They say Karma is a heartless teacher. "Help." I sheepishly yelped out. "It's still alive!" The deeper voice spoke. They rushed to the cliff where I hung. "Nina!" the man spoke my name as if our paths have crossed before. Damn that other Nina, not telling me who she knew and who her enemies are really put me in a confusing spot. The boys pulled me up and hugged me. "Okay, what's this for?" I asked awkwardly while pushing them off. "You're legend! The whole school heard about the walk out you did and decided to do the same. I no longer have to worry about failing my classes." The 2 boys laughed as they thanked me for saving their school life. So that's what happened after I walked out. I threw the school into a state of chaos. "What were you doing hanging from the cliff of death?" The big question was finally asked. "Oh you know, testing my luck." I sarcastically said as if they already knew I wasn't the same Nina they knew. "Wow! Only you would have the guts to do that." "By the way, let's say I don't know your names." I was going to use these 2 boys to get out of the forest and onto the next city. "Oh! That's right, I'm Hamble and that's-" "JJ." The 2 smiled as they introduced themselves. Hamble and JJ, ok interesting that their names are not completely different from what I'm used to. The 3 of us start walking towards a distant and almost out of site road. I guess I wasn't too far from the tracks. "So what have you been doing since you got out of the academy?" JJ asked me. "Oh you know, exploring." I kept my sarcastic tone slightly hoping they wouldn't ask anymore questions. "What do you guys have on you right now?" I need to know if they were carrying anything edible or dangerous. Just in case. "Nothing!" They both spoke with excited grins smacked on their faces. Great, looks like these guys are a couple of idiots. "Why don't you have anything?" I smacked my head thinking how stupid I was to expect anything from a couple of people who never caught on to my sarcasm. "Cuz' we don't need any." Hamble said with a nonchalant attitude. "Got it." Are they that confident? I mean if you're nonhuman do you have to worry about all the other things? Well at least they don't have weapons. JJ, Hamble, and I reached a small desolate town. I have never seen an abandoned town before so I was pretty spooked out. "Let's split up and look for food." JJ said as he started moving to the right. "Yeah great idea." Hamble went to the left which left me stranded in the middle forced to check out whatever catches my eyes first, by myself. Till now JJ and Hamble have given me a sense of comfort with the solidarity they've been displaying to me. So being left alone really made me feel alone. However, the feeling didn't bother me. I was too used to people leaving my side for whatever reason they had. I walked further into the town expecting to be jumped by some random hungry creature. I walk into a building that looked the most sturdy and probably most promising to have supplies in it. I opened the door slowly, fully preparing myself for anything to jump out from nowhere. Nothing. Walking in felt a little too surreal for me. The building was run down on the outside but on the inside it looked completely new. There was even furniture. Was someone still living here? "Hello?" I shouted out. No one answered. This place is weird it looks like someone is living here, but at the same time from the outside it looks like no one could possibly live here. How does it do that? I look around the house trying to make sense about all of this. There was a big living room, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, and of course a kitchen. Besides, the fact the house had been furnished nothing else was there. "Now this is weird" I said out loud as I continued rummaging through the kitchen. There was no food stored in the fridge or freezer. The cabinets, closets, even underneath the sink, it was all empty. What was this supposed to mean? What was going on with this confusing house? "There you are!" A woman's voice popped out of thin air. I looked around to find the source but my efforts came to a sudden halt when I saw visions of a family sitting in the kitchen and preparing for their day. "Sorry I overslept." A little girl walked right through me and walked over to the woman. I recognized the little girl and the woman. They were a mother daughter pair. "Honey is the coffee ready?" A man spoke from behind the morning newspaper that probably was a week old. "Almost babe, be patient" I instantly knew what this was. The day my life turned to shit. I looked at the little girl closely. That's right I was an early bloomer, so my breast size was already C-cup. Plus my thick thighs didn't help me look any younger than 18. Meanwhile I was 6 years younger. I remember how safe I felt that day and how quickly that feeling faded. "Oh baby, I gotta go out of town today so don't wait up for me when it comes to dinner." The woman placed a cup of coffee in front of the man. "Again! What exactly is there out of town for you to keep going there?" The man finally put down the newspaper to drink his freshly brewed coffee. "Maybe, mom got a mister on the side." The little girl joked around. "Don't say anything" I said trying to stop the little girl from getting involved. "Ha ha ha, little kids and their imagination. Now baby, you do remember that I found work there right?" The woman hugged the man from behind. "Yes honey, that is what you told me." The man pushed her off. Wow, I can't believe I never saw it till now. That's right they were having problems in their marriage. And there I was poking my nose into it like it was nothing. The vision of the family fades. I start hearing noises coming from one of the bedrooms. I know what was going on in there without having to check up on it. Yet, the fleeting feeling of curiosity kept me from standing still. I walked over to my old bedroom. Opened the door and saw the little girl just listening to music and drying herself. She had just came out the shower. She was vulnerable and not expecting anything bad to happen to her. I'm not too late! Maybe I can get her to leave. "Hey! You need to leave right now!" I rushed myself to her and tried to drag her out the room. But my hand just went right through her. A moment of despair washed over me as I realized that my efforts for saving her innocence was all in vain. "Hey pumpkin." The man entered the room. he reeked of alcohol. "Hey dad what's up." The little girl swung the towel over herself as quickly as she could. "I just wanted to talk to you." The man said inviting himself to sit on the bed. "Can it wait till I have my pj's on?" The girl sat right next to him ready to hear him out. "No,GET UP!" I was crying now. "It can, but I'd rather discuss it now." The man leaned in closer to the little girl. It looked like he was going to tell her a secret. And the little girl thought that was what it was. Just an innocent secret. She leaned in to hear better. The man grabbed her face and turned it towards him, stealing her first kiss. the girl pushed him off. "Dad! what the heck?!" She tried to move away but the man had her by the arm, and he pulled her down. "How old are you really? Don't think I haven't seen you looking at me with lust in your eyes." The girl kicked and struggled as she started crying. "Dad, I have no idea what you're talking about. How about we have this chat later. After you have taken a shower....or maybe when mom gets here." The little girl kept trying to push him off. But he was too strong for her. I rushed to the man and tried to push him off forgetting that I would only go right through him. "Damn it!" I cried out as I fell to the floor. Can no one help me? "You're mother doesn't need to know about this conversation." The man smiled as he held both of my tiny wrists in one hand and undressed the towel from me with the other. "Dad, please don't do this. I won't tell mom if you don't do this." I pleaded, he ignored me and began touching me with his dirty hands. My body became hot as I screamed for him to stop. Yet, despite my screams and tears he just kept going. When it became apparent that he wasn't going to stop, I stopped screaming. I stopped fighting, all I did was stare up at the ceiling wondering where mom was. My eyes roamed to my door and there I saw mom just watching from the corner. She was crying. Yet, she didn't stop him nor make a peep. Why? She's nothing but a fake b**ch. I hate her. Why was she even crying? Dad's not hurting her, he's too busy hurting me. I don't want to be here right now. I close my eyes and waited for him to stop. When I opened my eyes the house was once again empty. I was on the floor just staring at the ceiling. I got up and wiped my tear stained cheeks. I walked out of the house forgetting how the outside state was. It was a slap in the face by reality when I saw the outside. This was just a house, an empty house. No living thing would feel comfortable living in a house that has nothing. I took a breath of relief being thankful that I don't have to live that way anymore. That little girl is no longer me, I'm no longer there. I walked further down trying to clear my head of the scene that played so vividly in that house. I want to start fresh, a new life for me would do just perfectly. Despite, having such a horrid experience by walking into a random house, I went into another. This house was different. Instead, it was the opposite. The house looked well kept and clean from the outside. However, once I opened the door the inside was in ruins. Why were the houses like that? How could it be like that? I just hope I don't get another trip down memory lane. I walked in further, careful not to trip over the debris. I looked around in what I hoped to be the kitchen. On the floor hidden in a small corner kept from the eye, there was a small scroll. Out of curiosity I picked it up and opened it. As soon as I opened the small scroll a man popped out of it. "Ahh!" I screamed out. Dropping the scroll and moving away from it was the only thing I could think to do. "Don't run after freeing me. How rude." The man said as he walked closer to me. I turned my head to get a good look at the man who mysteriously popped out of a small scroll. He was tall, maybe 5'11 or 6'. He had jet black hair with fair skin. His clothing looked like he came out of ancient China. Wait, I recognized his clothing. Could he be from my world? I stopped moving to study him more. "Finally, I thought I was gonna have to force you to stop." He smiled at me making me blush a little. "What are you?" I asked trying not to get caught up in his face. "What?! You don't know? I'm what they call a Fortune." His answers only confused me more. "Huh!?"

There's a hidden meaning behind the houses....Let me know what you think. The person who gets it right will get a shoutout next chapter ^.^

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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