
The Choice Is Mine #13

Dan and I took the long way back to the after party. We hitched a ride with a confused girl who sometimes forgot her name. I suspect she's high. What was supposed to take 10 minuets took 20. We finally arrived at a wide open park near my house. "Well, I'm starting to think you want me to die." I speak in a low tone to Dan. "A little bit." He responded. I felt a vague icy chill run down my back when Dan said that. He could've kept that comment to himself. "Brace yourself." He said as he leaned in to steal a kiss. I pushed him off, disgusted in him even more so than I had already been. "Explain yourself." "Later." He smiled and left to join the party. I can't make out what's going through his head. He's an utter mystery to me. I join the party in hopes of forgetting his kiss. I would rather his brother over him, yet I still couldn't make out if he was committed to finding his brother or if he was just playing around. Either way I'm keeping a safe distance from him for now on. The party lasted at least 5 more hours before a concerned resident called the cops. That's when I got to see a magnificent sight. How fast a large group of teenagers can scatter and run. It's not like I wasn't running back to my house, it's just that it was so close by I got to watch as everyone scattered all over the place. "Wow, I guess they aren't jocks for nothing." I spoke to myself. "You said it." A female's voice popped out from behind me. I turned to see who invaded my home. It was Stacey. "Stacey?" I was more confused than shocked as to how she managed to sneak in my house without notice. "We don't got much time to talk." She said then slapped me asleep. I opened my eyes and tried to get up. But that's when I saw Stacey turn into a tree then to a boy. That's right that Nina wasn't traveling with Kevin's brother alone. I closed my eyes knowing that I could at least trust him. I entered the same dark room at which I am able to meet my other self. "Finally, you're body isn't trained well for me to do anything. Also, don't worry about that violent fish. She's under control now." There Nina was standing in front of me after appearing from thin air. "Are we going back to our original bodies?" I was defeated, I just felt exhaust washing over my very soul once I entered the dark space. "Looks like you won't be able to contact me for a while. Don't you think you're too weak?" Nina asked without any malice hidden in her voice. "You know, for some of us.....this is all too new and out of the ordinary." I struggled to stand as I defended myself. "Sit down. When you wake up, try not to use my magic. It'll only be worse from then on." I sat down and closed my eyes trying not to forget her warning. Have you ever been in a dream and fell fast asleep in your dream? In this case, that's exactly what I did. I began hearing whispers calling out to me. "Come" and "Look" Silent yet loud. they were coming in from all directions. "Please I need silence." I pleaded not sure if I was going to get what I begged for. A minute goes by before the whispers stop. I was now courted by a big bright ball of light. The size was that of a skyscraper. "How foolish does she think she is." It spoke. Great now this. "So you are the whispers that I heard when I first entered the dark room and the whispers I had asked to shut up." I smiled knowing that I was completely okay with losing my mind. "Yes." It said. I looked away for a split second and there I was greeted by another light. It was a strange light, although it shun brightly....it was dark and felt as though it was ready to swallow up everything in it's path. "And what are you?" I questioned, this time around I wanted to know as much as I could. "The one you can't control." This ball of light had no mouth yet I still felt a smile coming from it. It gave off a creepy vibe. "It's time for you to choose. In you're world magic has been done. Whether it was by you or by the other you the world must maintain a balance. You can no longer live as a normal human." The white light spoke. "Indeed, and which ever you choose will determine your fate." The lights were taking turns explaining. "You have been kissed by both entities. You can only have one." I looked at the white light and began realizing what exactly it all meant. "Only one must survive." The dark light liked to move around me a lot. It was studying me. "Now choose." The bright light shun brighter making the dark light stop moving. "What can you do for me?" I asked the bright light. "I can give you no guarantees, the only thing I can do is keep you safe." I felt a sense of security locked in the bright light. I wanted to choose it now. "And you?" I held back my impulse. "I can grant anything you want. For a price of course." I felt a sense of power surging through the dark light. "Let me guess, You are a shield. Whereas you, you're a sword." The two balls of light formed into just that. The bright light formed into a shield, while the dark light formed into a sword. "To see our cores is no easy task. I want you more and more. Choose me." The sword laughed. "A sword is only as dangerous as the holder, one must know what they are fighting for, for a sense of peace to wash the sins." The shield spoke. How wise, and gentle. But being wise and gentle got me nowhere. I don't want to be pushed around all the time. However, the shield can offer me safety...I know what I'm choosing. "Your heart said it all." I woke up in a carriage staring at Ann who was sticking to the ceiling. "So you're up." She said as she plopped down on me. "Ann what are you doing?" I screamed a bit as I moved her body off of me. Ann flung back crashing into Kevin, JJ, Hamble, and the green skinned girl from the alley way. I looked at Ann in amazement. One thing I didn't mean to do was harm her. I just wanted her off.

Hey people from Argentina! I got a question for you.....hehe @>^<) What power did she end up picking? The Bright light of shield or the Dark light the sword carries. Well other than that, what would you have chosen?

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Kittylittle_22creators' thoughts