
Back to school #14

I looked at Ann with utter disbelief. "Right it's hard for you now." She sat up. "Nina, my lovely-" Kevin was perky when he started the sentence, but towards the end he was more depressed and disappointed to look me in the eye. "No idea what you're talking about." I finally spoke. Hamble and JJ pushed the little girl and Ann to my side. "Now that she's up, you don't need to sit on this side anymore." Hamble scorned. I looked at the little girl and remembered that she was from the strange town. "Did we abduct her?" I pointed to her as she sat next to me. "No, I came on my own will. Don't you remember?" She smiled at me. "We're going back to the academy. In case you forgot that as well. Also, it's good to have you back." JJ smiled. I stared at JJ confused....does he know? I'm Nina the human, there's no denying that his statement I do feel better. But, I'm human....not the Nina they know. "Ann report." I didn't realize it but I got used to treating Ann like a maid. "You used up a lot of magic in one day, made you sleep for a week. The group decided to go back to the academy to retrieve your Lily." Lily? Oh the magic book that I ran- left behind. "Why?" I looked at everyone hoping to get an answer from all of them. However, Kevin avoided my eyes. Why won't he look at me? "Because, you said we needed to get it." Ann was the only one talking to me at this point. What happened here? How long did she say I was asleep for? A week! No way. It was only a day when I switched bodies and had that....that.....I don't remember. The feeling of uncertainty washed over me as it became apparent that I had forgotten something really important. I stared out the small window in hopes of finding my lost memories by dozing off. Four minutes go by and I get no such luck. I guess it wasn't that important if I forgot it. We reached the academy. When I left the Academy two months ago the place was vibrant, loads of young creatures walking around and sparring. Now the academy looked like an empty husk of what once was. No students chatting on their way to class. No teachers flying above. Just the castle like building begging to be filled again. The first to get out of the carriage was Ann. She said she needed the air and pushed everyone else out of the way. Kevin followed after. Maybe I can get a chance to talk to him once inside. I rushed out the carriage making sure to not lose him to the building. "Is everyone out?" JJ called once he finally got out. "You're the last one man." Hamble arm locked JJ's neck. "Okay, we don't know if there is anyone who chose to stay here. For our safety I say we stay together." JJ instructed. I looked at him with fury slowly rising in my eyes. "No, where's the fun in that. I say we split up in groups of two and once we're all done we meet back out here." My plan was solid! Now I can get one on one time with Kevin. "KK, I agree with Nina. Then, since it was a girl who came up with the plan let the boys pick who they want to partner with. Strongest goes first." Ann added some extra rules. What! No! What if Kevin chooses to partner with Ann or the little girl? "Let's not do that for a change. How about weakest goes first." I gave a domineering smile letting Hamble and JJ know that I will most likely hurt them if they choose me. "But that-" I stared at Ann with a grudge in my face. "That's okay. Actually it's perfect. Wow why didn't I think of that?" Ann laughed the uneasy feeling away. "So, Hamble goes first." Ann finished talking waiting to see who he would choose. I went back to giving them evil eyes. "Just don't kill me Ann." Hamble said. Looks like Hamble can take a hint. "No promises Null." Ann gave him the evil eyes now. "Okay just remember we're friends now." Hamble said his last piece before walking in with Ann. "Well JJ, who do you pick?" I glared at him while doing my best to look as dangerously safe. "I choose" JJ looked at the little girl then back to me. I lifted my thumb up and slid it across my neck indicating that I will kill him if he chooses me. "Darcy. Wanna see the cafeteria?" JJ took her hand and ran off. "I guess that leaves just me and you." I smiled innocently. "You know I saw what you did to persuade him into not choosing you." Kevin face palmed himself. We finally walked into the academy. "So what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?" Kevin went straight to the point catching me off guard a little. I noticed that Kevin also kept his distance from me as though he was still avoiding me. "Straight to the point." I said a little too shy to discuss what's on my mind. "Well I wouldn't want to keep his woman waiting." Kevin did not look at me when he talked. "What are you talking about?" We walked along the long corridor letting it guide us further in the school. "The shield or the sword which did you chose?" Kevin spoke with a slight anger infused in his voice. "Kevin, have you lost it? I don't have a sword, let alone a shield. And why would I chose only one? Wouldn't it better to have both?" I moved closer to him trying to understand where all his anger was coming from. "That's disgusting Nina. You can't have both. And what it's worth now I know where my evil brother is." That's right! Dan! I forgot to tell Kevin. Maybe that's why I felt like I was forgetting things. "How did you know Dan- I mean misfortune wasn't here?" I was becoming more and more interested in Kevin and his abilities. "Did you think I wouldn't notice when my wife....ahem, when the other Nina was present." Kevin finally looked at me. "You may be the same person, but your eyes are different. Well it was anyway." Why does he keep saying stuff like that? I thought he wanted to pursue a relationship with me. What is he hiding from me? "Kevin I-" "Where are we going?" He interrupted me. I looked around to see if I was familiar with the surroundings. I've only been in here once before I decided to leave. Also, the fact that I didn't bother to explore wasn't helping me here. I didn't see anything remotely familiar to what I did know. "Hehe....I have no idea where we are now." I smiled awkwardly. "Wow, and here I thought you were a survivor." Kevin started throwing shade. What's up with him? "Kevin, I need you to explain to me why you're suddenly so cold." I demanded trying to figure out if I missed anything or forgotten anything else. "Cold.....you think I'm being cold. I would say I'm quite heated. But here you are saying I'm cold. Maybe I should've treated you coldly so I wouldn't be in so much....Nevermind." Kevin stopped walking. "I will split up and look for the others. I hope you find your precious Lily." Kevin turned back and began walking. No I can't let him go. He is the one good thing that came out of this world. I could always talk to him whenever I need to. A friend, a true friend that I could trust. I'm not letting go of that. I rushed up to Kevin and grabbed his arm. As soon as I touched him I was flung back to the wall. "~cough, cough~" I got up slowly.Whatever happened just now it hurt. What was that? "Do you see now? You didn't choose the shield. You chose the sword." I looked up at Kevin to see tears running down his face. "My brother may not have everything he wanted. But he now has the love of my existence. I thought, all you wanted was to be safe. But that wasn't enough for you. You know, the funny thing about good fortunes. It goes to everyone.....but not everyone chooses to take it." Kevin walked away after saying what he wanted to. Sword, shield, it rang a bell. But I still wasn't sure what it meant and why this was happening. "Oh boy, looks like the cat's out of the bag." A familiar young voice came into my mind. I looked around trying to see if anything, if anyone was around. "You know, for being the human version of my master. You sure are dumb." I couldn't see anyone around. "Where are you?" I started to panic. "Right in front of you." A small girl dressed in a fancy frilly black dress started to fade in view. "Lily!" I stood up straight "I never left your side. After all, it was my master's instructions." I gave Lily a hug knowing I needed one now more than ever. "You know, time may fool the reality of worlds, but it can never fool the heart. Come with me. A history lesson is what's needed." Lily waited for me to stop hugging her and lead me further down the path. We stopped at a wide dark wooden door. "Once inside you must let go of everything you once knew. Even my master could not enter as she pleases." Lily opened the door and went inside. What does she mean let go of everything. Does that mean I forget everyone I met and the short adventure I had. Am I really ready to let go. "What are you waiting for?" She called out from inside. On reflex I walked in. the door shut behind me. I saw Lily sitting down comfortably with a tea table placed in front of her. Inside the room looked like some rich girl's ideal tea room. "Good, what I'm about to tell you happened a long time ago. A really long time ago. so sit down and get comfortable." A chair floated towards me and set down near my feet. I sat down without saying a word. "It goes like this. There was an ancient village filled with magic and only magic. No creatures lived there for it was too dense in magic to support any life of creatures. Only magic strong enough to take human form could happily live there. So as you expect loads of new things were being discovered and used to play with. This story however, revolves around three kids. The first kid was an older twin brother, let's call him kid A. Kid A didn't have a lot of friends or luck for that matter. He spent most of his days alone with his head in his books. Unlike his younger twin brother, Kid B. Kid B was liked by all the towns folk and was also very smart. His future looked very bright. And for our final Kid, well she.....let's call her kid C. She was an outsider from the village, but still important. You see she was created by four of the powerful older folks, and was deemed a failed product. Even though she was born in the village, she was considered an outsider. Yet she didn't let that get her down. She believed that one day she could fulfill the task she was created for. All three kids would play together from time to time. Kid A and C really connected on a personal level over the fact that Kid A wasn't liked and Kid C was thrown out. Soon it became more than just playing. Kid C would stick to Kid A as he studied and practiced his magic. While Kid B would play pranks on Kid C. One night Kid B took his pranks a little too far. He thought if a thrown out product was happy being around his gloomy older brother. Then she must not know what happiness is. So He devised a plan to get Kid C away and out of the village so she can see sights new to her. Little did Kid B know. Kid C needed the mass energy that the village grounds generated in order to live. Kid B had told Kid C that his older brother wanted to meet her by a big tree in the forest. He gave her a map and sent her on her way. Kid C was very skeptical at first. But at last, she had no reason not to trust Kid B. So out into the woods she went. Following the map, she rejoiced when she finally reached the tree. She spent all night and unfortunately the rest of her life waiting for Kid A who didn't know he was even supposed to meet her. The next day both Kid A and B realized Kid C was nowhere to be found. Kid A and B looked all over the village calling out to Kid C. When night fell the two brothers met up once again. That's when Kid B explained his innocent prank. He told his older brother that he drew a detailed map to the tree and picked the path with least amount of danger. The news Alarmed Kid A. He knew that Kid C was not able to survive outside the village. Kid A made his little brother lead him to the tree, once they got there. They were greeted with Kid C's corps. Both of them mourned. Kid A swore to be the best he could be in order to find a way to bring Kid C back. While Kid B, went to the adults and had Kid C's body buried. Centuries passed and both the kids grew to be fine young men. Kid A's talent was put to use with a scary boss. While Kid B's job was simple. Just follow instructions from his benevolent boss. During his working days Kid A discovered a way to get Kid C back. However, her memories would be the price she would have to pay to come back. She might have a different personality and not be the same ever again. Yet, Kid A was willing to take the risk. Kid B found out what he was doing and took all the tools and materials to his benevolent boss. You see it was considered a taboo for anyone to bring a life back. Kid B's boss destroyed the tools and materials. Leaving an empty hole in Kid A's heart. Kid A now swore to kill his younger brother and waited for the right day. Once the time was right he struck. Almost finishing off his brother, Kid A hesitated. He saw his brother and remembered the days he played with him and Kid C. Kid A knew that Kid C saw his brother as her brother too. He didn't want to destroy her family. No matter how much it hurt him. Kid B's boss took that one moment of hesitation and locked Kid A inside a book. But that was after Kid A locked his brother inside a scroll. The scroll was the last and only piece left Kid A had to revive Kid C. Kid C was the words on the scroll created by love, time, hatred, and life. She was deemed a failed product because no words showed on the scroll. It was when Kid B got locked into the scroll that words appeared. But the words had no meaning. Just words to fill the empty space that Kid B had entered." Lily stopped talking to let me process everything. She magically made a cup of warm tea for me and gave me some more time to catch up. "Well now, Kid C. you won't get your memories back. But at least now you know the reason to their quarrel. It's up to you to do what's best." Lily sat up and walked me out of the room. So the reason why those two don't get along isn't because one was feeling selfish. It's because I had died. So then how is it possible that I'm alive now? "Lily, if I am Kid C....then how am I alive?" I started walking knowing the way back to outside. "When the empty words appeared, you were born." Lily was cold when she answered me. I noticed she was a bit annoyed. "Does this mean, I'm alive because of Kid B?" "You're alive because of both Kid A and B. It was Kid A's reckless behavior that lead him to attack his brother. And it was Kid B's selfishness and inconsideration towards his brother that got him stuck there." Lily transformed back into a book. "This is more comfortable." She sighed in relief. I walked with her outside the academy. There I saw everyone already waiting on me. "Where did you disappear to?" Ann asked as she jumped to my side. "I found Lily." I awkwardly walked up to the group. "Okay now that we got your book, can we continue our journey?" Hamble interrupted allowing me to run to the carriage. Dragging Kevin along. "Hey! Nina what are you doing? Let go!" Kevin struggled to break free from my grasp. "How are you even able to touch me?" He stopped struggling once he realized we made physical contact. "Get in." I opened the carriage door. Kevin went in as he was told and I followed after shutting the rest of the group out. I know who Kid A and B are supposed to be. I know....but if Kevin is Kid B wouldn't that mean he killed me? "You're the older brother right?" "What are you suddenly saying? Older brother? You know I'm the younger one." Kevin gave me a slightly angry face as he crossed his arms. "I need to go back to my world and stop your brother from doing anything else he will regret." I knew I needed to be by Dan then. In our brief moment together, I couldn't understand him. I couldn't do anything for him. Yet, he was looking for his brother to avenge me. He won't stop until he does. That I know. I open the carriage door letting everyone in. "Where to now?" Ann asked after looking around to study the situation. "To Earth."

Well, looks like the climax is coming.....I wonder what reaction Dan would have once he realizes who Nina is. (*0*) I'm super exicted for this.

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