
Is This For Real? #5

The four of us walked out of the abandoned town looking for more scraps. "By the way...What can you two do?" I asked Hamble and JJ. They turned to themselves, then back to me. "I'm a fire fairy. I can control heat and burn things." JJ said as he flicked a small batch of fire out of his finger tip. "I'm a Jack-o-lantern, I don't do much but my specialty is on blood and conjure magic." I wasn't expecting that from Hamble. He didn't demonstrate his power so I was left wondering if he has proper control of it or not. "We know about you Nina, but man I would love to see it!" Hamble's eyes quickly flickered as he became more and more excited to see my power. "Now's not the time..." I don't know if I put myself in this situation or if the other Nina's reputation made this situation inevitable. "Come on, please it's so rare to come across a cross breed. Just a little, please." JJ butted in. Rare? Why is it rare to have two magical things? "I guess I'm a rare case." I laughed and smiled awkwardly "I want to see too!" Kevin smiled as he looked straight at me. I struck a confusing look at him wondering why he would say that knowing damn well I'm human. "Later!" I gave him a cold stare letting him know I'm more than irritated with his response. It was after we had walked for an hour we stopped and made camp, that's when Hamble brought the subject up again. Can I try to get out of this? "Listen if I do something it'll be big and aiming towards someone." I said trying to avoid the awkwardness of not being able to perform. "What are you talking about, I heard you mastered all the spells the school could teach you. Just something small would do." JJ broke in. I can't avoid this! "I'm just not feel-" "Just believe in yourself Nina." Kevin stared directly into my eyes. He's good fortune, maybe he knows what he's talking about.....I took a deep breath and tried to think about how to do magic. I didn't get it. This magic thing was hard to comprehend. Kevin got up from the small fire we had built and walked over to me. "Give me your hand." I moved back not knowing what to expect as he stretched out his hand. I hesitated to take his hand but in the end, I gave in. "To do magic you don't think, you feel it. The Nina of this world was a wood element creature. In order to keep the order of the worlds you can do magic. Only in this world." Kevin spoke low so Hamble and JJ couldn't hear him teach me how it's done. "Let yourself open to the magic trying to get in you." Kevin then placed his hand on my shoulder and begin to slowly slide it back to my hand. I felt a strange warmth follow his hand down to my fingertips. Is this magic? "Listen to the magic sing it's song." Kevin's voice slowly disappeared as I heard tunes of life. It spoke to me through my body. It whispered to me to follow. It was beautiful, I ventured deeper within it to find the source of whispers. "Don't get- in, get sucked-" Kevin's voice could no longer be heard. What was he trying to say anyway? It doesn't matter right now. All I want to do is find the source of the whispers. "Grow." They whispered as I felt the warmth throughout my body. "Grow?" I said back in confusion. Grow from what? It took me a minute to realize I was no longer staring at some empty woods with a beaten up path. Instead, I was in a realm of my own. Pitch black surroundings and liquid running, spreading throughout the ground. Where am I? I thought to myself. Yet oddly enough I heard my thoughts outside of my head. "Hello again." I turned to look for the random voice that greeted me. "Who are you?" I asked a bit scared. I thought I was alone and yet someone was talking to me. I began walking so I could find the source of this voice. The whispers of the magic still remained. It confused me in not knowing which way I should go in order to find the other voice. "This again, you really gotta stop forgetting me." Again I saw no one and just heard the voice. It sounded like me, but I knew it wasn't me....unless. "Nina" I said taking the closest guess I can make. "Finally you remembered. Ok down to business. We don't got much time." "Wait, how are you doing over there? Did you manage to kill anyone. Or find anyone?" I wanted to know if she was living to better my life over there and if so would she want to switch once she's done? Cause I don't. "Shut up for once and listen. You have access to my magic right now, but it's not for show. I never did magic for someone's entertainment. I called you here to let them see why it's a bad idea to pressure you into doing anything. But I did not account for a two dimensional creature to be roaming around you. He's forcing me back to my original body. So we don't have long. I need you to hold your head up high and kill him." "What? Why?" I was hit with more confusion the more she talked. "How are you even here? What do you mean force you back to your original body?" I didn't know how to react to her sudden request. "Just do as I say I'm trying to he-" I couldn't hear her voice anymore. She had been cut off too fast and wasn't able to explain anything to me. The subtle calm whispers around me grew angry and fierce. "Leave" is what they now said. I was being pushed by a force out of the dark place I accidentally stumbled upon. "Now wait a minute. I-" "LEAVE!" It screamed forcing me to jump. I closed my eyes not knowing why anything was happening. When I opened my eyes I found myself back in the woods by the fire being held tightly by Kevin. Hamble and JJ were passed out on the floor with blood splattered on their faces. "What happened?"