
I Can Be What? #4

"What do you mean by Fortune?" I moved close to the mysterious man hoping to hear him better. "Tell me, since you freed me. What is it that you want most?" He smirked as he leaned in closer to my right ear. "You haven't answered my questions yet. What are you? Why were you locked up in a small scroll? And What do you mean by Fortune?" I started raising my voice so he can understand the severity in my tone. "Little human, you can fool anyone and everyone here. But not me. I am the once in a lifetime miracle that chances upon the human race. However, lately my twin brother Misfortune has been taking over. Let's not get started how he sealed me in the scroll in 2016. All I know is that I have been waiting for a human to find me once again." The man sat down on a big chunk of fallen debris. I took a seat next to him once I processed what he had said. "Wait, so you mean you are Fortune and you give miracles?" "I can only give miracles. Thus my name meaning good fortune. I am an ancient being that existed since long before the dinosaurs, me and my twin brother. At first I was gifted the position of Fate's right hand man. And my brother Misfortune, was told to sit beside Consequence." Fortune took a breath before he continued. "Yet, his ill content swallowed his pride whole. He tried to kill Fate, and failed miserably. Once he failed both me and Fate thought he was done trying to change things. We were wrong. My brother only grew hatred in his heart for me and waited till the perfect time to strike." Fortune looked down with such a painful and lonely expression that I couldn't help but to comfort him by patting him on the back. "Thanks, humans have always been kind to me." He chuckled a bit trying not to choke on his words. "So 2016 was the time to strike?" My curiosity took over has my mind couldn't think about anything else but what the rest of his story is. "Yes, the time when humans stopped believing in miracles the most. It was my weakest year. My brother had left Consequence to work with Misguided fate. Misguided fate has always been a random power that none of the big guys could fight by themselves. Plus Misguided fate had been locked away slowly working on getting the humans past their pubescent stage. So nor Fate, Time, and Love saw him coming." "Love? Love is a person? Girl or a guy? Or-" "Love isn't a person. Love has no shape or form. And I've never spent enough time with Love to understand him." Fortune looked at me with heavy eyes. "You said him!" I jumped and pointed at him only to make sure he knew I heard him loud and clear. "I need to identify a pronoun so it will be easier to understand. But if you're going to ask Love can shape-shift." Fortune put his arm around me and laughed. Usually, I would be completely uncomfortable with this. But I'm okay. "So I guess love will forever remain a mystery." "Well, for those who take time and put effort into it. He's not so much a mystery. But moving on, My brother knew that he couldn't kill off Fate nor me. And since humans and creatures here still believed in Fate, I was the next target. Once he barged in with Misguided Fate it became fair game from then. Fate and I fought what seemed to be a winning battle. However, out of nowhere Misguided Fate pulled out the chains of choice and bounded me. My brother then took that chance to take out the scroll of life and sucked me right in. I tried to escape but the hated duo had one last item to seal me in completely. It was the tape of memory. I had become nothing but a distant memory for all humans and creatures, thus my fate was sealed. Love, and Time arrived too late.The two of them chased away Misfortune and Misguided fate taking me with them. Fate then went to the strongest of all, Hope to save me. It was Hope that rescued me from the hands of my brother, and there I found out my one and only chance out of the scroll." Fortune stopped talking to gaze upon me. I felt a little uneasy and restless with his deep black eyes staring deep into my soul. "I'm guessing any human would've done the trick." I quickly broke the silence and uncomfortable atmosphere between us. "No, only one who's lived their life beating all of Misfortune's tricks and strives to have a miracle themselves. Only you." What was he saying right now? I moved his arm off me and moved away. "Fortune what are you getting at?" I looked him straight in the eyes to try to understand his sincerity in what he was trying to say. "Well, You can receive a miracle or....you can be my wife." He threw me a smile as he moved closer to me. Did I hear that right? I stood up and moved further away from him as I tried to process the words that came out of his mouth. What's going on with this town?! The first house that I went to was neatly empty and only brought back horrid memories while this house is uninhabitable and yet I found a man trying to be my husband...."Why?" I turned to him once I felt I got enough time to process the information he threw at me. "Oh you don't want to be?" Fortune looked down and dejected that I didn't instantly say yes to him. "I had my fill of guys in my life, I'm good. But why do you want me to be your wife?" I kept a distance from him just off of how touchy he was. "Because, I want a strong wife like you." Fortune moved closer to me, in response I moved back. "Keep your distance!" I yelled, at first he didn't listen, but after a while he stopped. "Why can't I be with you? I'm literally the only one who could keep giving you miracles" He started whining and sulking. "Then it wouldn't be much of a miracle." I walked towards the door to leave. "Oh you're right. Okay fine the proposition presented is sound. So what miracle do you want?" He began walking closer to me again. I haven't thought about what miracle I would want to receive let alone did I ever think I would get the chance to choose. "How does one decide that?" I open the door and walk out the house remembering to keep a safe talking distance. "Good question! Hmm? I never granted a miracle to anyone at the request before....I don't know." Fortune said proudly. "Then how am I supposed to claim my prize?" I walked down the path back to the other guys in hopes that they can see him too. "I don't know." I turned to Fortune with confusion stuck on my face. "What I do know is, I can make you my wife." Fortune rushed to me only to pick me up. "What the! Put me down! Put me down!" I struggled to break free from him. He moved quick when he rushed to me. I didn't see him move at all, even though I was staring directly at him. "Oh! You don't like heights?" He finally put me down. Then took advantage of the fact he got close enough to hold my hand. "HEY! Let go!" I kept screaming at him as I tugged away. "No" Fortune held onto my hand tighter indicating the impossible situation as to which he would listen to me. I shook my head and continued walking. We bumped into Hamble and JJ at the entrance of the town. "Nina....who's that?" JJ ran up to me. How am I supposed to answer him. Wait is it even out of the ordinary to be forcefully accompanied by Fortune here? "I'm Kevin, Nina's boyfriend." Fortune introduced himself. "Huh?!!" All three of us carried surprise looks on our faces. "Why are you surprised too?" Hamble looked to me with a little anger in his face. "No, he isn't my boyfriend." I tried to explain. "What are you talking about? We've been holding hands for awhile now." "That's cuz you won't let go." I raised my voice a little to let him know that our physical contact was never intentional on my part.