
A new class of Rick: Dragon ball

Follow the adventures of the self-proclaimed Rick Sánchez in the Dragon Ball universe or multiverse. Rick, now with a new dream, won't stop until he gets to the end of his life and says he's given everything. With a system that imparts knowledge. Can Rick make a wise choice? And more over, are you ready to witness the changes made throughout the universe? ____________________________ Sigue las aventuras de el autoproclamado Rick Sánchez en el universo de Dragón ball, o mejor dicho multiverso. Rick quien ahora tiene un nuevo sueño, no parará hasta encontrarse al final de su vida y decir que lo dio todo. Con un sistema que otorga conocimientos. ¿ Podrá Rick elegir sabiamente ? Y además, estás listo para presenciar los cambios realizados a través del universo? _____________________________________ Verfolgen Sie die Abenteuer des selbsternannten Rick Sánchez im Dragon Ball-Universum bzw. Multiversum. Rick, der nun einen neuen Traum hat, wird nicht aufhören, bis er am Ende seines Lebens steht und sagt, dass er alles gegeben hat. Mit einem System, das Wissen vermittelt. Kann Rick eine kluge Wahl treffen? Und sind Sie außerdem bereit, die Veränderungen im gesamten Universum mitzuerleben? ___________________________________ #Isekai #System #MartialArts #DragonBall #Multiverse #UniversBuildings #DojoBuilding #MoreThanOneProtagonist

minombre26_ · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Muten Roshi

'Honestly, I'm stupid.

Literally, I have a system that converts information into instincts, or rather, it turns me into the smartest man in the multiverse at will.

And I have used the system to pursue my dream of being a martial artist.

You might wonder, is there anything wrong with it?

No, absolutely nothing.

But I could literally, I don't know, modify my genes to be the new Sayayin of Krypton(stupid but common name for fanfictions) immortal physically and spiritually.

But if I do it, all the fun I can have by surpassing myself will be immediately gone, why do i ask myself? Well partly because I am super nervous, already before registration for the tournament.

I honestly want to say that I achieved everything through effort and dedication, but from the moment I used the system to buy the 6 styles, I no longer consider my efforts valuable, since to use it I only needed my physique to be up to par because by default I already know my limits.

That means that, once I bought how to make a space shuttle, would I automatically be a top space scientist?

I became the crystallization of the human race in the multiverse and I only cared about my ninja path.

But you don't need to yell it in my face, I have the power to be whatever I want and whenever I want, even if it takes a little time.

Only now I realize, I became a selfish bastard, because I want to do things my way to feel good about myself.

Now I am sad and happy!, but still being sad. It's a bitter feeling that I want to escape with alcohol.

But if I do, I'll get even closer to the bastard whose name I stole.

I don't want to do it, but to be happy I have to abandon the fucking system. What's the point of having it, and what's the point of having something you don't use?

Shit I'm so confused.

Should I consider myself a god now?

Why not?

At least from my race, right?

Why an homosapien human idiot becomes a god upon reincarnation?Since I know everything about humans, I would know what kind of god he is and how he transformed.

Of course, I can't do everything yet.

You would only need a way to use energy, power or technology to follow the steps.

In any case, now that I don't know what I want, I'll continue with what I wanted previously.

And it is being able to create my own martial arts school and become an indelible person in human history.'

"And for that I just have to sign here and fight in the test phase."

"Oh! I'm sorry, did you say something?" The man at the ticket office asked disinterestedly.

"Damn it Kakashi!" I exclaimed.

"Oops, I got to the wrong anime, fuck you, let's get this over with." I said as I signed my name.

And with that we move on to the tournament test phase, only those who pass will be acclaimed by the public.

From inside I caught a glimpse of Rockero.

As I approached I couldn't help but ask,

"Is the deal {Rick's rocker pants} still in effect?"

With that he turned in my direction and exclaimed

"Holy shit, that's not the fucking name! Did they not understand {the PRR alliance}?

And damn! who are you? "

Seeing my 1 meter 80 physique, anyone who discovers my age of 13 years would be paralyzed with shock, even in a world where you will find humans with the heads of a boar or a fish. It's too unsightly. Who would have the physique of a chinese Michelin doll copy? Square in shape with a pre-teen face. Feeling disbelief pass through Rockero's eyes, to recognition, straight to disgust. I couldn't help but get angry.

"What are you looking at with those eyes, old man!?"

"You! Just looking at you makes me want to quit martial arts."

'(Crash! (Sound of glass breaking)) Fatality!'

With wounded Pride and tears in the corners of my eyes I couldn't help but see myself as a helpless woman.

But that changed when we started listening to the couples that went up on stage.

My face like a lost soul changed to a fierce one. People around me could only take me seriously with a physique like mine.

"Hmpf! Ignorant, you'll only want to follow my path once you see the results"

With that said, he already knew that before impressing him, he would not accept his position in the alliance. Seriously, who names an alliance with the sound of a fart or trap musical tone.

I no longer had anything to say to him so I went to look for Muten Roshi.

Not before hearing in the background Rockero shouting, "I don't think soooo!"

As I approached Roshi who was standing surrounded by a space between competitors,

He noticed me immediately.

From doubt, to surprise, to disgust and even concern.

"Are you okay kid? Your body needs rest, it's about to explode."

"I wanted to present myself as a normal person, but now you don't leave me a choice, Me!..

Wait, he was expecting a different reaction."

He looks at me and I looked at him.

"Actually I'm fine, I'm also a martial arts practitioner.

I wanted to debut in the arena by giving a presentation to my creation, my physique looks like this partly due to my high intensity training in a short period, however I am ready to prove that my efforts were not in vain in the arena.

I see myself capable of reaching the final and I had planned to speak to you as an equal there, but since we are here, I would like to accept you as a teacher." I said as I bowed ninety degrees, in order to raise my head with longing a moment later.

Roshi's expression was one of understanding gradually changing to disgust.

'If I accept it, wouldn't he disown the girls?'

"I erg... I don't accept students without self-awareness"

'(Crash! (Sound of glass breaking))'

Well, picking up the bits of pride in her mind, he couldn't help but put on a confident face.

"Humpf! Is that so? Okay, take your time to choose."

Doing like nothing hapens thought about his next fight.

With the number 47 out of 64 participants he was sure that in the next few minutes he would be called to fight at least 3 times.