
A Muggleborn Serpent. [Rewriting]

The title may give you the hint, Read and enjoy. This story will start from 1963 (5 years before the Marauders enters Hogwarts)

Darkcrow8 · Bücher und Literatur
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83 Chs

Sorting Ceremony.

Great Hall, Hogwarts.

Blair was sitting beside DADA teacher, Strangely enough, he thought he heard cursing as soon as he shook hands with the new DADA professor. Minerva McGonagall came through the great hall door followed by the new firsties. Aurora, Melania and Sirius were standing together in the group, not far away from them was Harry talking to a redhead boy and a bushy-haired girl. Harry didn't know that Blair was a wizard. The kid only knew that he was a good friend of his parents.

He was more worried about Aurora because of her Surname. He wondered how others will react to this. Only Dumbledore knew about her real story. Everyone else only knew that she was an orphan and that it.

McGonagall began to call out the names of the students.

"Abbott, Hannah!" "HUFFLEPUFF!" "Bones, Susan!" "HUFFLEPUFF!" "Boot, Terry!" "RAVENCLAW!"

And the sorting ceremony continued, halfway through the list the Transfiguration professor suddenly stopped. Blair had a fair idea of why she stopped.

"Minerva please continue" Dumbledore also probably knew why she stopped.

"Ye...yes Headmaster, Aurora Gri....Grindlewald."

Whispers spread throughout the great hall.

"What! Grindlewald!"

"Who is she to Grindelwald."

"Maybe his granddaughter"

In this chaos, Aurora was looking at his father. She really was nervous. Blair had already told her how the others will react after knowing her surname and to just look at him if she is nervous. All three kids knew that he was not their biological Father. But that doesn't stop them from treating him like their father.

"SILENCE" Dumbledore shouted, Silencing every single student.

Blair gave Aurora a reassuring nod. She nodded back before walking towards the stool and wearing the hat. After half a minute the hat shouted Gryffindor. The hall was in silence. Blair and Dumbledore were the first one to clap followed by others. Blair smiled as she went to the Gryffindor table. She sat near a black-haired girl, who like most of the Gryffindors was looking at her with caution.

' I have to talk to her after they are settled into the dormitory.' Blair noted to himself before paying attention back to the sorting ceremony.

After a few minutes, it was Melania's turn, As expected The hat instantly shouted Gryffindor as soon as she wore it. She sat a little bit further away from Aurora as the sits we're already taken by others. Few of the Slytherins were in shock as it was a well-known fact that the House of Black was nearly extinct. The only remaining member with the surname Black was in Azkaban. It was Sirius's turn after Melania. This time more Slytherins were in shock as the House of Black which everyone thought was going to go extinct had 2 successors.Sirius calmly sat on the stool.

30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes. Sirius seems to debating with the hat as everyone waited in silence, After 1 more the hat finally shouted.


This time the Slytherins applauded loudly. Sirius looked at his sisters, There was reluctance in his eyes before going to Slytherin table seating beside a Blonde haired girl. Blair noticed the reluctance in his eyes.

'Probably wanted to be in the same house as his sisters, I will have to talk to him as well.'

Then Blair's eyes fell on Harry who was looking at him, His eyes widened while the redhead beside him was telling him something. Blair smiled while giving him a nod.

Harry's POV

"Ye...yes Headmaster, Aurora Gri....Grindlewald."

"What" Ron beside him shouted, But no one noticed it as the whole great hall was in chaos.

"What's the matter, Why is everyone surprised." Harry asked in confusion.

"Mate you might not know it, But in the wizarding world, Gellert Grindlewald was a dark lord who was defeated in 1945 by our Headmaster. he was the most feared dark lord until You-know-who rose in power. It is said that he was the sole heir of the Grindlewald family. There are 90℅ chances that she is the granddaughter or Great-granddaughter of the Dark Lord."


Harry saw as the girl sat on the Griffindor. He also saw how the other Gryffindors were treating her.

The sorting continued. Suddenly Harry's caught sight of a familiar figure sitting on the teacher's table.

"Uncle Blair? How is he here?"

"Who?" Ron asked.

"The person who is sitting beside the teacher who is wearing a turban"

"Don't tell me you know him,"

"He comes to visit me 3 times a week when I am leaving with the Dursleys, He never told me he was a wizard."

"Wizard? He is a war hero. Most of the Gryffindors idolize him. During the First Wizarding War, he alone was responsible for 25℅ of the death eaters casualties. He was like a Bogeyman of Death eaters. They feared him more then Dumbledore himself, There was 50℅ chance that you will survive if you go against Dumbledore, But Survival rate against Blair Bradley was less then 5℅ percent."

"But he looks so warm and friendly" Hermione who was standing beside Ron said.

"This is probably because of his children or he is just putting up a facade. My uncle said that during the wartime, The only emotions he saw on that man's was rage or coldness. He also told me that he hated Death Eaters with passion, No matter the number he would always be at the front. There were also rumours that the Death eaters tortured his only friend into madness when he was studying in Hogwarts." Ron said with admiration written all over his face....."I heard that he is a little bit weaker then Grindlewald, But who knows."

Harry was in disbelief. He never imagined that the person who had a gentle expression whenever he saw him had such a past.

Blair turned towards him and smiled warmly before giving him a nod.

Blair's POV

After Sirius, the sorting ceremony went quietly. If you ignore another uproar when Minerva called out Harry's name. After the sorting ceremony, Dumbledore stood up and gave his wacky speech. Blair sighed, By now he was used to this.

After the dinner, Blair stood up.

"Blair can you please stay behind for a minute."

Blair again sat on his seat watching everyone leaving. After half an hour there was no one in the great hall aside from him and Dumbledore.

"Well, that went well."

"But the Gryffindors are treating him like she is some Dark lady in training." Blair sighed.

"Well children are insensitive, It will take time but she will be welcomed after that, You don't have to worry, Gryffindors are known for their bravery." Dumbledore said calmly.

"You know some curious students will try to see what's on the third floor after hearing you extremely sensible speech."

"Well thank you for your compliments. As for the curious students, I will tell Flinch to guard that floor in the night."

Blair nodded before getting up from his chair and started to walk towards his quarters in the North tower.

"Ohhh Blair please go a little bit easy on the Gryffindors in your class. In their defence, they are children. Just give them time."

Blair didn't say anything he quietly left the great hall. Dumbledore alone sat in the Great Hall thinking about something.