
2. Bus

Oh right! Bus-san! How can I forget it.. in vechile popularity, Bus-san rank third after Truck-san and then Train-san.


Umm.. does popularity in cartoon works?

You see, I am certain every child in the world knows me. How can you dont know a certain cartoon about car racing?! My species popular in that way! But, I also want everybody in this world knows me! Especially you! Yes, you isekai novel reader!

Just for your information, Truck-san really famous in isekai novel. Train-san famous in every manga, cartoon, novel, umm.. especially in genre mystery and school life. Bus-san famous in cartoon but sometimes it appeared in isekai novel or mystery novel.

So, you know how great they are right?!

Hmm... you wanna ask why Train-san not as famous as Bus-san eventhough it appeared in many novel genre? Who ask Bus-san have more aura than Train-san?!

Oops, my mind leaking there. I am sorry Train-san!!!

"So honest~ so cute~ so innocent car-san~ you don't have to be popular you know~"

"Ah, Bus-san. Annoying as always huhh"

"You are already popular in my heart, you know~"

"Just your heart is not enough"

"How mean~ Ah, come to think of it, I remember you are the cause a lot of character's amnesia~"

"Oh you are right! But not every protagonist got amnesia because of me! Eh? Why don't I make every protagonist amnesia so I have more screen time?!"

"No, No, No.. It's not solution my dear~. Everyone will be bored if you do that"

"But Truck-san always fo that! And not everyone got tired of it!"

"Well~ It is Truck-san you know~ The infamous TRUCK-SAN"

"Hmm.. then, just tell me how to 'accidentally' kill protagonist, Bus-san. Do you kill him because he is protagonist?"

"Yes~ You have to see their protagonist's halo~"

"Halo? Like aura? Did you see that?"

"Who knows~"

Argh! This is why I don't want to speak with this Bus-san! It always tease me!

"Speak truthfully!"

"Eh~ I don't want to~"

And then with the speed of light it is gone.




Don't tell me Bus-san didn't want me to be popular? Eh? Am I such a threat? The number two famous sees me as a threat!

Muwahahahhahaha! As expected of me!

"Car-san become narcisst" said Plane-san who appear nowhere

*sigh "Plane-san, do you have dimensional gates?"

"Narcissism is not good for society"

"Hellow? Do we speak the same language?"

"Shut up outer. I am speaking to Car-san's inner self"

Wha- what an arrogant word. So you mean the me right now is not me?

"Car-san inner self is an unexpected narcissist"

"Don't judge me! I don't have multiple personalities!"

"Who said that?"


"Come one Plane-san, don't put such a dry joke. It's not funny at all. Ha Ha Ha"

"According to theory in psychology, the one who have multiple personalities didn't realize that they have it. So, the you right now who didn't believe it, is not suprising at all"

"No. No. No.Don't put such serious face in this novel otherwise we will discussing psychology theory here"

"Bring it on"

*sigh "Plane-san you really like to speech an out of topic... You almost traped me..."

"Its my nature to speak like that. Who is at fault here. I don't have somebody to speak in the sky"

Plane-san is so pitiful.. I have to speak with it more but... We really speaking out of context.. who can explained it to reader if this chapter doesnt have plot at all? my popularity is at stake here!

"You just have to believe to author"

"You read my thought again!"

"Blame your face"
