
Chapter 7: Truth or Dare

The next couple of days felt even more peaceful. Aiden was coming in almost every two days. It was just like our usual gatherings as our little group. But now, we had one more soul.

Sometimes, after getting tired of eating, I would stand up and put my elbows on the railings. He would also come and stand next to me, and we would have small conversations. They were comforting, rather than being forced.

By that time, I figured that he knew about my previous job and probably what happened. Because I didn’t explain it to him, he was avoiding the topic.

He also witnessed me rejecting calls, or automatically turning my phone over on the table. He was a kind, sweet man and didn’t say anything to me about it. But I noticed his extremely observant and suspicious side at the club that night. That is why I was sure that he knew something was off.

One day, while the others were inside, we were in our classical position and talking about Vito and my late dog. I heard my phone buzzing, but I didn’t move.

"You’re not gonna take that call, I assume," he said after a while.

"It’s not necessary," I tried not to sound bothered.

"I guess the other person doesn’t know that yet."

He looked at me.

"I guess some people are not open to learning," I looked away and thanked Enzo silently for calling us inside for a funny commercial he was looking forward to showing us.

But I knew that it wouldn’t take long for him to get even more curious. And by that time, I realized that he was looking at my phone from time to time. He was thinking about those calls.

Di, Elena, and Enzo were not asking questions. They preferred to sit back and watch Aiden and me, having more and more conversations and texting almost every day.

But one time, Di suddenly asked a question.

"What do you think about Aiden?"

We were finally resting on our couch after cleaning our house. I was checking my social media and thinking about work.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You know what I mean," she raised one brow. I took a deep breath.

"He’s a good person, I think."

"That’s it?" she laughed.

"What do you want me to say?" I straightened myself.

"Lara, I think you like him," she said with a big smile.

I froze and after a while, a little murmur came out of my mouth, "No I don’t."

Di laughed. "It’s okay, he’s gorgeous, intelligent, and kind."

"Di, no." I shook my head. "I’m not into him like that."

"I’m not referring to a relationship, silly," she came closer to me. "I’m just saying that… I think he’s good for you. You’re laughing more now, you’re more… Open." She held my hand. "And I’m just glad to see that."

"Really? Am I?" I asked my voice full of surprise.

"Don’t you feel lighter? Even when Max calls, you just get over it in a second and continue laughing with us. And I missed seeing you like that."

"Well, I feel better, yes," I had to confess.

"And that’s even more valuable than having a relationship."

"It may be. But I don’t know him yet. I don’t even know his daily routine, his family, anything!" I complained.

"But you want to," she emphasized every word.

The next place I saw him was at his place on his request. He owned a big house, with a small garden. It looked like a mansion next to our little apartment.

Elena came up with the idea of playing spin the bottle, but instead of kissing we’d play truth or dare with whoever it landed on. I just prayed that I would be able to ask him questions to get to know him better.

The interior was extremely well thought out. Every piece of his furniture looked like they were chosen carefully and complemented each other. It had navy blue, cream, and burgundy tones in it which looked classy and simple.

And Vito had a comfortable-looking bed, which made me smile.

"I am one hundred percent sure that you hired an interior designer for this look," I said as we walked toward the table to play.

"Then you would be one hundred percent wrong," he smirked.

"So?" I asked. "Did you choose everything by yourself?"

"I see you have your doubts," he said raising one brow. He looked really sweet when he did that.

"Of course," I rolled my eyes and laughed.

“Well you will be surprised to know, I did pick everything out myself. And put it all up myself,” he said smiling from ear to ear.

I sat down and nodded my appreciation at his good taste.

"Did you buy the entire bakery, Aiden?" Di asked surprised when she sat down at the table. There were so many desserts on it. They looked amazingly delicious.

"Not even close," he chuckled.

He sat down next to me. While Enzo was making jokes we looked at each other and laughed. While Elena was complaining about her school, our eyes met to show our surprise.

Di brought the empty bottle that we drank wine from, and put it on the table. "It’s time, the truth will come out," she said with a fake scary tone.

The first round was Enzo and Elena. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth," Elena chose.

Vito jumped on me and I kissed his head.

Enzo looked at his sister and was deep in thought. Then he asked with a straight face. "Do you really feel satisfied with your job?"

Elena was surprised. Even I knew that Elena was not satisfied with her job. He knew what her potential was, and he thought she was wasting it at that school with basic math.

"I mean…" she was startled. "I am."

"Really?" Enzo persisted.

"Yeah, why did you ask that?" Elena sounded nervous.

"Because I don’t think you do," he said shortly. Enzo was the joker in the group. So when he got serious about something, we would all feel it deeply.

"You can only ask one question," Di intervened with a fake smile. Elena and Enzo clearly didn’t hear her.

"Yeah, I complain a lot but it doesn’t mean that I’m not happy there! I don’t have to have the same job as you, Enzo." Elena’s eyes got teary.

"That’s enough. Let’s spin the bottle," I said and touched the bottle.

"All I am saying is, you deserve more than that. Because you could and still do many great things." Enzo kissed her on the head even though Elena was annoyed. I would talk to Enzo later.

. The next round was Aiden and Di. I trusted her question-choosing skills.

"Well, well, well," she said with a smirk. "Isn’t that a good combo?"

"Bring it on," he smiled. He put his arm on my chair.

"Truth or dare, my friend?"

"Dare," he said without hesitation while grinning at me. And that showed me what would be our biggest difference.