
Chapter 6: The Master

I knew that Di was curious about everything that happened that night. Normally she would directly ask, and I would directly answer. But now, she was trying to give me more space and involved herself when needed.

She knew I needed my space and sometimes answering questions would not be different from reliving memories.

After that night, even though I sensed some whispering or talking in secret between Enzo, Elena, and Di, I preferred not to say anything. I just tried to get over it, finding my peace again and finishing an article.

I was at the office chatting with Pri, who was actually supporting me through the adjusting process. But I realized that I was more cautious with people now. After what happened before. And what's still happening.

I called my parents. Family was a truly blessed thing. Talking to them was cleansing to me, reminding me of who I was. But missing them was hard. Not being able to accompany them even in small moments was heavy. But I was thankful we could video chat and at least still see each other’s faces.

Enzo texted in our group chat. "My pancakes, are we meeting tonight?"

"Yeap," I sent.

"Is Aiden coming?" Di asked.

"Yeap," Enzo sent.

My heart rate instantly increased at the thought of seeing him again.

When I got home, Elena was already there, Di would be late and Enzo was shopping for snacks.

"Hey," she greeted me. "How was work?"

"Every day passes by with me trying to be productive. But only on a few of those days do I succeed," I chuckled.

"Writing is tough, I understand," she laughed and moved her hands like she was surrendering.

"What are you preparing?" I asked.

"Well, a cheese plate sounded good to me. And little sandwiches!" She showed one of those with excitement. They looked cute.

"They’re so sweet!" I approached her. "What shall I do?"

"I think Aiden would love your yogurt soup, he should taste it." She smiled mischievously at me.

"Then he wouldn’t be an exception, cause everyone loves that soup," I said with a smile.

After an hour, Di came home and hugged me as soon as she saw the pan on the counter. It was love between her and the soup.

I went to my room to get ready. Normally if only Enzo was coming, I would wear my pajamas. But with someone else, I couldn’t do that. And the clothes I wore for work would look too serious.

Why was everything hard? Why didn’t I have anything to wear?

I counted on my lilac dress. Not too much, not too little. What about makeup? No. What was I doing? I didn’t need anything extra. I told myself I wasn’t getting ready for him.

"You look good," Di said with a big smile.

"Is it too much?" I asked with puppy eyes.

"Not at all!" she said. I trusted her.

When the doorbell rang, I was putting nuts on the plate. Our kitchen was open, and after passing the door you were suddenly in the living room and kitchen. It was a small but practical house.

So when Enzo and Aiden entered our house, they were suddenly near me and looking at me. Vito started smelling everywhere.

"Hey," I smiled. "Welcome," I was glad that I didn’t forget to say that. "You didn’t forget Vito," I said calling the dog over to me.

"Thanks," he said, and just when he was about to say something, Di interrupted him without knowing.

"Welcome Aiden, this is our beautiful house, " she said as she opened her arms wide.

"Yes, this is where they plot to kill me," said Enzo. We all laughed.

I pet Vito while he was close to me.

"You didn’t need to prepare anything," Aiden looked at the table on the balcony.

"It’s nothing," said Elena and sat down. I brought nuts to the table. Vito chose to sit on the couch instead of exploring our little house. I petted his head again on my way to the table.

"Except for the little sandwiches, this is our usual table with Lara," explained Di.

"Yeah, I just tried a new recipe I found, so just prepare yourselves," said Elena while laughing. Enzo faked concern.

"But we can always count on the soup," Enzo said and moved his hands like he was praying. Di and Elena whispered, "the soup." I couldn’t stop laughing.

"What about the soup?" Aiden asked with curiosity.

"The soup, my friend, is the savior of all people who live alone, who have a stomach ache or are just simply in the need of a good soup." Enzo was talking in such seriousness that I almost believed him.

"Enzo, it’s just soup," I said while laughing.

"And here’s the master of the soup," he gestured to me with his hands. "Coming from Turkey, from far away lands, to bless us with her soup."

Aiden was surprised but he couldn’t help but share a laugh with us. Our eyes met for a while, they were more friendly today, less challenging.

"So, this is the best soup on the planet and I would be staked if I don’t like it?" he asked with a smile.

"Aiden, you wouldn’t leave this house alive," said Di. She was the biggest soup fanatic in the group.

"To the master," said Aiden slightly inclining his head, while still looking at me. "I’m ready," he smiled big.

I poured the soup into his bowl. We were all waiting for his reaction. But he seemed to enjoy the attention. He finished the whole bowl and looked around.

"This is the best soup I’ve ever had," he said. We all clapped for him.

"Welcome to the club!" Elena shouted.

I actually enjoyed his conversation. He was attentive, and kind, and paid attention to all of us.

"So, you had only one class together in college and you became friends? I had tons of classes with people and I didn’t know them!" Di complained.

"Well, that was my plan but Enzo knows how to be friends even with a rock, so I couldn’t escape," said Aiden.

"But we didn’t know you existed, so you didn’t meet regularly?" Elena asked.

"He’s a busy man, what can we do?" Enzo answered.

"Enzo said you’re a software engineer," I said while putting my chin on my hand.

"He’s right. And I’m sure it’s more comfortable than his job," he looked at Enzo.

"And mine? No way. We don’t sit all day and look at a black screen," Di jumped in. They argued for a while about it. Then, he looked at me suddenly.

"What do you do, Lara?"

"What do you think?" I asked.

"A chef?" We all laughed at that.

I noticed that Di and Enzo were a bit cautious when I talked about my job. But somehow, talking about it didn't hurt. Even though I dismissed the biggest details, talking to a stranger who doesn’t know anything about me yet was comforting.

"Do you like it here? After Turkey?" he asked.

"I actually do. The cloudy weather is my kind of thing," Enzo and Elena made disturbing sounds.

"Us Hungarians, never shine without sun," said Enzo.

"Well, Moldova’s weather is closer to here, so I don’t mind," said Di.

"How did you get Vito?" I asked after a while.

"I found him in the street. A child was trying to give him away," he explained.

We talked a lot that night and I learned new things about him. At least, it felt that way. After that night, after so many laughs and jokes, he didn’t feel like a dark, unreachable person. He felt more real, like a normal person with memories, preferences, likes, and dislikes.

I felt more content with myself, too. Because now, someone who was on my mind for a while, was not alarming at all.

Before trying to go to sleep in the early lights of the morning, I was thinking about his last words.

While he was leaving, Di asked, "When you’re coming again, Aiden?"

He looked directly at me. "For that soup, even tomorrow feels late," he smiled.

I looked away while blood rushed through my face. He really knew how to make me like that and that made me blush even more. Now, the hardest part was waiting for his next visit.