
Chapter 46: Someone

‘’How long do you think will it take for them to find us?’’ I asked while I was rubbing my eyes. I’d dozed off along the dark road. It was around 3 o’clock in the morning.

Max was still driving with full focus. I knew that he wouldn’t be able to sleep. I knew him all too well.

‘’Not long,’’ he said while looking at the road. ‘’Did you sleep fine?’’

‘’Nightmares are coming back,’’ I said. He knew that I would always have nightmares if I experienced something negative in real life.

‘’Do you know how Sophie died yet?’’ I didn’t want to ask but the words came out of my mouth anyway.

‘’Car crash. I talked to her sister on the phone,’’ he moved uncomfortably. ‘’Also, I need to tell you something about Sophie.’’

I got curious. ‘’What is it?’’

‘’You know how she always tried to get us back together,’’ he stole a glance at me. I nodded. ‘’It’s because she was feeling guilty.’’

‘’Why would she feel guilty? It wasn’t about her,’’ I shrugged.