
Chapter Two

5 yrs later

"I have just received yet another call from Arizona!" Roy said

"What did she do this time?" Jackson said chuckling in disbelief

"Apparently she broke a guy's nose"

"Seriously?! Damn!" He said chuckling as Roy have him a sharp eye

"I mean damn-bad-girl" he said trying to cover

"Anhaaa" Roy said and rolled his eyes "well she has finally been expelled.She has to move back"

"No!! Cant she just be allocated to a different school?!" Jackson protested

"Jackson! You can't protect her from everything forever,besides if It's her safety your worried about,then here is the best option"

"She can't know the truth yet"

"Not now.but we will tell her.She has every right to know the truth,you were told younger than her right now and you handled it fine"

"Ok uncle,but we're not telling her anything until we are sure of its identity.We can't risk it"

"That is fine. I will book her flight right now" uncle Roy said and heading to his room

"Ahh Aliyah,you finally got what you wanted" Jackson said to himself

Meanwhile in Arizona

"I demand to talk to my brother!" I yelled at the guards in my apartment

"Ma'am,we were told that you shall receive a phone call soon.And that's that" one of them replied calmly

"You can tell them-I won't stop until I get what I want even if it means moving to the fifth school" I said in rage and paced luxurious living room.

I was snapped back from thought as one of the men's phone rang and he picked up

"Yes boss"the man said over the phone then handed it to me

"Hello" I said

"My lovely niece-" was what he said for me to realize who I was talking to

"Uncle Roy,I wanna return to Seattle.5years is long enough don't you think?" I asked firmly

"Yes Aliyah we got your message.Did you really have to go to such extreme though?" He asked

"I will do further more if you keep transferring me to more schools" I threatened

"Calm down now,there is no need for that.your flight is already been booked for tomorrow morning,we'll be expecting you then"

"Finally!Thank you uncle"

"Of course,Now please stay out of trouble in the next couple of hours"he pleaded

"I can't make any promises"I teased and handed over the phone to the man

"Just like her mother this one" Roy said to himself "keep an eye on her,you will escort her to the airport tomorrow morning,is that clear?"

"Yes sir" he responded and the call ended.

The following morning,just an hour before midday,Aliyah's flight landed and was received and escorted by some other similar looking men to a car,and was drive home.

"I'm finally home"I said to myself in exhaustion as I looked around

After my parents death,Uncle Roy did move in with us,I went into a mere state of shock with the news,it was never clear to me what happened,all I knew is what I heard that night and that I would never see them again. Two weeks after the funeral,Jackson suggested I go study somewhere else as a way to start over.I objected at first,but being in that house,seeing there pictures everywhere,passing by there room,every day was torture. I was still having a hard time accepting there death so in the end I agreed.

It started off great at first,a new school,new friends,a brand new city.Arizona is beautiful,but it wasn't home.I carried on with my training as of my late father's wishes until I turned eighteen.I wasn't very tall a mere 4'2",my raven black hair had grown to my back.Apart from that I would say I still looked the same.I was finally ready to face our home.And move forward.

We got home and it was just as I left it,I inhaled deeply at the sight of it,there were more cars added and my parents jeep was still there.I got off the car was led inside,as I got in I couldn't help but look around as the memories of that night came flashing back.

"Aliyah!" Uncle Roy said coming in for a hug which snapped me to reality

"Hello uncle Roy" I said hugging him back

"Look at you,your a grown woman now!"

"Well am sure someone would beg to differ" I teased as Jackson appeared from the kitchen

"Baby sister!" He teased coming towards me

I almost couldn't believe what I was looking at,it was Jackson but,not the little man I left 5 years ago.He was now 21 with a similar drafted tattoo on his left arm just like dad's,He's body had incredibly built up too,The resemblance to our father was now undeniable

"Come here!" he said taking me in for a hug

"I missed you soo much Aliyah"he added

"Ohh really"I mocked "so much so I had to punch my way here" I said

"That was awesome by the way! Preferably your best stunt" he whispered with a chuckle causing me to smile in disbelief

"Is my room still around or did u turn it into a store or something" I teased

"Well actually the laundry room,but you can barely smell my socks now" he teased back

"Aghh Jackson!!" I complained and he laughed

"Go ahead,your luggage is already there" uncle Roy said

"Thank you uncle" I said and heading up to my room

Everything was as I left it,except for the neatly made bed.

"I can't believe time has passed this much" I thought to myself as I stared at my photos

After looking around I went to mom and dad's room,it was also neatly maintained,with there wedding photo on one side of the bed and our family photo on the other.

"There hasn't been a day that I haven't thought of you guys,I miss you soo much" I said to myself wiping the droplet streaming my cheek.I went back downstairs after having arranged my room and clothes for some lunch.

"So what can I do here?" I asked as we dined on the table

"Go back to school" uncle Roy replied casually

"What?!" I asked

"Yes little sister,your credentials and report have already been sent to Westview high and you have been accepted.You start class on Monday" he said with a coy smile

"That's tomorrow!! I just got back!" I complained

"You better get some rest then" he casually said whilst eating

"That's not fair,I did all of that just to get back here into another school!! How comes Jackson isn't even going to college?!"

"What you did wasn't acceptable either young lady? You got what you want but you will still be going to school of course!" Uncle Roy said

"And who said I don't have school either ,I study my courses online while having job" Jackson added

"Well I could also do that and find a job!" I protested

"Absolutely not! Your just eighteen! Besides you only have senior year left and outstanding grades,why the retaliation?" Jackson asked

"You will go to school Aliyah,you will take a car of your choice,once you get used to everything and show changed behavior,then we'll discuss your curfew and you getting a job" uncle Roy said

"A curfew?!"I repeatedly asked

"Yes a curfew! It's not safe these days"he said

"So that's why we have more men than the president?" I asked sarcastically

"What did our parents do exactly for us to receive such treatment?" I asked as the door opened and a guy came in

"Hello father! What's up Jackson" he casually said heading for us

"Thank God for your timing bro" Jackson said to himself as he sighed in relief

"Austin! My man!" Jackson said as they fist bumped and stood beside him

"Aliyah,this Austin. He's like a son to me" uncle Roy explained

"I thought I was your son,dad?" The guy teased

"Hello nice to meet you"I said turning to look at him and he froze for a moment looking at me, then shook my hand

"Pleasure is all mine" he then casually said

"Austin goes to Westview as well,so he'll show you around"Jackson said "no big deal,right?" He asked Austin

"Of course.I could even pick you up in the morning" he politely offered

"Yes,that would be for the best. Your documentations including your license are still yet to arrive" uncle Roy said

"Sure." I said emotionless "it's not like I have a choose anyways" I replied getting upset from my seat and heading upstairs

"Is she okay?" Austin asked

"She's fine. She does have a temper though,be careful" Jackson teased

"We'll be fine in no time" Austin reassured "how's the investigation going?" He asked

"We're getting close.But we have to be extra careful with what we say now,Aliyah can't know about anything just yet,so think carefully what you say to her" Jackson said

"Understood"he firmly replied